Create. Train. Earn.

Apply your innovative methods to train millions of professionals across the globe,
and become a brand in technology training.


Get Exposure

We have 5 million+ readers per month across the world. If you would like to share your knowledge, we have the audience. As an author, you can have the flexibility to write when you are available.

Share Experience

You may choose to write on any topic in the area of your specialization. However, we prefer articles related to the web development, mobile development, cloud computing, data science, or project management etc.

Earn Money

We understand the effort it takes to write a blog post, therefore we pay to the authors who contribute to our articles. For more details, write to us at

Who can become Author?

We always welcome having new authors to join our community. They must be expertise in a particular field such as web development, mobile development, cloud computing, data science, computer science, or project management. They should be desire to produce quality content with actionable advice that readers can apply in their real projects.

Working with Us

Your relationship with our editors needs to be managed effectively. Here are some important things to bear in mind:

  1. Deadlines are important. If you are unable to meet the scheduled deadline, please inform to the editor as soon as possible.
  2. Proofread your article draft before submission. A clear structure will make the editorial process easier (and quicker) for the both of you.
  3. The article structure should be as :

    1. Compelling Title : Providing a compelling title to your article as per your readers need.
    2. Introduction : Paragraphs presenting an idea that supports your viewpoint.
    3. Content : Paragraphs presenting your context.
    4. Conclusion/Summary : Paragraphs concluding what you've said.
  4. Do not take feedback as a personal attack. Editors will always provide feedback that is constructive and improve the quality of your article.
  5. Show a passion to teach the world online. Your Main goal should be knowledge sharing.


We take plagiarism very seriously at DotNetTricks. We use Plagiarisms to ensure all articles are original. If you have blatantly plagiarized your article from another writer, we will find out and you will automatically be removed and blacklisted in our list of authors.

If you wish to cite another source to better explain your viewpoint, please properly credit them in the article by linking to the original source.


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