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Free DSA Online Course with Certification | Learn in 21 Days

83 Videos

Self-paced Course

18 Notes

Quick Notes

54 Labs

Hands-on Labs

Free Data Structures & Algorithms Course Overview

Ready to improve your coding skills? Our Free Data Structures & Algorithms Certification Course is useful for anyone wanting to learn the fundamentals of DSA. Whether you're a beginner or looking to improve your skills, we'll take you through fundamental concepts like arrays, linked lists, stacks, queues, and more complex topics like trees and graphs.

You'll also learn about important sorting, searching, and dynamic programming methods, as well as how to use Big-O Notation to optimize your code. By the end, you'll be confident in tackling problems efficiently and prepared for coding interviews or competitions.

In addition, you will receive a Certification to show your DSA skills & stand out in the tech industry. Ready to start? This course is aimed at advancing your coding skills!

    Why Learn Data Structures & Algorithms?

    1. Improve Problem Solving: Create logical and efficient solutions to challenging problems.
    2. Expert Interviews: Essential for passing technical interviews at top organizations.
    3. Simplify Code: Develop applications that are faster, more efficient, and scalable.
    4. Boost Competitive Programming: Gain an advantage in coding competitions and hackathons.
    5. Advance Your Career: DSA expertise is a highly appreciated ability in technical professions.
    6. Build Foundations: Get ready for complex topics like AI, Machine Learning, and Big Data.

    Top Career Options After Learning DSA

    1. Software Developer: Build efficient and scalable software.
    2. Data Analyst: Analyze and process large datasets.
    3. Backend Developer: Create robust server-side applications.
    4. AI/ML Engineer: Develop intelligent models and systems.
    5. Systems Architect: Design scalable and efficient systems.
    6. Database Engineer: Optimize and manage complex databases.

    Tools for Learning Data Structures & Algorithms

    1. Code Editors: Visual Studio Code, and Sublime Text for writing and testing code.
    2. Online Platforms: Scholarhat, LeetCode, HackerRank, and Codeforces for practice.
    3. IDEs: Eclipse, PyCharm, IntelliJ IDEA for language-specific development.
    4. Visualization Tools: VisuAlgo for visualizing data structures and algorithms.
    5. Version Control: Git and GitHub for code management.
    6. Debugging Tools: Built-in debuggers or GDB for code testing.


    Course Features: Free Data Structures & Algorithms Certification Course

    1. Comprehensive Curriculum: This includes fundamental and advanced data structures and techniques, such as arrays, linked lists, stacks, queues, trees, graphs, sorting, searching, and dynamic programming.
    2. Big-O Analysis: Learn how to analyze algorithms' time and space complexity, allowing you to optimize your solutions for efficiency.
    3. Interactive Learning: Participate in video tutorials, & coding challenges meant to improve your learning and keep you motivated.
    4. Real-World Applications: Use your knowledge to address practical challenges that commonly arise in technical interviews & competitive programming.
    5. Free Certification: Receive a certificate upon successful completion to showcase your skills and enhance your resume.
    6. Self-paced Learning: Study quickly with lifetime access to course materials, allowing you to learn whenever and wherever you want.

    Eligibility Criteria for Learning Data Structures & Algorithms

    There are no strict eligibility requirements for the Free Data Structures & Algorithms Certification Course. Basic programming knowledge in languages like Python, Java, or C++ is helpful, but not mandatory. The course is suitable for all levels—whether you're a beginner or have some coding experience. All you need is a willingness to learn and a passion for improving your problem-solving skills in algorithms and data structures.

    Included in this Course

    •   Video Course 83 Videos
    •   Quick Notes 18 Notes
    •   Labs 54 labs

    DSA and Big O

    Data Structure Introduction Preview 04m 32s
    Non-Linear Data Structure 09m 25s
    Asymptotic analysis 14m 31s
    Asymptotic Explanation 20m 23s


    Array Introduction 09m 58s
    Array Traversal 10m 46s
    Array insert data 06m 21s
    Array Bound Checking 16m 52s
    Array Insertion 12m 35s
    Deletion in Array 07m 38s
    2D array 13m 47s
    Array List Integer 20m 47s

    Array Questions

    Array List String 18m 17s
    Storing Heterogeneous Element in array 13m 20s
    Array Question1 41m 40s
    Array Question2 18m 48s
    Sum Leet code 19m 24s
    buy and sell Stock leetcode 10m 34s
    Product of Array Except Self 16m 56s
    Container With Most Water 19m 45s
    Spiral Matrix 30m 10s
    Sudoku valid 29m 36s


    String Preview 01m 00s
    String literals 09m 15s
    Immutable String 05m 33s
    String Methods 21m 33s
    StringBuilder vs String Buffer 04m 42s
    String Builder and Buffer example 11m 29s
    Valid Palindrome 08m 05s
    Valid Anagram 15m 23s
    Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters 17m 22s
    Find All Anagrams in a String 31m 07s
    Largest Number 19m 26s
    Largest Number 1 09m 06s

    Linear Search

    Linear search1 Preview 01m 42s
    Linear Search Implementation 08m 04s
    Linear Search Questions 25m 56s

    Binary Search

    Binary Search 01m 34s
    Binary Search implementation 12m 19s
    First and Last Occurence 23m 33s

    Arrays Searching

    Search in Rotated Sorted array 19m 31s
    Search in rotated Sorted Array 10m 39s
    Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array 04m 59s

    Bubble, Selection and Insertion Sort

    Bubble Sort 01m 28s
    Bubble Sort Implementation 07m 33s
    Selection Sort 02m 05s
    Selection Sort Implementation 07m 15s
    Insertion Sort 01m 06s
    Insertion Sort implementation 10m 18s

    Merge, Quick and Counting Sort

    Merge Sort 09m 58s
    Merge Sort Implementation 20m 22s
    Quick Sort 08m 51s
    Quick Sort Implementation 08m 51s
    Counting Sort 02m 46s
    Counting Sort Implementation 17m 57s

    Bucket, Find Kth Element and Find Pages

    Bucket Sot 01m 03s
    Bucket Sort Implementation 15m 47s
    FindKthElement 19m 26s
    Kth largest element 22m 27s
    Find Pages 09m 33s
    Find Pages PART 2 20m 01s
    Theif problem 13m 19s
    Minimum swaps 15m 06s


    Stack 03m 38s
    Stack Implementation by library 14m 58s
    Stack Implementation using Array 23m 16s
    Stack Implementation using LinkedList 22m 09s
    Valid Parentheses 16m 36s
    Simplify Path 1 12m 27s
    Simplify path 2 09m 27s
    Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation 25m 12s
    Trapping Rainwater 24m 04s
    Longest valid Parentheses 24m 13s
    Basic Calculator 26m 05s


    Introduction to Queue Preview 04m 49s
    Queue Implementation 13m 16s
    Queue Implementation user defined function 28m 12s
    Implement Stack using Queues 25m 32s
    Implement Queue using Stack 21m 23s
    First Unique Character in a String 26m 01s
    First Unique Character in a String 26m 01s
    Reveal Cards in Increasing Order 19m 32s
    Find the Winner of the Circular Game 17m 23s
    Quick Notes Notes (18)

    Data Structures & Algorithms


    Big O in Data Structure


    Array in Data Structures


    String in Data Structure


    Linear Search in Data Structure


    Binary Search in Data Structure


    Bubble Sort in Data Structure


    Selection Sort in Data Structure


    Insertion Sort in Data Structure


    Merge Sort in Data Structure


    Quick Sort in Data Structure


    Counting Sort in Data Structure


    Bucket Sort in Data Structure


    Heap Sort in Data Structure


    Shell Sort in Data Structure


    Radix Sort in Data Structure


    Stack in Data Structure


    Queue in Data Structure


    Hands-On Labs Labs(54)

    Java: Count the frequency of an element in an Array


    Java: Ceiling in a Sorted Array


    Java: Two Sum


    Java: Reverse a Stack using Recursion


    Java: Find next right node of a given key


    Java: Big-O-Binary Search Algorithm


    Java: Traversing directory in Java using BFS


    Java: Delete consecutive same words in a sequence


    Java: Merge Sorted Arrays


    Java: Count 1’s in a Sorted Binary Array


    Java: Find all triplets with zero sum


    Java: Leaders in an array


    Java: Find a Fixed Point (Value equal to Index) in given Array


    Java: Search Insert Position


    Java: Sort a Stack using another stack


    Java: Minimum time required to rot all oranges


    Java: Next Greater Element


    Java: First Bad Version


    Java: Search an Element in a Sorted and Rotated Array


    Java: Meeting Rooms


    Java: Merge Two Sorted Arrays


    Java: Two Elements whose Sum is Closest to Zero


    Java: Find Peak Element


    Java: Trapping rain water


    Java: Largest rectangle in histogram


    Java: Search in Rotated Sorted Array


    Java: Search in an Almost Sorted Array


    Java: Minimum Number of Jumps to Reach End in Array


    Java: Move all Zeros to the beginning of an array


    Java: Median of Two Sorted Arrays of Different Sizes


    Java: 3 Sum


    Java: Search a 2D Matrix


    Java: A Pair with a Given Sum in the Rotated Sorted Array


    Java: Remove Duplicates from an Array


    Java: Rotate a Matrix by 90 degrees


    Java: Sort Elements by Frequency


    Java: Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array


    Java: Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array II


    Java: Sort a Linked List of 0s, 1s and 2s


    Java: Rotate an Array to the left


    Java: Camel Case of a given Sentence


    Java: Find Missing Elements of a Range


    Java: Sort a Nearly Sorted (or K sorted) Array


    Java: Count ways to increase LCS length of two Strings by one


    Java: Minimum rotations required to get the same string


    Java: Chocolate Distribution Problem


    Java: Minimum Swaps required to convert binary tree to binary search tree


    Java: Multiply Large Numbers represented as Strings


    Java: Find Itinerary from a given list of tickets


    Java: Count Distinct Occurrences as a Subsequence


    Java: Sort a Matrix in all way Increasing Order


    Java: Find the length of the largest subarray with 0 Sum


    Java: Longest Increasing Consecutive Subsequence


    Java: Find Whether an Array is a Subset of Another Array


    Certification FAQs

    1. Are there any hidden charges for the certification?
      No, the course and certification are completely free. There are no hidden charges.
    2. How can I get the free certification?
      To get the free certification, you need to enroll in the course, complete all the required modules, and pass the final assessment or quiz
    3. Can I earn multiple free certifications?
      Yes, you can enroll in multiple courses and earn free certifications for each course you successfully complete.
    4. Will the certification mention that the course was free?
      No, the certification will only highlight your achievement and not mention whether the course was free or paid.

    Our Students Reviews

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Q1. Can I Attend a Demo Session before Enrolment?

    Yes, you can Attend a Demo Session before Enrolment in angular certification course. It gives you the opportunity to assess whether the training program aligns with your learning objectives. So, don't hesitate! Take advantage of this opportunity and attend a demo session before making your decision.

    Q2. Can I request for a support session if I need to better understand the topics?

    Yes, of course you can request for a support session if you need to better understand the topics. For that, you need to be in touch with the counsellor. Contact on +91- 999 9123 502 or you can mail us at hello@scholarhat.com

    Q3. Do you offer certificate of completion?

    Yes. The certificate is valid and can be used for interviews. Additionally, the student can register for the .Net Certification exam after completion of this course.

    Q4. Who are your mentors?

    All our mentors are highly qualified and experience professionals. All have at least 8-10 yrs of development experience in various technologies and are trained by Dot Net Tricks to deliver interactive training to the participants.

    Q5. What If I miss my online training class?

    All online training classes are recorded. You will get the recorded sessions so that you can watch the online classes when you want. Also, you can join other class to do your missing classes.

    Q6. Can I share my course with someone else?

    In short, no. Check our licensing that you agree to by using Dot Net Tricks LMS. We track this stuff, any abuse of copyright is taken seriously. Thanks for your understanding on this one.

    Q7. Do you provide any course material or live session videos?

    Yes we do. You will get access to the entire content including class videos, mockups, and assignments through LMS.

    Q8. Do you provide training on latest technology version?

    Yes we do. As the technology upgrades we do update our content and provide your training on latest version of that technology.

    Q9. Do you prepare me for the job interview?

    Yes, we do. We will discuss all possible technical interview questions and answers during the training program so that you can prepare yourself for interview.

    Q10. Will I get placement assistance after receiving my course completion certificate?

    Yes, you’ll get placement assistance after receiving your course completion certificate. The placement assistance provided by the US will guide you through the job search process, help you polish your resume, and connect you with potential employers. For that, you need to be in touch with the counsellor. Contact on +91- 999 9123 502 or you can mail us at hello@scholarhat.com

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