Creating an EC2 Spot Instance

Level : Beginner
Mentor: Shailendra Chauhan
Type : GuidedLab
Points : 10
Duration : 1:00:00

Lab Details


In this lab, you will walk through the steps to launch an EC2 Spot Instance using the AWS Management Console. You will also learn about Saving Summary and pricing history. You will practice using Amazon Machine Image (AMI) to launch Amazon EC2 Spot Instance and use key pairs for SSH authentication to log into your instance.

Lab Objectives

Upon completion of this lab, you will be able to:

  •  Set the price of a spot instance to Higher and lower values compared to a given value.
  •  Launch the Spot instance to understand the difference between higher and lower prices.
  •  Explore the spot request, Saving Summary, and Pricing history options.
  •  Test HTML page is launched or not using public IP.

Lab Prerequisites

You should be familiar with:

  •  Hands-on knowledge of EC2.
  •  Conceptual Understanding of EC2 Spot Instance.
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