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Structural Design Pattern: Composite Design Pattern

Level : Intermediate
Mentor: Shailendra Chauhan
Duration : 00:01:00

Define Composite Design Pattern

The Composite pattern is used when we need to treat both a group of items and a single object in the same manner. The composite pattern arranges elements in a tree structure to show both partial and complete hierarchies.

Example of Composite Design Pattern

Examples of composite patterns are:

  • File System Folders
  • Managers and Employees
  • Assemblies

Composite Design pattern with UML diagram

The UML class diagram above includes the following classes, interfaces, and objects:

  • Component: This is an abstract class whose members will be implemented by all objects in the hierarchy. It serves as the root class for every object in the hierarchy.
  • Composite: This class offers methods for adding, removing, finding, and getting child components.
  • Leaf: This class is used to define leaf components within the tree structure, hence they cannot have children.

When to use Composite Design Patterns?

  • The composite design pattern is useful for creating hierarchical representations of objects.
  • A single item and a collection of objects should be handled the same.
  • The Composite pattern is used when data is organized in a tree structure (similar to computer directories).
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