Microservices Architecture

Level : Beginner
Mentor: Shailendra Chauhan
Duration : 00:01:00

Microservices Architecture

The microservices design divides huge applications into autonomous, tiny services that perform specific purposes. These services communicate using APIs and collaborate to deliver the entire application, making it scalable, agile, and resilient.

Microservices Architecture on AWS

Creating applications as a collection of independently deployable services, supported by a variety of AWS services for communication, scaling, security, and other infrastructure requirements. AWS empowers microservices by providing independent, scalable services that run on a managed cloud platform, promoting agility and resilience.

Microservices Deployment Options

Microservices deployment options include single-host simplicity, scalable containerization, and cloud-based environments, with each balancing complexity & flexibility to meet unique application requirements. Microservices deployment choices provide flexibility and control, ranging from containerized systems like Kubernetes to serverless functionalities, allowing for efficient scaling, rapid updates, and cost optimization.

Microservices Patterns

Microservice patterns let developers efficiently arrange independent services, maximizing benefits like agility, fault tolerance, and data management in complex systems. Following are the Patterns of Microservices:

  • Decomposition Patterns
  • Integration Patterns
  • Database Patterns
  • Communication Patterns
  • Cross-Cutting Concern Patterns
  • Observability Patterns
  • Deployment Patterns
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