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Getting Started with ASP.NET Core 5

Level : Beginner
Mentor: Shailendra Chauhan
Duration : 00:02:00

Evolution of ASP.NET Core

Since its development, ASP.NET Core has undergone significant development, moving through versions to arrive at ASP.NET Core 5.0, with each iteration delivering improved performance, scalability, and feature improvements to suit the demands of contemporary web development.

What is ASP.NET Core?

A cross-platform, open-source web framework called ASP.NET Core is used to create web applications that are fast, scalable, and modular. It is a flexible option for web development because it has a strong architecture and supports many development paradigms.

ASP.NET Core Architecture

The architecture of ASP.NET Core is based on a modular, flexible design and uses dependency injection and middleware components to provide a flexible and effective web application structure. It is built with high performance and cross-platform deployment in mind.

ASP.NET Core 5.0 Architecture

Building on its architectural basis, ASP.NET Core 5.0 adds new features and enhancements, such as expanded Blazor capabilities, gRPC support, and speed optimisations, making it even more adaptable for contemporary online applications.

ASP.NET Core 2.2 vs. ASP.NET Core 3.x/5.x

The transition from ASP.NET Core 2.2 to ASP.NET Core 3.x/5.x resulted in a number of benefits, including improved performance, streamlined routing, and increased developer productivity, making the newer versions an appealing option for web development.

ASP.NET Core Performance Benchmarks

The efficiency with which ASP.NET Core can manage heavy loads is highlighted by its performance benchmarks, highlighting both its adaptability for demanding online applications and its competitive edge in the web development market.

ASP.NET Core Application Anatomy

Exploring an ASP.NET Core program's essential elements, such as controllers, models, and views, while also comprehending the function of middleware and routing in managing web requests will help you understand the anatomy of an ASP.NET Core application.

Getting Started With ASP.NET Core 5

Developers can follow a simple approach that entails setting up their development environment, establishing a project, and exploring the framework's robust features to get started with ASP.NET Core 5.

Creating ASP.NET Core 5 Project

Making an ASP.NET Core 5 project entails selecting the project type, outlining its structure, and setting up dependencies to correspond with the particular specifications of the web application being made.

Understanding ASP.NET Core Folder Structure

The ASP.NET Core folder structure is set up to support modularity and the separation of concerns. It is essential to comprehend this framework for effective web application creation and maintenance.

Comparing ASP.NET Core 2.x, 3.x and 5.x Project

A comparison of the ASP.NET Core 2.x, 3.x, and 5.x projects shows how the framework has developed over time, highlighting the feature additions and performance improvements in each.

ASP.NET Core Application Bootstrapping

To ensure a smooth and controlled startup process, ASP.NET Core application bootstrapping entails configuring and setting up the environment, services, and middleware required to operate the application.

ASP.NET and ASP.NET Core Request Processing

To understand request processing in ASP.NET and ASP.NET Core, one must follow an HTTP request from the time it arrives at the web server through middleware processing and to the final response, exhibiting the fundamentals of web application management.
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