Loops are control structures in C that allow you to execute a block of code continuously as long as a specific condition is met. They help in creating more efficient and concise code.
There are 3 Types of Loops in C:
A for loop is a control structure that allows a sequence of instructions to be performed for a predetermined number of iterations. It's an entry-controlled loop. It has three sections: index declaration, condition (boolean expression), and update statement. The for loop is useful when you know the precise number of iterations.
An infinite loop refers to a loop that runs continuously. In short, in the for loop, if the test condition (check_condition) is not specified, it is presumed to be true by default. As a result, the condition never turns false.
A while loop executes a statement or a group of statements until the provided expression returns false. The while loop is useful when you don't know the exact number of iterations.
In C programming, an infinite while loop is a loop structure that executes endlessly until it encounters a break statement or a condition that terminates it. It is referred to as "infinite" because, unlike other loops, it has no fixed ending.
A Do While loop is similar to a while loop, but it evaluates the expression after the code block is executed. Always executes at least once. Useful for one-time execution with conditional dependencies.