HashSet in Data Structure

Level : Intermediate
Mentor: Shailendra Chauhan
Duration : 00:01:00

What is a Hash Set in Data Structure?

Hash sets are collections of elements stored using hashes. A hashing algorithm transforms an element into a fixed-size chunk known as a hash.

Basic Hash Set Operations

The following are some of a hash set's functions and properties:

  • Hash Algorithm
  • Resize Operation
  • Insert Operation
  • Contains Operation
  • Remove Operation

Hash Set Structure

A Hash Set keeps distinct elements in buckets based on their hash code:

  • Hash Code: A value generated from an element's key to indicate its bucket in the Hash Set.
  • Unique Elements: A hash set prevents multiple occurrences of the same value.
  • Bucket: Containers within the Hash Set that store elements; if elements share hash code, they share a bucket, which is commonly implemented as arrays or linked lists.

Advantages of Hash Set

  • Unique Elements: HashSet guarantees uniqueness, which is critical when duplicates are not permitted.
  • Fast Retrieval: The add, delete, and contain operations have constant time complexity, making them appropriate for larger datasets.
  • No precise Order: HashSet does not keep a precise element order, which might be beneficial or harmful depending on the situation.
  • Dynamic Sizing: Adjusts size based on element count to optimize memory use.

Applications of Hash Set in Data Structure

  • Duplicate Detection
  • Intersection and Union of Sets
  • Caching
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