Queues are linear structures that allow elements to be inserted from the rear and deleted from the front. The queue elements are ordered in the FIFO (First-In, First-Out) order.
Representation of a queue in data structures
We know that a queue can be accessed from both sides, deleting from the front and inserting from the back or rear.
Working of Queue in Data Structures
Two pointers are marking two ends, FRONT and REAR.
FRONT records the queue's first element.
REAR tracks the queue's last member.
Initially, set the values of FRONT and REAR to -1.
After that, do the basic operations using the algorithms listed above.
Different Types of Queues in Data Structures
Simple Queue/Linear Queue: Elements are added at the back and withdrawn at the front, in the FIFO sequence.
Circular Queue: Similar to a simple queue, except the last member connects to the first, resulting in a circular structure for efficient memory usage.
Priority Queue: Each element is assigned a priority; the highest priority elements are eliminated first, allowing for prioritized processing.
Deque (Double-Ended Queue): Elements may be added or withdrawn from both the front and back ends of the queue.
Implementation of Queue
There are two main methods for implementing a queue:
Linked List
1. Array
Array-based queues have a fixed size, which means you can only add or remove elements up to the length of the array.
2. Linked List
Linked list-based queues have no defined size, so you can add and remove as many components as you wish.
Basic Operations of Queue
Enqueue: Insert an element at the end of the queue.
Dequeue: Remove an item from the queue's front.
IsEmpty: Determine whether the queue is empty.
IsFull: Determine whether the queue is full.
Peek: Retrieve a value from the front of the queue without removing it.
Complexity Analysis of Queue Operations
Applications of Queue
Multi-programming: Multi-programming involves organizing many programs in the main memory as queues.
Network: Network Queues are utilized in devices such as routers.
Job Scheduling: The execution of tasks in a predetermined order using queues.
Synchronization: Data transmission queues between processes (such as IO buffers and pipes).
Interrupts: Managing in real-time systems.
Shared resources: Queues are waiting lists for shared resources.
Data structure operations: Queue utilized in BFS and tree traversal for the input sequence.
Advantages of Queue
Efficient data processing: Use a queue to process data in the order it is received.
Resource management: Resource management refers to the queue used to manage shared resources.
Buffering: A queue for storing incoming data (for example, a network device buffering data packets).
Memory management: A queue for allocating and releasing memory chunks consecutively.
Disadvantages of Queue
Limited flexibility: Queues are completely FIFO, with no room for prioritization.
No random access: Only the first piece is available; the rest must be removed, which limits access efficiency.
Overhead: Maintaining queue orders incurs costs, particularly for huge lineups.
Limited size: Some queues are fixed in size, making it difficult to handle big data sets.
No search operation: Queues lack search functionality and rely only on sequential removal to get elements.