The text file contains a sequence of commands for creating a Docker image. Its content structure and command syntax identify it as a Dockerfile even without an extension.
Following are the commands of Dockerfile:
A Docker image is a small, self-contained package that has all of the necessary components to run an application. It is assembled using the Docker build command and stored in registries such as Docker Hub, which contain layered references to other images.
To define the Docker machine, run the command: eval "$(docker-machine env default)" to create modified Docker images.
To pull the Docker image, use the command "# docker pull <repository>".
To modify the name of a Docker image, use the command "$ docker tag image id new name".
To remove a Docker image, use the command: $ docker rmi image id.
A container is a running version of a Docker image. A docker container is a separate and secure shipping container. Run using the docker run command.
To convert an image into a container, execute the command "#docker run --image name".
The Docker network functionality allows you to connect to Docker containers using either user-defined bridges or the default bridge.connect.
A Docker registry is a system that stores and distributes Docker images under particular names.
Docker Hub, a cloud-based repository, provides a platform for both public and private container images, allowing for easy development, testing, storage, and distribution.