In Java, a variable with a data type denotes a memory location that stores a value throughout program execution and is specified using primitive data types such as byte, short, int, long, float, double, char, or boolean.
Types of Variables
There are three types of Variables:
Local Variables
Local variables are those that are declared within the method's body. It is generated when a block is inserted into the storage, and it calls and destroys the block immediately after exiting the function.
Instance Variables
Declared within the class but not within the method body itself. An instance variable is produced when an object class is generated and destroyed when the same object class is destroyed.
Class/Static Variables
Static variables are those that are declared to be static. It is created to begin the program's execution and then destroyed automatically once the execution is complete.
Declaration of Variables
To declare the variable programmers, need to focus on two things:
datatype: It denotes the types of Data that are going to be stored.
data_name: A particular name of that variable
Variable Initialization
For initializing the variable there are 3 major components, are
datatype: It defines what type of data is going to be stored in a variable