let isTrue = true;
let isFalse = false;
let value = "Hello";
let isTruthy = Boolean(value); // true
let anotherValue = 0;
let isFalsy = Boolean(anotherValue); // false
let x = 5;
let y = 10;
if (x < y) {
console.log("x is less than y"); // Output: "x is less than y"
let nonEmptyString = "Hello";
if (nonEmptyString) {
console.log("This will be executed"); // Output: "This will be executed"
let emptyString = "";
if (!emptyString) {
console.log("This will be executed"); // Output: "This will be executed"
let booleanObj = new Boolean(true);
console.log(booleanObj.valueOf()); // Output: true
let value = null;
let x;
console.log(x); // Output: undefined