Mongo Shell is a JavaScript-based interactive interface for MongoDB. It can execute any MongoDB-related query or command. After configuring the MongoDB environment variables, use the command Mongo to launch Mongo Shell.
Features of Mongo Shell
Interactive JavaScript Environment: Use JavaScript to interact with databases, collections, and documents.
CRUD Operations: You can create, read, update, and delete data directly from the shell.
Aggregation Framework Support: Execute complicated data aggregation processes.
Index Management: Create, drop, and maintain indexes to improve query performance.
Administration Commands: Control instances, databases, and collections.
JavaScript Expressions: Perform complex data manipulation and scripting.
Scripting support: Create JavaScript scripts for automation and batch processing.
Data Import and Export: You can import and export data in numerous formats using utility commands.
Authentication and authorization: Use authentication procedures to ensure secure access.
Replica Set and Sharding Operations: Manage replica sets and sharded clusters.
Session Management: Keep sessions for many commands without re-authenticating.
Tab completion & syntax highlighting: Improve the user experience and productivity.
Mongo Shell Commands
Start-up and Connection Commands
mongod: Starts a local MongoDB server.
mongo: Starts the MongoDB shell and connects to the default database, 'test'.
Mongo <host_name>:<port>/<database_name> -U <username> -p <password> connects to a MongoDB server with authentication.
mongo -version: Shows the version of the MongoDB shell.
Mongo --nodb: Starts the MongoDB shell without connecting to a database.
mongo <db_name>: Starts the MongoDB shell & connects to a specific database.
Basic Shell Commands
help: Displays help for the current context or the MongoDB shell.
Exit: Closes the MongoDB shell.
db: Displays the currently selected database.
Use <db_name>: Switches to and utilizes the specified database.
show dbs: This command lists all available databases on the MongoDB server.
Show collections: Shows all collections in the current database.
Show users: Lists all of the users in the current database.
Document Commands
db.users.insert: Adds a document to the 'users' collection.
db.users.find: Returns documents from the 'users' collection depending on the query criteria.
db.users.find().pretty: Returns documents from the 'users' collection in formatted output.
db.users.findOne: Returns a single document from the 'users' collection based on the query parameters.
db.users.find({ },{ name:true, _id:false }): Returns particular fields from documents in the 'users' collection.
Query operators
db.users.find({"_id": {$gt: 1}}): Returns documents in the 'users' collection with a _id value greater than 1.
db.users.find({"_id": {$gte: 5}}): Returns documents in the 'users' collection with a _id value higher than or equal to 5.
db.users.find({"_id": {$lt: 1}}): Returns documents in the 'users' collection with a _id value less than 1.
db.users.find({"_id": {$lte: 5}}): Returns documents in the 'users' collection with a _id attribute less than or equal to 5.
db.users.find({"_id": {$in: [1,2,3]}}): Identifies documents in the 'users' collection whose _id attribute matches any value in the specified array.