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.NET Course | .NET Developer Training With Certification

Live Online Course

  4.7/5 Ratings     4.7/5Ratings

25 Sessions

  Live Classes

217 Videos

Video Course

33 Notes

Quick Notes

88 Labs

Hands-on Labs

59 Videos & 20 Guides

 Interview Q&A

.NET Course Overview

ScholarHat .NET Certification training provides a comprehensive understanding of C# programming language and the .NET framework. Participants learn to develop robust applications, web services, and desktop solutions.

The .NET Training covers essential concepts like object-oriented programming, and application deployment and Advanced Topics such as LINQ and threading. Hands-on exercises and real-world projects enhance practical skills. This learning path will also teach you how to earn a .NET Developer certification, which will help you stand out from the crowd when applying for jobs.

This online best dot net training path will give you a solid foundation in C# .NET programming and help you prepare for the .NET certification exam. This course can give you the confidence you need to work with this rapidly growing technology.

.NET Certification Training Objectives

After this course, attendees will be able to:

  1. Describe Microsoft .NET Framework Architecture
  2. Understand .NET Framework basic and advanced in-depth concepts
  3. Use Visual Studio 2019 for running, debugging and testing your C# programs
  4. Use OOPs concepts like abstractions, Inheritance, polymorphism etc. in practical life
  5. Build the logic to develop C# programs
  6. Use classes, objects, properties, partial classes, static classes etc. in practical life
  7. Use C# advanced concepts like collections, generics and delegates
  8. Describe the differences between classes, structures, interfaces, abstract classes etc
  9. Create and Manage database Using SQL Server
  10. Use SQL Server fundamentals like query, joins, stored procedure and functions

Why Learn .NET in 2025?

The future of .Net development is exceptionally bright, with a strong focus on cross-platform capabilities and cloud-based solutions.

  1. Flexibility and Diverse Career Paths: You could become a web developer, desktop application developer, or even specialize in game development.

  2. Financial Viability and Salary Prospects: .NET Professionals are among the higher earners. Entry-level developers earn an average of Rs.6–8 LPA, with experienced professionals earning upwards of Rs.18–25 LPA

  3. Demand for .Net Developers: From startups to Fortune 500 companies, there's a growing demand for skilled .Net developers.

  4. Web and Cloud Development: Microsoft Azure, a leading cloud platform, has over 200+ services integrated with .NET, enabling developers to build scalable and secure solutions.

  5. Cross-Platform Development: .NET developers can now build cross-platform applications that run on Windows, Linux, and macOS, as well as mobile applications with Xamarin.

Why Learn .NET Core in 2024?

.NET Career Scope in 2025

Is learning .Net a financially sound decision? Let me inform you that .Net developers are among the higher earners in the tech industry. This is because from small business solutions to large-scale enterprise applications, .Net developers have opportunities to work in varied domains, contributing to their overall earning potential.

  1. Software Developer/Engineer: As a .NET developer you can work in software development roles, designing, building, testing, and maintaining software applications.
  2. .Net Developer: If you want to build an application by yourself, this role is ideal. You'll have the chance to create a website using ASP.NET Core and both desktop and mobile apps using WPF, Xamarin, and .NET MAUI.
  3. Software Analyst: Interested in playing with data? Become a Data analyst and use .NET technologies to develop data-driven applications, perform data processing and analysis, etc.
  4. Backend Developer: Backend developers focus on server-side development using .NET technologies like ASP.NET Core, MVC and Web API.

.NET Core Career Scope in 2024

.Net Tools and Technologies Covered

.NET Core
.NET Core
Math Problems
Math Problems
Logic Building
Logic Building
Code Debugging
Code Debugging
Code Flow
Code Flow
Star Patterns
Star Patterns
SQL Server
SQL Server
Visual Studio
Visual Studio

.NET Course Key Features

  • 10 Weeks of Intensive Live Training
  • Learn from Microsoft MVPs
  • Build Food Delivery real-world Website
  • Career Coaching
  • Resume & Portfolio Building
  • Job Assistance

.NET Course Eligibility


There are no prerequisites to join .NET certification training. Although having the basic knowledge and understanding of programming will be helpful.

Who can Join?

This course is recommended for any students, beginners and freshers interested in creating .NET-based applications.

  1. Beginners in Coding: Perfect for those starting their coding journey, .NET courses provide a solid foundation.
  2. Experienced Developers: If you're coming from other languages, .NET helps diversify your skill set.
  3. Web Developers: Ideal for those wanting to build robust web applications using ASP.NET.
  4. Desktop App Developers: Explore .NET, especially WPF, for creating powerful desktop applications.
  5. Mobile App Developers: Xamarin, part of .NET, allows you to develop cross-platform mobile apps.
  6. IT Pros and Administrators: Learn .NET, particularly PowerShell, for automation and system tasks.
  7. Entrepreneurs and Enthusiasts: Gain valuable skills for developing software solutions and tech understanding.

Included in this .NET Certification Training

  •   Live Sessions25 Classes
  •   Video Course 217 Videos
  •   Quick Notes 33 Notes
  •   Labs 88 labs
  •   Q&A 59 Videos , 20 Guides
.NET and .NET Core
  • Understanding .NET Framework
  • .NET Framework Version History
  • .NET Framework 4.5 Architecture
  • Common Language Runtime (CLR)
  • CLR Components
  • Microsoft Intermediate language (MSIL)
  • Common Type System (CTS)
  • Common Language Specification (CLS)
  • Relationship Between CTS and CLS
  • Framework Class Library (FCL)
  • Just-In Time Compilation (JIT)
  • Types of JIT Compiler
  • Normal JIT, Pre-JIT, Econo JIT
C# Fundamentals

C# Programming Language

  1. Introduction to C#
  2. History of C# Version
  3. C# Advantages

    Creating Your First C# Program

    1. Structure of a C# Program
    2. Basic Input / Output Operations
    3. Compiling, Running, and Debugging

    Data Type

    1. Understanding Data Type
    2. Types of Data Type – Value Type & Reference Type

    Variable & Typecasting

    1. Naming a variable
    2. Boxing and Unboxing
    3. Data Conversions – Implicit & Explicit
    4. Safe Type Casting with IS and AS Operator


    1. Different Types of Operators
    2. Operators precedence

    Conditional Statements

    1. Introduction to conditional statement
    2. If statements
    3. If-else statement
    4. If-else-if ladder
    5. Switch statement


    1. Introduction to loop
    2. ..while loop
    3. while loop
    4. for loop
    5. foreach loop

    Jump Statements

    1. break statement
    2. continue statement
    3. goto statement
    4. return statement
    5. throw statement


    1. Introduction to Array
    2. One Dimensional Array
    3. Multi-Dimensional Array
    4. Jagged Array
    5. Array Class


    1. Introduction to strings
    2. Mutable strings
    3. Immutable strings
    4. Strings methods
    5. Verbatim String

    Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming

    1. Object-Oriented Programming
    2. Classes and Objects
    3. Inheritance
    4. Polymorphism
    5. Abstraction
    6. Encapsulation

    Class and Objects

    1. Creating a class
    2. Access Modifiers
    3. Instance members
    4. Creating an object

    Constructor and Destructor

    1. Introduction to Constructor
    2. Types of Constructor
    3. Default Constructor
    4. Parameterized Constructor
    5. Introduction to Destructor
    6. Creating Destructor


    1. Introduction to Inheritance
    2. Types of inheritance
    3. Advantage of Inheritance
    4. Single Level Inheritance
    5. Multi-Level Inheritance
    6. Multiple Inheritance
    7. Hybrid Inheritance


    1. Introduction to Methods
    2. Method Parameters
    3. Value, Out, Ref, Params and Optional Parameters
    4. Methods Overloading
    5. Methods Overriding
    6. Method Hiding
      Advanced C#


      1. Introduction to Property
      2. Uses of Property
      3. Types of Property
      4. Read-Write Property
      5. Read Only Property
      6. Write Only Property


      1. Introduction to Enum
      2. Creating Enum
      3. Using Enum

      Exception Handling

      1. Understanding Exceptions
      2. Try, Catch and Finally block
      3. Throw exception
      4. Handling Exception
      5. Custom Exception


      1. Introduction to attributes
      2. Creating attributes
      3. Custom attributes

      Abstract Class

      1. Introduction to Abstract Class
      2. Creating Abstract class
      3. Need of Abstract class
      4. Advantages of abstract class


      1. Introduction to Interface
      2. Creating Interface
      3. Need of Interface
      4. Abstract class vs. Interface

      Static Class

      1. Introduction to static class
      2. Creating static class and static methods
      3. Need of static class
      4. Normal class vs. Static class

      Partial Class

      1. Introduction to partial class
      2. Creating partial class
      3. Need of partial class

      Anonymous Type, Dynamic Type and Tuples

      1. Introduction to Anonymous Type
      2. Using Anonymous Type
      3. Introduction to Dynamic
      4. Using Dynamic Type

      Anonymous Method and Lambda Expression

      1. Introduction to Anonymous Method
      2. Using Anonymous Method
      3. Introduction to Lambda Expression
      4. Types of Lambda Expression


      1. Introduction to delegates
      2. Types of delegates
      3. Single Delegate
      4. Multicast Delegate


        1. Introduction to events
        2. Creating Events
        3. Event Handler


        1. Introduction to .NET Collections
        2. Relations between Collection Interfaces and Classes

        Collection classes

        1. ArrayList
        2. SortedList
        3. Dictionary
        4. Hashtable
        5. Stack
        6. Queue


        1. Understanding .NET Generics
        2. Generics Advantages
        3. Collections vs. Generics

          Generics Collection Classes

          1. List<T>
          2. SortedList<TKey, TValue>
          3. Dictionary<TKey, TValue>
          4. Hashset<T>
          5. Stack<T>
          6. Queue<T>
          SQL Server

          SQL Server

          1. Understanding SQL Server
          2. SQL Server Version History
          3. Advantage of SQL Server

          T - SQL

          1. Types of SQL Commands
          2. Creating Database
          3. Altering Database
          4. Deleting Database
          5. Creating Table
          6. Altering Table
          7. Deleting Table

          SQL Keys, Commands and Clauses

          1. Types of SQL Keys
          2. Using SQL Commands
          3. Querying Database
          4. Delete vs. Truncate
          5. SQL Operators
          6. SQL Clauses

          SQL Joins

          1. Types of Joins
          2. Inner Join
          3. Outer Join
          4. Cross Join
          5. Self-Join


          1. Understanding Views
          2. Need of Views
          3. Creating, Altering and Dropping Views
          4. Simple and Complex Views


          1. Built-In Functions
          2. Scalar Functions
          3. Aggregate Functions
          4. Creating, Altering and Dropping Functions

          Stored Procedures

          1. Creating, Altering and Dropping Procedure
          2. Optional Parameters
          3. Input and Output Parameters


          1. Understanding Triggers
          2. Stored Procedures VS Functions VS Triggers
          3. Types of Triggers
          4. Creating, Altering and Dropping Triggers


          1. Understanding Cursors
          2. Types of Cursors
          3. Using Cursors
          Quick Notes Notes (33)

          SQL Server Database and Tables


          C# Basics


          C# Variable and Data Type


          SQL Keys


          SQL Commands


          C# Operators


          C# Conditional Statements


          SQL Constraints


          SQL Server Data Types & Variables


          C# Loops and Jump Statements


          C# Arrays


          SQL Server Operators


          SQL Server Control Of Flow


          C# Strings


          Object-Oriented Programming Concepts in C#


          SQL Query and Sub Query


          SQL Clauses


          C# Concepts: Abstract Class, Interface, Static Class & Partial Class


          C#: Property, Indexer, Exception Handling & Enum


          SQL Predicates


          SQL Joins


          C# Miscellaneous Types


          C# Delegates and Events


          SQL Exceptions


          Try..Catch in SQL Server


          C#: Anonymous Method & Lambda Expression


          C# Asynchronous Programming Async & Await


          SQL Server Views


          SQL Server Indexes


          SQL Server Stored Procedure


          SQL Functions


          SQL Server Triggers


          SQL Server Cursors


          Hands-On Labs Labs(88)

          C#: Calculate Area of Square


          C#: Check Character Is Alphabet or Not


          C#: Calculate Standard deviation


          SQL Server: Joins


          SQL Server: Primary Key


          SQL Server: Distinct Clause


          SQL Server: Stored Procedures


          SQL Server: Triggers


          SQL Server: Views


          SQL Server: Indexes


          SQL Server: Order By Clause


          SQL Server: Foreign Key


          SQL Server: Inner Join


          C#: Swap Number With Second Variable


          C#: Calculate the Average of Array Element


          C#: Check if a Number Is Even or Odd


          C#: Create A Student Class for Listing, Adding and Removing a Student


          C#: Create an Exception Class to Display a Custom Error Message Based On The Exception Type


          C#: Check Number Is Positive or Negative


          C#: Find The Largest Element of an Array


          C#: Swap Number Without Third Variable


          SQL Server: Self Join


          SQL Server: Not Null Constraint


          SQL Server: Where Clause


          SQL Server: Built-In Functions


          SQL Server: Aggregate Functions


          SQL Server: Check Constraint


          SQL Server: Outer Join


          C#: Sum Of All Numbers


          C#: Concatenate Two Arrays


          C#: Check Whether an Alphabet Is Vowel or Consonant


          C#: Create Classes for Building Different Types Of Vehicles like Bikes, Scooters, Cars In A Factory


          C#: Create Classes for Employee


          C#: Find the Largest Number among the Four Numbers


          C#: Check if an Array contains a Given Values


          SQL Server: Left Outer Join


          SQL Server: Unique Constraint


          SQL Server: Default Constraint


          SQL Server: Right Outer Join


          C#: Find the Factorial Of A Number Using Recursion


          C#: Check if a String is Numeric


          C#: Check whether a Year is Leap Year or Not


          C#: Create Classes For Handling Different Bank Accounts (Saving and Current) Submit, Withdrawal


          C#: Convert Binary Numbers To Decimals


          C#: Display the Fibonacci Series


          C#: Compare Two Strings


          SQL Server: Full Outer Join


          SQL Server: Insert Statement


          SQL Server: Select Statement


          SQL Server: Operations on Joins


          C#: Iterate through each Character of the String


          C#: Find the Highest Common Factor (HCF) or Greatest Common Factor (GCD)


          C#: Display Armstrong Numbers Between Intervals


          C#: Display Prime Numbers Between Intervals


          C#: Find the Factorial of a Number


          C#: Check if a String is a palindrome or not


          C#: Capitalize the first character of each Word in a String


          C#: Find the Lowest Common Multiple Factor (LCM)


          C#: Reverse A Sentence Using Recursion


          C#: Check whether a Number is Palindrome Or Not


          C#: Rotate a Matrix by 90 degrees


          SQL Server: Subqueries


          C#: To Check Number Is Armstrong Or Not


          C#: To Check Number Is Prime Or Not


          C#: Count the Vowel and Consonants in A Sentence


          C#: To Make A Calculator For Addition Subtraction Multiplication and Division Of Two Numbers


          C#: To Print a table of a number using Loops


          C#: Right Triangle Star Pattern


          C#: Left Triangle Star Pattern


          C#: Pyramid Star Pattern


          C#: Diamond Star Pattern


          C#: Right Triangle Number Pattern


          C#: Right Triangle Repeat Number Pattern


          C#: Pyramid Number Pattern (Asc)


          C#: Pyramid Number Pattern (Desc)


          C#: Pyramid Repeat Number Pattern


          C#:Inverted Right Triangle Number Pattern (Asc)


          C#: Inverted Right Triangle Number Pattern (Desc)


          C#: Right Triangle Number Pattern (Asc)


          C#: Right Triangle Number Pattern (Desc)


          C#: Diamond Number Pattern


          C#: Right Triangle Alphabetic Pattern


          C#: Right Triangle Repeat Alphabet Pattern


          C#: Pyramid Alphabet Pattern (Asc)


          C#: Pyramid Alphabet Pattern (Desc)


          C#: Pyramid Repeat Alphabet Pattern


          C#: Inverted Right Triangle Alphabet Pattern


          C#: Diamond Alphabet Pattern


          Introduction to C#

          Introduction to C# Preview 0h 05m 49s
          Variables and Data Types 0h 14m 26s
          Boxing and Unboxing 0h 03m 29s
          Type Conversions 0h 08m 30s

          Conditional Statements and Operators

          Conditional Statement 0h 11m 43s

          Loop and Jump Statements

          Loops 0h 17m 45s
          Jump Statement 0h 15m 33s
          Exception Handling 0h 16m 11s

          Arrays and Strings

          Arrays 0h 12m 46s
          Strings 0h 10m 57s

          Properties and Enums

          Properties 0h 18m 44s
          Enums 0h 03m 00s
          Attributes 0h 05m 25s

          OOPs Concepts

          Introduction to OOPs Preview 0h 21m 50s
          Polymorphism 0h 11m 22s
          Objects 0h 02m 44s

          Access Modifiers and Constructors

          Access Modifier and Constructor 0h 23m 33s


          Destructors 0h 03m 53s


          Inheritance 0h 16m 22s

          Methods Parameters

          Methods and methods parameters 0h 17m 28s

          Method Overloading and Overriding

          Methods Overloading and methods overriding 0h 11m 56s

          Classes and Interface

          Abstract Class and Interface Preview 0h 21m 42s
          Static Class Preview 0h 07m 09s
          Extension Method 0h 08m 22s


          Anonymous Type and Anonymous method 0h 05m 15s
          Object Type and Dynamic Type 0h 07m 30s

          Delegate, Lamda and Reflection

          Delegates 0h 07m 56s
          Events 0h 08m 42s
          Lambda expiration and reflection 0h 11m 17s

          Collection and Async Programming

          Collections 0h 10m 30s
          Generics 0h 09m 44s
          Collection Interfaces 0h 02m 34s
          Async Programming 0h 14m 01s

          Introduction to Database

          Introduction to Database Preview 0h 11m 32s

          Introduction to Sql Server

          Introduction to SQL Server 0h 22m 16s

          SQL Keys

          SQL Keys 0h 20m 24s

          SQL Commands and Constraints

          SQL Commands 0h 11m 44s
          SQL Constraints 0h 12m 37s

          Course Overview

          Course Overview Preview 0h 02m 06s

          Data Types

          Data Types 0h 13m 31s

          Variables and Operators

          Variable and Operators 0h 07m 18s

          Conditional Statement

          Conditional Statement 0h 20m 58s

          SQL Query /Sub Query

          SQLQuaries 0h 12m 01s
          SQL Clauses and Predicates 0h 15m 20s

          SQL Joins and Exception Handling

          SQL Joins 0h 15m 15s
          Exception Handling 0h 08m 02s

          Course Overview

          Course Overview Preview 0h 00m 50s

          Stored Procedures

          Stored Procedure 0h 28m 11s
          SQL Server Transaction 0h 12m 03s

          SQL Function

          SQL Server Functions 0h 24m 27s

          Course Overview

          Course Overview Preview 0h 00m 36s

          SQL Server Views

          SQL server Views 0h 11m 25s

          SQL Server Index

          SQL Server Indexes 0h 09m 53s

          Corse Overview

          Course Overview Preview 0h 00m 52s

          SQL Server Triggers

          SQL Server Triggers 0h 28m 50s

          Logical tables and Temporary Tables

          Logical Tables 0h 12m 34s
          Temporary Tables 0h 05m 33s

          Table Variable and SQL Server Cursors

          Table Variable 0h 05m 52s
          SQL Server Cursors 0h 19m 34s
          Q&A Guides
          Introduction to C# 2:00:00
          C# Data Types 2:00:00
          Operators in C# 2:00:00
          Keywords and Type Conversions in C# 2:00:00
          Decision-Making Statements in C# 2:00:00
          Loops in C# 2:00:00
          Jump and Other Statements in C# 2:00:00
          Arrays in C# 2:00:00
          String in C# 2:00:00
          Class, Object, Constructors, and Destructors in C# 2:00:00
          Access Modifiers, and Static Classes in C# 2:00:00
          Enums, Structures in C# 2:00:00
          Function Pointers, Partial Classes, and Static Methods in C# 2:00:00
          Exception Handling in C# 2:00:00
          Reflection and Serialization in C# 2:00:00
          Property and Indexer in C# 2:00:00
          Abstract Class and Interface in C# 2:00:00
          Delegates and Events in C# 2:00:00
          Collections and Generics in C# 2:00:00
          C# Threading 2:00:00
          Book a FREE Live Demo!

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          Live training
          43.34 % OFF
          ₹19,999 ₹9,999
          12 months unlimited access to the course.
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          Live training Plus
          50.20 % OFF
          ₹24,384 ₹12,144
          12 months unlimited access to the course.
          For Business
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          *Only for corporate

          .NET Career & Certification

          How do I become a .net developer?

          What will participants learn in .NET Certification?

          Who should go for .NET Training?

          Who is eligible to register for this .NET training?

          Is it possible to switch from self-paced training to instructor-led training?

          What kind of projects are included as part of the dot net certification?

          Our Students Reviews

          Frequently Asked Questions

          Q1. Who is this .NET course for?

          This course is ideal for beginners, software developers, and IT professionals who want to build scalable web applications, enterprise solutions, and cloud-based applications using .NET.

          Q2. Does this course cover the latest .NET 8 features?

          Yes! The course includes .NET 8 advancements such as performance improvements, API updates, and cloud-native development with Azure.

          Q3. Will I get hands-on projects and real-time experience?

          Absolutely! You will work on industry-relevant projects, including e-commerce apps, financial applications, and microservices-based architectures.

          Q4. How does this course help in career growth?

          With .NET skills in high demand, this course prepares you for roles like .NET Developer, Full-Stack Developer, Cloud Engineer, and Software Architect, boosting your job prospects.

          Q5. What are the job roles available after getting a .net certification?

          One of the most common job roles after .net certification is that of a .net developer. With the skills gained through .net training, you can also explore job roles such as Software Engineer, Software Consultant, Systems Analyst, or even Project Manager, depending on your interests.

          Q6. What does a .net developer do?

          A .net developer is responsible for designing, developing, and implementing software solutions using the .net framework. They creates web applications, desktop applications, and mobile applications using languages like .NET core, C# and SQL Server.

          Q7. Is .net programming a good career option?

          .NET programming is definitely a good career option. With the growing demand for software developers and the increasing popularity of the .net framework, there is a great scope for .net programmers in the job market. The demand for .NET programmers is constantly growing, which means plenty of job opportunities and a promising future.

          Q8. What is the scope of .Net Core or .NET8?

          The new .Net versions have the features such as Enhanced Security, Long-term support version (LTS), Hot Reload, Unified platform with improved browser speed, cloud compatibility, adaptability, and IoT performance it has a long-time persistence in the field of software development.

          Q9. What are the benefits of joining the Scholarhat .Net Certification Training Program?

          Benefits of joining the Scholarhat .NET Certification Training Program include expert-led training, hands-on projects, industry-relevant curriculum, certification, placement assistance, and a supportive learning community.

          Q10. What is the salary for a .NET Certified Professional?

          The salary for a .NET Certified Professional in India can vary based on factors like experience, location, and employer. On average, it can range from ₹4,00,000 to ₹10,00,000 per year or more.

          Q1. Can I Attend a Demo Session before Enrolment?

          Yes, you can Attend a Demo Session before Enrolment in angular certification course. It gives you the opportunity to assess whether the training program aligns with your learning objectives. So, don't hesitate! Take advantage of this opportunity and attend a demo session before making your decision.

          Q2. Can I request for a support session if I need to better understand the topics?

          Yes, of course you can request for a support session if you need to better understand the topics. For that, you need to be in touch with the counsellor. Contact on +91- 999 9123 502 or you can mail us at

          Q3. Do you offer certificate of completion?

          Yes. The certificate is valid and can be used for interviews. Additionally, the student can register for the .Net Certification exam after completion of this course.

          Q4. Who are your mentors?

          All our mentors are highly qualified and experience professionals. All have at least 8-10 yrs of development experience in various technologies and are trained by Dot Net Tricks to deliver interactive training to the participants.

          Q5. What If I miss my online training class?

          All online training classes are recorded. You will get the recorded sessions so that you can watch the online classes when you want. Also, you can join other class to do your missing classes.

          Q6. Can I share my course with someone else?

          In short, no. Check our licensing that you agree to by using Dot Net Tricks LMS. We track this stuff, any abuse of copyright is taken seriously. Thanks for your understanding on this one.

          Q7. Do you provide any course material or live session videos?

          Yes we do. You will get access to the entire content including class videos, mockups, and assignments through LMS.

          Q8. Do you provide training on latest technology version?

          Yes we do. As the technology upgrades we do update our content and provide your training on latest version of that technology.

          Q9. Do you prepare me for the job interview?

          Yes, we do. We will discuss all possible technical interview questions and answers during the training program so that you can prepare yourself for interview.

          Q10. Will I get placement assistance after receiving my course completion certificate?

          Yes, you’ll get placement assistance after receiving your course completion certificate. The placement assistance provided by the US will guide you through the job search process, help you polish your resume, and connect you with potential employers. For that, you need to be in touch with the counsellor. Contact on +91- 999 9123 502 or you can mail us at

          Still have some questions? Let's discuss.
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