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React JS Certification Training | Best React Training Course

Live Online Course

  4.7/5 Ratings     4.7/5Ratings

12 Sessions

  Live Classes

53 Videos

Video Course

12 Notes

Quick Notes

9 Labs

Hands-on Labs

1 Project(s)

Learn to implement

8 Tests

Skill Tests

17 Videos

 Interview Q&A

React Js Course Overview

React JS Certification Training at ScholarHat provides a deep dive into React, emphasizing its component-based architecture and one-way data flow. Participants gain hands-on experience through projects, mastering UI development.

The course covers JSX, React Router, and state management, preparing learners for React certification. Expert-led training, industry-relevant curriculum, and a supportive learning environment make this program ideal for aspiring UI developers and those seeking proficiency in building interactive and scalable web applications using React.

React Course objectives

At the completion of this course, attendees will be able to:

  1. Describe JavaScript and ES6 concepts like objects, classes, arrow function
  2. Explore React basic and advanced in-depth concepts
  3. Create components, routing and forms validations etc.
  4. Explore Redux's basic and advanced in-depth concepts
  5. Create REST Services using Web API
  6. Consume REST API using Axios
  7. Implement Authentication and Authorization for users
  8. Building Responsive UI using Bootstrap
  9. Implement token-based security
  10. Publish their App on the cloud server

Outcomes of the Training

  1. Create robust and reusable components with advanced techniques
  2. Learn concepts like Redux and Axios from industry experts
  3. Build real-world applications like ScholarHat, edTechSpark Website
  4. Potential to become a leading Frontend Developer
  5. Chance to receive a package of Rs. 6.5 LPA as a fresher
  6. Personalized Career Coaching and Goal Setting

    Why Learn React in 2024?

    1. Popularity and Demand: React is one of the most popular JavaScript libraries for building user interfaces.
    2. Virtual DOM and Performance: React uses a virtual DOM (Document Object Model) to efficiently update the UI in response to changes in the application state.
    3. Fast Learning Curve: any developer with even basic knowledge of JavaScript can build beautiful apps in React after just a few days of tuition.
    4. Earning potential: React developers in India earn an average salary of Rs.7-12 LPA, with senior roles reaching up to Rs.20 LPA.
    5. High-paying jobs: You will eventually get a job as a ReactJS developer and earn a 6-figure salary.

    Why Learn React?

    React Career Scope

    React is employed by the world's leading companies. Discover the salary and skills of React developer. With the increasing demand for ReactJS developers, there are numerous job titles available, with average salaries around $108,175. Don't miss out on exciting career opportunities in React development!

    1. Front-End Developer: Many companies actively seek front-end developers with React expertise to build user interfaces for web applications.
    2. Full-Stack Developer: Full-stack developers proficient in React can work on both front-end and back-end aspects of web development.
    3. React Native Developer: They specialize in building cross-platform mobile applications using React Native
    4. UI/UX Designer: UI/UX designers with knowledge of React can work closely with developers to design and prototype user interfaces for web and mobile applications.
    5. Technical Lead/Architect: They design scalable and maintainable React applications, define coding standards and best practices, and oversee the implementation of complex features and functionalities.

    React Career Scope

    React Tools and Technologies Covered

    React Router
    React Hook Form
    Web API
    VS Code IDE

    React JS Course Key Features

    • 6 Weeks of Intensive Live Training
    • Learn from Microsoft MVPs
    • Build OTT Platform real-world Website
    • Career Coaching
    • Resume & Portfolio Building
    • Job Assistance

    React Certification Course Eligibility


    Everyone interested in learning React Js should be familiar with the fundamentals of programming. Through simplified projects, our online React JS course teaches you the Web development skills necessary to develop React applications. Sign up for this Certification course to receive your React developer credential.

    Who can Join for React training online?

    This course should be taken by all professionals who are eager to create high-performance web apps. Enthusiasts who are keen to become React developers can use this option to become expert Web developers by enrolling in a React Certification course. Developers who wished to master just one programming language to create cross-platform mobile applications using React are the target audience for this online React training course.

    Included in this React Certification Training

    •   Live Sessions12 Classes
    •   Video Course 53 Videos
    •   Quick Notes 12 Notes
    •   Labs 9 labs
    •   Projects1 Project(s)
    •   Skill Tests 8 Tests
    •   Q&A 17 Videos

    JavaScript and ES6

    1. Understanding JavaScript
    2. Understanding ES6
    3. JavaScript Data Types – Primitive & Non-Primitive
    4. Naming a variable
    5. Number Mathematics

    var, let and const

    1. Using var
    2. Using let
    3. Using const

    Functions and Arrow Function

    1. Different types of Functions
    2. Named Function
    3. Anonymous Function
    4. Arrow Function
    5. Anonymous Function vs. Arrow Function

    Objects and Constructor Function

    1. Creating Object
    2. Literal Object
    3. Primitive types as Objects
    4. Constructor Function

    Class and Methods

    1. ES6 Class
    2. Class Members
    3. Templated String

    Introduction to React

    1. Introduction to React
    2. Why React?h4
    3. Advantages of React
    4. React Development Style

    Setting Up Environment

    1. Installing Node.js
    2. Installing Visual Studio and Visual Studio Code
    3. Useful VS Extensions for React Development
    4. Useful VS Code Extensions for Angular Development

    Get Started with React

    1. Setting up the React App
    2. Running the React App
    3. React Initialization Process
    4. React Virtual DOM
    5. React Ecosystemh4
    6. React versus other frameworks


    1. Introduction to JSX
    2. JSX for components
    3. Attributesh4
    4. Expressions
    5. React without JSX

    React Components

    1. Render Elementsh4
    2. Understanding Component
    3. Creating a Componenth4
    4. Types of Components
    5. Functional Components
    6. Class Components

    Advanced React Components

    1. Component Life-Cycleh4
    2. Virtual DOM
    3. Composition
    4. Communication between Components
    5. Reusable Components

    Data Flow

    1. Introduction to One Way Data Flow in React
    2. Props and Stateh4
    3. Passing Data to Child Component
    4. Handling State of Component

    Event and Actions

    1. Events in Reacth4
    2. Data Binding
    3. Events and Actions
    4. Handling Eventsh4
    5. Communication Among Componentsh4

    Routing using React Router

    1. Understanding Routing
    2. Introduction to React Router
    3. Defining Routesh4
    4. Routes Handlingh4
    5. Handling Route Parametersh4
    6. Nested Routes

    React Forms and Controls

    1. Introduction to React Forms
    2. Creating Forms
    3. Forms Validations
    4. Custom Validations
    Redux and Axios


    1. Introduction to Redux
    2. Redux vs. Flux
    3. Redux Flow Overview
    4. Redux Setup

    Redux Flow

    1. Actions
    2. Reducers and Root Reducers
    3. Store
    4. Dispatch Actions
    5. Action creators

    Async Actions and Action Flow

    1. Async Action Creators
    2. Async Flow
    3. Promises

    REST API and Axios

    1. Introduction to Axios
    2. Using Axios with React
    3. Consuming REST API using Axios in React
    4. Performing CRUD operations

    Unit Testing

    1. Introduction to Unit Testing
    2. React Unit Testing setup
    3. React Unit Testing frameworks
    4. Unit Testing with TestUtils

    Testing React Components

    1. Testing Components
    2. Testing DOM Manipulations
    3. Testing Properties and State
    4. Simulating Events
    Architecture and Design Patterns

    Project Architecture

    1. Understanding Need of Project Architecture
    2. Project Architecture Overview
    3. Clean Architecture
    4. Layer Architecture

    Design Patterns: Repository and Unit of Work

    1. Understanding Repository and UOW Design Pattern
    2. Need of Repository Design Pattern
    3. Need to Unit of Work Design Pattern
    4. Implementing Repository and UOF Design Pattern

    Dependency Injection

    1. Understanding Dependency Injection
    2. Need of Dependency Injection
    3. Implementing DI

    Angular Best Practices

    1. Implementing Bundling and Minifcations
    2. Compress Response Size
    3. Error Logging
    4. Implementing Caching
    Quick Notes Notes (12)

    React CLI


    JavaScript XML (JSX)


    React Components


    React: Data Binding and Event


    React Routing


    React: Inheritance and Composition


    React Component Life Cycle


    React Hooks


    React Forms


    React Form Validation with Formik and Submit handler


    Redux and React Redux


    ASP.NET Web API and React


    Hands-On Labs Labs(9)

    JSX and Data Binding


    Configuring Routing and Using Local Storage


    Components and Data Passing


    Form Validations Using React-Hook-Form Library


    CRUD Operations with React and Node.js


    Push React Code to GitHub


    Listing, Paging, Sorting, and Searching


    Creating Cascade Dropdown Lists


    Hosting React App with Node.js


    Real World Project: eVideoPrime

    As the world increasingly moves online, it's more feasible than ever for users to watch movies, and shows online. As a consumer, he can watch the best movies, series and shows from any country in this world in his language. First, you’ll need to choose the type of video content you want to deliver online. Build a website to automate the workflow for hosting and playing movies, series, and shows and managing them.

    Build a website like NetFlix, AmazonPrime or Hotstar that enables customers to have a seamless experience for watching their favourite movies and shows.

    Project Scope

    Public Section

    1. Home Page
    2. About Us Page
    3. Contact Us Page


    1. Login Page
    2. SignUp Page
    3. Forgot Password Page
    4. SignOut Page


    1. Movies Listing Page
    2. Movie Details Page

    Pricing and Payment

    1. Pricing Page
    2. Checkout Page
    3. Payment Page with payment gateway integration
    4. Payment Confirmation Page

    User Module

    1. Dashboard Page
    2. Order Listing Page
    3. Order Details Page
    4. Profile Page
    5. Change Password Page

    Admin Module

    1. Dashboard Page
    2. Movie Listing, Create and Edit Pages
    3. Movie Banner Page
    4. Subscription Page
    5. User Listing Page
    6. Profile Page
    7. Change Password Page

    Technologies to be Used

    1. JavaScript
    2. React
    3. Web API
    4. SQL Server
    5. Bootstrap 5
    6. Node.js/.NET

    Architecture and Practices to be Used

    1. Clean Architecture
    2. Repository Pattern, Dependency Injection
    3. Authentication and Authorization
    4. Build Mobile Friendly UI
    5. Bundling and Minification
    6. Cache
    7. Errors Logging
    8. Deploy Code

    Intended Audience

    1. Freshers/Beginners
    2. Software Developers
    3. Tech Leads
    4. Solution Architects

    Outcome of the Project

    Create what was only once thought impossible. Project development allows you to bring your learning into reality to solve real-world problems. It will give you an invaluable edge in a competitive job market, allowing you to confidently showcase your real-world problem-solving abilities to potential employers to get hired.

    Skill Tests Tests (8)

    Introduction to React

    15 Questions

    React Components

    15 Questions

    React Routing

    15 Questions

    React Hooks

    15 Questions

    React Forms & Validations

    10 Questions

    React Form Validation with Formik & Yup

    10 Questions

    React Working with Data using WebAPI & Axios

    10 Questions

    React State Management using Redux

    15 Questions

    Introduction to React Q&A

    Introduction to React Preview 00m 45s

    React History

    React History Preview 07m 21s

    Single Page App (SPA)

    Single Page App (SPA) 07m 16s

    React CLI

    React CLI 10m 24s

    React Building Blocks

    React Building Blocks 13m 23s


    JSX 03m 24s

    Introduction to React

    Introduction to React Preview 00m 35s

    Data Binding

    Data Binding Preview 07m 46s

    State, Props, and Refs

    State, Props, and Refs 09m 34s

    React Components

    React Components 07m 05s

    React Routing

    React Routing 13m 33s

    course Overview

    Course Overview Preview 0h 01m 26s

    Advanced Components and Hooks

    Advanced Components 0h 25m 04s
    Hooks 0h 11m 00s

    forms and validations

    Forms and Validations 0h 07m 12s

    React Redux and Unit Testing

    React Redux 0h 16m 31s
    Unit Testing 0h 16m 47s
    Book a FREE Live Demo!

    Choose Training Options

    Live training
    11.05 % OFF
    ₹16,894 ₹14,499
    12 months unlimited access to the course.
    Most Popular
    Live training Plus
    20.55 % OFF
    ₹21,282 ₹16,945
    12 months unlimited access to the course.
    For Business
    Corporate Training
    Contact Us
    *Only for corporate

    React Career & Certification

    What will you learn in this React Certification Course?

    What are the objective of this React Certification?

    Who should go for this react training?

    What kind of projects are included as part of the react online course ?

    Do I need a React certification to get a job?

    What are the next steps after completing a React training program?

    What are the career benefits of learning Reactjs?

    Is React in demand in 2024?

    Our Students Reviews

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Q1. What skills should I have before taking a React certification course?

    There are no such mandatory skills before taking a React Certification but it’s good to be familiar with the basic programming concepts. It’s beneficial if you have a solid foundation of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and basic web development concepts.

    Q2. Is React very difficult?

    It’s a very subjective question. It will be quite easier especially if you have prior experience with JavaScript and web development.

    Q3. Can I learn ReactJS in 3 months?

    Yes, it’s possible with consistent effort and dedication. However, it also depends on your programming knowledge, knowledge of web development fundamentals, etc. In our React Certification Course, you’ll be provided guided training from industry experts, real-time project development, and hands-on labs, which will help you become a trained React Developer relatively quickly.

    Q4. How long does it take to learn ReactJS?

    The time it takes to learn ReactJS varies depending on factors such as prior experience with web development, familiarity with JavaScript, and the amount of time dedicated to learning. With proper guidance like in ScholarHat’s training program, you can become proficient in ReactJS within a few weeks to a few months.

    Q5. Will AI replace React developers?

    AI is unlikely to replace React developers entirely, as human creativity, problem-solving skills, and understanding of user needs remain essential for designing and building effective user interfaces.

    Q6. What are the salary expectations for a React developer?

    Salary expectations for React developers vary depending on location, experience, skill level, and the specific industry or company. On average, entry-level React developers can expect salaries ranging from ₹3-6 lakhs per annum, while mid-level developers may earn between ₹6-12 lakhs per annum. Senior React developers can command salaries upwards of ₹12 lakhs per annum

    Q7. Is React Certification a good career option?

    In today's fast-paced and technology-driven world, having the right skills and certifications can make a huge difference in one's career prospects. With the increasing demand for skilled React developers, getting certified in React can open up numerous career opportunities. So, if you are passionate about web development and want to excel in React, pursuing a React Certification Course can be a great career option.

    Q8. What skills should a React developer know?

    A strong understanding of React.js is a must. This includes knowledge of its core concepts such as components, state management, and the virtual DOM. Additionally, familiarity with JavaScript is crucial. A React developer should also have a good grasp of HTML and CSS. To gain these skills, one can enroll in a React Certification Course, which provides training and hands-on experiences.

    Q9. Is a React certification course worth it?

    With a React certification, you can showcase your expertise in this popular JavaScript library and stand out from the competition. Not only will you gain a deeper understanding of React, but you'll also receive recognition for your skills. Plus, employers often look for candidates with certifications, so it can greatly enhance your job prospects. So, it’s definitely worth it!

    Q10. Does scholarhat offer job assistance?

    Yes, you’ll get placement assistance after receiving React Certification.The placement assistance provided by us will guide you through the job search process, help you polish your resume, and connect you with potential employers. For that, you need to be in touch with the counsellor. Contact on +91- 999 9123 502 or you can mail us at

    Q11. Why should I learn this course from Scholarhat?

    With Scholarhat, you can trust that you’ll be completing this React certification course from industry experts who are well-versed in React and have a thorough understanding of the latest trends. You'll also receive a certification upon completion, which will greatly enhance your job prospects. Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to become a certified React developer with scholarhat!

    Q12. Do you offer a certificate of completion?

    Yes. The certificate is valid and can be used for interviews. Additionally, the student can register for the Certification exam after completing this React JS course.

    Q13. Is joining React JS training online worthwhile?

    Building dynamic user interfaces for SPAs is made easier with the help of React JS. It handles the display layer for both web and mobile applications and enables programmers to make reusable UI elements. React.js package is a flexible tool for quickly creating interactive user interfaces. Organizations like Instagram and Facebook use it. Being a view layer rather than a whole framework, it gives a finishing texture to make your website more appealing. The React Certification course will greatly benefit your professional development if you intend to develop UI/UX solutions for mobile or the web.

    Q14. Why is React JS so popular?

    React JS is popular due to its component-based architecture, virtual DOM for efficient updates, one-way data flow, and a vibrant ecosystem. It simplifies UI development, enhancing performance and maintainability.

    Q15. Is React JS the future?

    React JS remains influential in web development with a robust ecosystem and Facebook's support. Its flexibility and component-based approach suggest it will continue shaping the future of UI development.

    Q16. Why should you learn React?

    Learn React for efficient UI development, component reusability, virtual DOM, and a strong community. It powers dynamic and responsive user interfaces, making it essential for modern web development.

    Q17. What are the prerequisites for React JS Course?

    Everyone interested in learning React Js should be familiar with the fundamentals of programming. Through simplified projects, our online React JS course teaches you the Web development skills necessary to develop React applications.

    Q18. What is the difference between React JS and React Native?

    React JS is a JavaScript library for building web interfaces, while React Native is a framework for building cross-platform mobile applications using React principles, allowing code reuse across platforms.

    Q1. Can I Attend a Demo Session before Enrolment?

    Yes, you can Attend a Demo Session before Enrolment in angular certification course. It gives you the opportunity to assess whether the training program aligns with your learning objectives. So, don't hesitate! Take advantage of this opportunity and attend a demo session before making your decision.

    Q2. Can I request for a support session if I need to better understand the topics?

    Yes, of course you can request for a support session if you need to better understand the topics. For that, you need to be in touch with the counsellor. Contact on +91- 999 9123 502 or you can mail us at

    Q3. Do you offer certificate of completion?

    Yes. The certificate is valid and can be used for interviews. Additionally, the student can register for the .Net Certification exam after completion of this course.

    Q4. Who are your mentors?

    All our mentors are highly qualified and experience professionals. All have at least 8-10 yrs of development experience in various technologies and are trained by Dot Net Tricks to deliver interactive training to the participants.

    Q5. What If I miss my online training class?

    All online training classes are recorded. You will get the recorded sessions so that you can watch the online classes when you want. Also, you can join other class to do your missing classes.

    Q6. Can I share my course with someone else?

    In short, no. Check our licensing that you agree to by using Dot Net Tricks LMS. We track this stuff, any abuse of copyright is taken seriously. Thanks for your understanding on this one.

    Q7. Do you provide any course material or live session videos?

    Yes we do. You will get access to the entire content including class videos, mockups, and assignments through LMS.

    Q8. Do you provide training on latest technology version?

    Yes we do. As the technology upgrades we do update our content and provide your training on latest version of that technology.

    Q9. Do you prepare me for the job interview?

    Yes, we do. We will discuss all possible technical interview questions and answers during the training program so that you can prepare yourself for interview.

    Q10. Will I get placement assistance after receiving my course completion certificate?

    Yes, you’ll get placement assistance after receiving your course completion certificate. The placement assistance provided by the US will guide you through the job search process, help you polish your resume, and connect you with potential employers. For that, you need to be in touch with the counsellor. Contact on +91- 999 9123 502 or you can mail us at

    Still have some questions? Let's discuss.
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