C# Attributes

C# Attributes

26 Jan 2025
8 min read
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Attributes in C#-An Overview

C# Attributes play a crucial role in enhancing code readability, providing metadata, and enabling runtime behaviors. This article explores the fundamental concepts of C# attributes, demonstrating their usage and impact on various aspects of software development, from documentation to customization.

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What is Attributes in C# ?

In C#, attributes provide metadata that can be added to program entities such as classes, methods, or properties. They convey information about the elements they decorate, influencing behaviors or providing additional information for tools and compilers.

Properties of Attributes in C#

  • Type: Specifies the data type of the attribute.
  • Positional Parameters: Allow passing values to attribute constructor.
  • Named Parameters: Provide named values for attribute properties.
  • Targets: Define where the attribute can be applied (e.g., class, method).
  • Inheritance: Determine if the attribute is inherited by subclasses.
  • Usage Restrictions: Set constraints on attribute usage.
  • Reflection: Attributes can be accessed and manipulated at runtime.
  • AttributeTargets Enumeration: Specifies valid attribute targets.
  • Multiple Attributes: Apply multiple attributes to a single target.
  • Custom Attributes: Create user-defined attributes for specific behaviors.

Predefined Attributes

Predefined attributes are those that are supported by the C# compiler for a particular use and are a component of the.NET Framework Class Library. The System is the source of several of the preset properties. The following are basic classes for attributes.

AttributeUsageAttributeThis property describes how to use an alternative attribute.
CLSCompliantAttributeThis property indicates whether or not a specific code element conforms with the Common Language Specification.
ContextStaticAttributeThis property indicates that different contexts shouldn't share a static field.
FlagsAttributeThe ability to utilize an enumeration as a collection of flags is indicated by the FlagsAttribute. Bitwise operators are the most typical applications for this.
LoaderOptimizationAttributeIn the main method, this property determines the optimization policy for the default loader.

This property indicates that serializing the serializable class field is not recommended.

ObsoleteAttributeThis characteristic designates code components that are out-of-date, or no longer in use.
SerializableAttributeThis property indicates that the serializable class's field is serializable.
ThreadStaticAttributeThis property shows that every thread has a different static field value.
DllImportAttributeAccording to the unmanaged DLL, this characteristic shows that the method is a static entry point.


This property indicates whether or not a specific code element conforms with the Common Language Specification. if a certain piece of code conforms to the Common Language Specification. The compiler will then display a warning message if it doesn't.


 // C# program to demonstrate CLSCompliantAttribute
using System;

// CLSCompliantAttribute applied to entire assembly

public class DNT {

// Main Method
public static void Main(string[] args)


This C# program demonstrates the use of the CLSCompliantAttribute applied to the entire assembly, ensuring adherence to the Common Language Specification (CLS). The attribute is set to true, indicating CLS compliance, and the program prints "DotNetTricks" to the console in the Main method.




The ability to utilize an enumeration as a collection of flags is indicated by the FlagsAttribute. Bitwise operators are the most typical applications for this.


 // C# program to demonstrate FlagsAttribute
using System;

class DNT {

// Enum defined without FlagsAttribute.
enum Colours { Red = 10,
 Blue = 20,
 Pink = 40,
 Green = 80

// Enum defined with FlagsAttribute.
[Flags] enum ColoursFlags { Red = 10,
 Blue = 20,
 Pink = 40,
 Green = 80

// Main Method
public static void Main(string[] args)
 Console.WriteLine((Colours.Red | Colours.Blue).ToString());
 Console.WriteLine((ColoursFlags.Red | ColoursFlags.Blue).ToString());


For the Colours enum without FlagsAttribute, the bitwise OR operation results in the sum of the enum values (Red + Blue), which is 30. For the ColoursFlags enum with FlagsAttribute, the ToString() method displays the combined enum values using commas, indicating a bitwise OR operation.


Red, Blue


Code elements that are no longer in use are designated as obsolete using the ObsoleteAttribute. A compiler error occurs when one calls these out-of-date code parts.


  // C# program to demonstrate ObsoleteAttribute
using System;

class DNT {

// The method1() is marked as obsolete
[Obsolete("method1 is obsolete", true)] static void method1()
 Console.WriteLine("This is method1");

static void method2()
 Console.WriteLine("This is method2");

public static void Main(string[] args)
 method1(); // Compiler error as method1() is obsolete


The output of this code would not be applicable since it contains a compilation error. The method1() is marked as obsolete with the ObsoleteAttribute, and the second parameter is set to true, indicating it is an error if the obsolete method is used. Therefore, attempting to call method1() will result in a compiler error, and method2() will not be executed due to the error in the code.

Custom Attributes

In C#, custom attributes may be made to connect declarative data in any necessary way to methods, assemblies, properties, types, etc. This makes the.NET framework more extensible. How to Make Custom Attributes:

  • Describe a System-derived custom attribute class. Class attributes.
  • The suffix Attribute should appear at the end of the custom attribute class name.
  • To indicate how the constructed custom attribute class will be used, use the attribute AttributeUsage.
  • Construct the custom attribute class's constructor and its available properties.

In conclusion, C# attributes enhance code by providing metadata that influences the behavior of the program. They offer a powerful way to convey additional information, improve readability, and enable advanced features. Utilizing attributes wisely contributes to cleaner, more efficient, and maintainable C# code.

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About Author
Shailendra Chauhan (Microsoft MVP, Founder & CEO at ScholarHat)

Shailendra Chauhan, Founder and CEO of ScholarHat by DotNetTricks, is a renowned expert in System Design, Software Architecture, Azure Cloud, .NET, Angular, React, Node.js, Microservices, DevOps, and Cross-Platform Mobile App Development. His skill set extends into emerging fields like Data Science, Python, Azure AI/ML, and Generative AI, making him a well-rounded expert who bridges traditional development frameworks with cutting-edge advancements. Recognized as a Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) for an impressive 9 consecutive years (2016–2024), he has consistently demonstrated excellence in delivering impactful solutions and inspiring learners.

Shailendra’s unique, hands-on training programs and bestselling books have empowered thousands of professionals to excel in their careers and crack tough interviews. A visionary leader, he continues to revolutionize technology education with his innovative approach.
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