Understanding Constructors in C#: A Complete Guide

Understanding Constructors in C#: A Complete Guide

26 Jan 2025
21 min read
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C# Constructor

Constructors in C# is an important concept in C# programming language. If you have doubts about how to initialize and set up an object in our program. Then, you need to understand Constructor in C#. Whenever you create an object, a constructor is the first thing that runs to make sure the object is ready to go.

In this C# Tutorial, we will get the chance to learn about What is the Constructor in C#?, the Types of Constructors in C#, default constructor in c#, parameterized constructor in c#, copy constructor in c#, private constructor in c#, and static constructor in c#.

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What is a Constructor in C#?

Constructor in C# is a special method with the same name as the class, used to initialize objects when they are created. It is automatically called when an object is instantiated, allowing initialization of class members and execution of specific logic before the object is used.


 class Scholar{ 
 // Constructor
 public Scholar() {}

// An object is created of Scholar class,
// So above constructor is called

Important Points to Remember About Constructors in C#

  • A class's constructor must share the same name as the class it belongs to.
  • A constructor cannot be synchronized, final, or abstract.
  • Only one static constructor can be created per class.
  • There is no return type, not even void, for a constructor.
  • A parameterized constructor can't be a static constructor.
  • There can be any number of constructors in a class.
  • Access modifiers can be used in the constructor declaration to limit access to a constructor, or what other classes may call it.
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Types of Constructors in C#

There are 5 types of constructors in C#:

Types of Constructors in C#

1. Default Constructor in C#

Default constructors are constructors that take no parameters. Every instance of the class must be initialized with identical values when using a default constructor. Inside a class, the default constructor sets all of the numeric values to zero and all of the string and object fields to null.


Let us understand Default Constructor in C# with an example:
 using System;
class Person
 // Properties
 public string Name { get; set; }
 public int Age { get; set; }

 // Default Constructor
 public Person()
 Name = "Aman Mishra";
 Age = 30;

class Program
 static void Main()
 // Creating an instance of the Person class using the default constructor
 Person person = new Person();

 // Printing the values
 Console.WriteLine("Name: " + person.Name);
 Console.WriteLine("Age: " + person.Age);


In this example, the Person class has a default constructor that initializes the Name property to "John Doe" and the Age property to 30. In the main method of the program class, an instance of the person class is created using the default constructor, and then the name and age values are printed on the console.


Name: Aman Mishra
Age: 30

2. Parameterized Constructor in C#

A constructor is considered parameterized if it accepts at least one parameter. Each instance of the class may have a different initialization value.


 // C# Program to illustrate calling of parameterized constructor.
using System;
namespace ParameterizedConstructorExample {

class Scholar {

// data members of the class.
String name;
int id;

// parameterized constructor would
// initialized data members with
// the values of passed arguments
// while object of that class created.
Scholar(String name, int id)
 this.name = name;
 this.id = id;

// Main Method
public static void Main()

 // This will invoke parameterized
 // constructor.
 Scholar scholar1 = new Scholar("DNT", 1);
 Console.WriteLine("ScholarName = " + scholar1.name +
 " and ScholarId = " + scholar1.id);


This C# code defines a Scholar class with a parameterized constructor. It creates an object scholar1, initializes its name and id, and then prints the values.


ScholarName = DNT and ScholarId = 1

3. Copy Constructor in C#

This constructor generates an object by copying variables from another object. Its primary function is to set a new instance's starting values to those of an existing instance.


 // C# Program to illustrate calling a Copy constructor
// C# Program to illustrate calling a Copy constructor
 using System;
 namespace copyConstructorExample
 class Scholars
 private string month;
 private int year;
 // Declaring Copy constructor
 public Scholars(Scholars s)
 month = s.month;
 year = s.year;
 // Instance constructor
 public Scholars(string month, int year)
 this.month = month;
 this.year = year;
 // Get details of Scholars
 public string Details
 return "Month: " + month.ToString() + "\nYear: " + year.ToString();
 // Main Method
 public static void Main()
 // Create a new Scholars object.
 Scholars g1 = new Scholars("August", 2023);
 // here is g1 details is copied to g2.
 Scholars g2 = new Scholars(g1);


This C# code in the C# Editor demonstrates a copy constructor in the Scholars class. It creates objects g1 and g2, where g2 is initialized using the copy constructor, displaying g1's details.


Month: August
Year: 2023

4. Private Constructor in C#

A constructor is referred to as a private constructor if it was created with the private specifier. This class cannot be derived from by any other classes, nor can an instance of this class be created.


 // A Private Constructor
using System;

 namespace privateConstructorExample
 public class Scholars
 // Declare a private constructor
 private Scholars()
 // Declare a static variable field
 public static int count_scholars;
 // Declare a static method
 public static int scholars_Count()
 return ++count_scholars;
 public static void Main()
 // If you uncomment the following
 // statement, it will generate
 // an error because the constructor
 // is inaccessible:
 // Scholars s = new Scholars(); // Error
 Scholars.count_scholars = 199;
 // Accessing without any instance of the class
 // Accessing without any instance of the class


This C# code demonstrates a private constructor in the Scholars class, preventing object creation from outside the class. It uses a static method to access and modify a static variable.



5. Static Constructor in C#

When the first reference to a static member of the class was created, the static constructor—which only has to be called once in the whole class—was called. Static constructors are designed to be used just once to initialize static class fields or data.


 // A Static Constructor
using System;
namespace staticConstructorExample {
class scholars {

// It is invoked before the first
// instance constructor is run.
static scholars()

 // The following statement produces
 // the first line of output,
 // and the line occurs only once.
 Console.WriteLine("Static Constructor");

// Instance constructor.
public scholars(int i)
 Console.WriteLine("Instance Constructor " + i);
// Instance method.
public string scholars_detail(string name, int id)
 return "Name:" + name + " id:" + id;
// Main Method
public static void Main()

 // Here Both Static and instance
 // constructors are invoked for
 // first instance
 scholars obj = new scholars(1);
 Console.WriteLine(obj.scholars_detail("DNT", 1));
 // Here only instance constructor
 // will be invoked
 scholars obj1 = new scholars(2);
 Console.WriteLine(obj1.scholars_detail("DotNetTricks", 2));


This C# code demonstrates static and instance constructors. The static constructor runs once before any instance is created. Instance constructors are called for each object instance created.


Static Constructor
Instance Constructor 1
Name:DNT id:1
Instance Constructor 2
Name:DotNetTicks id:2
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In conclusion, we have covered Constructor in C#. You should have strong knowledge of Constructor in C#. The more you explore and build with C#, the more you'll appreciate the power of constructors in keeping your code clean, efficient, and easy to maintain. For mastering C#, ScholarHat provides you with a Full-Stack .NET Developer Certification Training Course and .Net Microservices with Docker & Kubernetes Certification Training for your brighter career.


A constructor in C# is a special method that initializes an object when it is created, ensuring it is in a valid state. It has the same name as the class, does not have a return type, and can be overloaded to provide different initialization options. 

A destructor is a method called automatically when an object is about to be destroyed or garbage collected, primarily used to release unmanaged resources. It has the same name as the class but is preceded by a tilde (~), cannot have parameters, and there can only be one destructor per class.

A constructor is used to construct an object and assign values to the object's members.

Yes, a class can have multiple constructors, a practice known as constructor overloading. Each constructor must have a different parameter list (different types or numbers of parameters). 

If you don't define any constructor, C# provides a default constructor that initializes the object with default values (e.g., null for reference types and zero for numeric types). 

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About Author
Shailendra Chauhan (Microsoft MVP, Founder & CEO at ScholarHat)

Shailendra Chauhan, Founder and CEO of ScholarHat by DotNetTricks, is a renowned expert in System Design, Software Architecture, Azure Cloud, .NET, Angular, React, Node.js, Microservices, DevOps, and Cross-Platform Mobile App Development. His skill set extends into emerging fields like Data Science, Python, Azure AI/ML, and Generative AI, making him a well-rounded expert who bridges traditional development frameworks with cutting-edge advancements. Recognized as a Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) for an impressive 9 consecutive years (2016–2024), he has consistently demonstrated excellence in delivering impactful solutions and inspiring learners.

Shailendra’s unique, hands-on training programs and bestselling books have empowered thousands of professionals to excel in their careers and crack tough interviews. A visionary leader, he continues to revolutionize technology education with his innovative approach.
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