Keywords in C#: Types of Keywords with Examples

Keywords in C#: Types of Keywords with Examples

26 Jan 2025
29 min read
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Keywords in C#: An Overview

In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the power of keywords in C#, one of the most popular programming languages used today. To enhance your knowledge and apply these best practices effectively, you can enroll in a C Sharp Online Course Free. This course will provide you with a deeper understanding of C# programming, including the proper use of identifiers and other essential concepts.

What are Keywords in C#?

Keywords are predefined sets of reserved words that have special meaning in a program. The meaning of keywords can not be changed, nor can they be directly used as identifiers in a program.

Keywords serve as building blocks for constructing statements, defining types, controlling program flow, and implementing various programming constructs.


char studentName;

Here, “studentName” is a variable (identifier) and long is a keyword. In C#, the word "char" has a special meaning; it is used to declare variables of the type character and has a fixed function.

char, int, long, and other keywords cannot be used as identifiers. We, therefore, cannot have the following:

char char;

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Reserved Keywords in C#

If the question is how many reserved keywords are in c# then the answer is, that there are a total of 77 reserved keywords. These keywords are predefined and have a specific meaning in the language.

foreachgotoifimplicitinin (generic modifier)int
nullobjectoperatoroutout (generic modifier)overrideparams


  using System;

class Scholarhat
static public void Main () 
 int a = 10;
 Console.WriteLine("The value of a is: {0}",a);
 // this is not a valid identifier

 // removing comment will give compile time error
 // double int = 10;


This C# code in the C# Compiler defines a class named "Scholarhat" with a static "Main" method. It declares an integer variable "a" with a value of 10 and then prints its value. There's a commented-out line attempting to declare a variable named "int," which is not a valid identifier, so it's commented out to avoid a compile-time error.


The value of a is: 10

Types of different keywords

Keywords are divided into 10 types, those are:

Types of Keywords

Value keywords

In C#, keywords are reserved words that have special meanings and are used to define the syntax and structure of the language. The following are the value type keywords in C#:



  using System;

class DNT 
static public void Main () 
 byte a = 47;
 Console.WriteLine("The value of a is: {0}",a);

 bool b = true;
 Console.WriteLine("The value of b is: {0}",b);


This C# code defines a class named "DNT" with a static "Main" method. It declares a byte variable "a" with a value of 47 and a boolean variable "b" with a value of true. It then prints the values of these variables to the console.


The value of a is: 47
The value of b is: True

Read More - C# Developer Roadmap

Reference Type Keywords

Reference types have six keywords that are used to store references to data or objects. The terms “class, delegate, interface, object, string, and void” fall under this category.

Example in C# Online Compiler

  using System;

class Program
 static void Main()
 // Example 1: Classes (Reference Type)
 Person person1 = new Person("John", 25);
 Person person2 = person1; // Reference to the same object

 person1.Name = "James"; // Modifying object through one reference
 Console.WriteLine("Example 1:");
 Console.WriteLine($"Person 1: Name - {person1.Name}, Age - {person1.Age}");
 Console.WriteLine($"Person 2: Name - {person2.Name}, Age - {person2.Age}");
 // Example 2: Arrays (Reference Type)
 int[] arr1 = { 1, 2, 3 };
 int[] arr2 = arr1; // Reference to the same array

 arr1[0] = 10; // Modifying array through one reference
 Console.WriteLine("\nExample 2:");
 Console.WriteLine($"Array 1: [{string.Join(", ", arr1)}]");
 Console.WriteLine($"Array 2: [{string.Join(", ", arr2)}]");

class Person
 public string Name { get; set; }
 public int Age { get; set; }

 public Person(string name, int age)
 Name = name;
 Age = age;


This C# code demonstrates reference types. In Example 1, two Person objects share the same reference, so modifying one affects the other. In Example 2, two arrays share the same reference, so changes to one array are reflected in the other. Reference types store references to data in memory, allowing multiple variables to refer to the same data.


 Example 1:
Person 1: Name - James, Age - 25
Person 2: Name - James, Age - 25

Example 2:
Array 1: [10, 2, 3]
Array 2: [10, 2, 3]

Modifiers Keywords

17 keywords in modifiers can be used to change member-type declarations.



  using System;
 class Scholar
 class Mod
 public int n1;


static void Main(string[] args) 
 Mod obj1 = new Mod();

 obj1.n1 = 77;

 Console.WriteLine("Value of n1: {0}", obj1.n1);



This C# code defines a class "Scholar" containing a nested class "Mod" with a public integer field "n1." In the Main method, it creates an instance of "Mod" called "obj1" and assigns a value of 77 to its "n1" field. Then, it prints the value of "n1" to the console.


Value of n1: 77

Statements Keywords

In all, 18 different keywords are employed in program instructions.



  using System;

class demoContinue
public static void Main()
 for(int i = 1; i < 3; i++)
 if(i == 2)
 Console.WriteLine("Scholar Hat");


This C# code in the C# Editor defines a class "demoContinue" with a Main method. It uses a for loop to iterate from 1 to 2. Inside the loop, when the value of "i" is 2, it encounters a "continue" statement, which skips the rest of the loop body for that iteration. As a result, "Scholar Hat" is printed only once.


Scholar Hat

Method Parameters Keywords

There are a total of 4 keywords that can be used to alter how a method's parameters behave. The words "params," "in," "ref," and "out" are included in this category.


 using System;

class Program
 static void ModifyValue(ref int x)
 x = x * 2;

 static void Main()
 int number = 5;

 Console.WriteLine("Before calling ModifyValue: " + number);

 ModifyValue(ref number);

 Console.WriteLine("After calling ModifyValue: " + number);


This C# code defines a program that demonstrates the use of the ref keyword for passing a variable by reference. It declares a method ModifyValue that doubles the value of an integer passed to it. In the Main method, a variable number is modified by ModifyValue, resulting in the output of the original and updated values.


Before calling ModifyValue: 5
After calling ModifyValue: 10

Namespace Keywords

There are 3 keywords in total in this category that are namespace-related. The keywords include extern, namespace, and using.


  using System;

namespace MyNamespace
 class Program
 static void Main()
 Console.WriteLine("Hello from MyNamespace!");

namespace AnotherNamespace
 class Program
 static void Main()
 Console.WriteLine("Hello from AnotherNamespace!");

class Program
 static void Main()
 Console.WriteLine("Hello from the global namespace!");


This C# code demonstrates the use of namespaces. It defines three namespaces: MyNamespace, AnotherNamespace, and the global namespace. Each namespace contains a Program class with its own Main method that prints a unique message. When executed, you can choose which Main method to call, resulting in different output messages.


 Hello from MyNamespace!
Hello from AnotherNamespace!
Hello from the global namespace!

Operator Keywords

There are a total of 8 keywords that can be used for a variety of tasks, including constructing objects and determining an object's size. Key words include "as is," "new," "sizeof," "typeof," "true," and "stackalloc."


 using System;

class Complex
 public double Real { get; set; }
 public double Imaginary { get; set; }

 public Complex(double real, double imaginary)
 Real = real;
 Imaginary = imaginary;

 // Overload the + operator
 public static Complex operator +(Complex c1, Complex c2)
 return new Complex(c1.Real + c2.Real, c1.Imaginary + c2.Imaginary);

 public override string ToString()
 return $"{Real} + {Imaginary}i";

class Program
 static void Main()
 Complex num1 = new Complex(1, 2);
 Complex num2 = new Complex(3, 4);

 Complex sum = num1 + num2;

 Console.WriteLine("Sum: " + sum);


In this example, we define a Complex class representing complex numbers. We overload the + operator using the operator keyword to enable the addition of two Complex objects. The Main method creates two complex numbers, adds them using the overloaded + operator, and prints the result. The code demonstrates how to use the operator keyword to define custom behaviors for operators like + for user-defined types.


Sum: 4 + 6i
  using System;

class Temperature
 private double Celsius;

 public Temperature(double celsius)
 Celsius = celsius;

 // Implicit conversion from Celsius to Fahrenheit
 public static implicit operator Fahrenheit(Temperature temperature)
 double fahrenheit = (temperature.Celsius * 9 / 5) + 32;
 return new Fahrenheit(fahrenheit);

 // Explicit conversion from Celsius to Kelvin
 public static explicit operator Kelvin(Temperature temperature)
 double kelvin = temperature.Celsius + 273.15;
 return new Kelvin(kelvin);

 public override string ToString()
 return $"{Celsius}°C";

class Fahrenheit
 public double Value { get; private set; }

 public Fahrenheit(double value)
 Value = value;

 public override string ToString()
 return $"{Value}°F";

class Kelvin
 public double Value { get; private set; }

 public Kelvin(double value)
 Value = value;

 public override string ToString()
 return $"{Value}K";

class Program
 static void Main()
 Temperature celsiusTemp = new Temperature(25);
 // Implicit conversion from Celsius to Fahrenheit
 Fahrenheit fahrenheitTemp = celsiusTemp;

 // Explicit conversion from Celsius to Kelvin
 Kelvin kelvinTemp = (Kelvin)celsiusTemp;

 Console.WriteLine($"Celsius: {celsiusTemp}");
 Console.WriteLine($"Fahrenheit: {fahrenheitTemp}");
 Console.WriteLine($"Kelvin: {kelvinTemp}");

Celsius: 25°C
Fahrenheit: 77°F
Kelvin: 298.15K

Access Keywords

The class or instance of the class can be accessed and referenced using 2 keywords. “Base” and “This” are the keywords.


  using System;

// Public access modifier (accessible from any code)
public class PublicClass
 public void PublicMethod()
 Console.WriteLine("This is a public method.");

// Internal access modifier (accessible within the same assembly)
internal class InternalClass
 internal void InternalMethod()
 Console.WriteLine("This is an internal method.");

// Private access modifier (accessible only within the same class)
public class AccessExample
 private int privateField = 42;

 private void PrivateMethod()
 Console.WriteLine("This is a private method.");

 public void AccessPrivate()
 Console.WriteLine($"Accessing private field: {privateField}");

class Program
 static void Main()
 PublicClass publicObj = new PublicClass();

 InternalClass internalObj = new InternalClass();

 AccessExample accessExample = new AccessExample();


This C# code in the C# Playground demonstrates access modifiers. It defines three classes: PublicClass with public access, InternalClass with internal access, and AccessExample with private members. The Main method showcases access levels by creating instances and invoking methods, showing how public, internal, and private access works.


 This is a public method.
This is an internal method.
Accessing private field: 42
This is a private method.

Literal Keywords

Two keywords are used as literal or constant expressions. The keywords are default and null.


  using System;

class Program
 static void Main()
 bool isRaining = true;
 bool isSunny = false;

 Console.WriteLine("Is it raining? " + isRaining);
 Console.WriteLine("Is it sunny? " + isSunny);

 int apples = 5;
 int oranges = 3;

 Console.WriteLine("I have " + apples + " apples.");
 Console.WriteLine("I have " + oranges + " oranges.");


This C# code demonstrates the use of literal keywords. It initializes Boolean variables isRaining and isSunny, and integer variables apples and oranges. It then prints messages indicating weather conditions and fruit quantities using the literal keywords true, false, and numeric literals.


Is it raining? True
Is it sunny? False
I have 5 apples.
I have 3 oranges.

Contextual keywords in C#

These are employed in the program to provide a particular meaning. In C#, new keywords are added to the contextual keywords list rather than the keyword category. This reduces the likelihood that programs created in earlier versions may crash.

Important Information:

These words are not restricted.

Contextual keywords were chosen because they can also be used as identifiers outside of the context.

In two or more situations, they can mean distinct things.

In C#, there are a total of 30 contextual keywords.


  using System;

public class Student 

private string name = "DotNet Tricks";

public string Name
 return name;
 name = value;

class TestStudent 

public static void Main(string[] args)
 Student s = new Student();

 s.Name = "DNT";

 Console.WriteLine("Name: " + s.Name);
 int get = 50;
 int set = 70;
 Console.WriteLine("Value of get is: {0}",get);
 Console.WriteLine("Value of set is: {0}",set);


This C# code defines a "Student" class with a private field "name" and a property "Name" to access it. In the "TestStudent" class, it creates a "Student" object, sets its "Name" property to "DNT," and prints the result. It also declares and prints the values of "get" and "set," which are unrelated to the "Student" class.


Name: DNT
Value of get is: 50
Value of set is: 70

Keywords are an integral part of any programming language, including C#. They provide structure and meaning to your code, enabling the compiler to interpret your instructions accurately. Understanding the importance of keywords and following best practices in their usage is crucial for writing clean, efficient, and maintainable code.

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About Author
Shailendra Chauhan (Microsoft MVP, Founder & CEO at ScholarHat)

Shailendra Chauhan, Founder and CEO of ScholarHat by DotNetTricks, is a renowned expert in System Design, Software Architecture, Azure Cloud, .NET, Angular, React, Node.js, Microservices, DevOps, and Cross-Platform Mobile App Development. His skill set extends into emerging fields like Data Science, Python, Azure AI/ML, and Generative AI, making him a well-rounded expert who bridges traditional development frameworks with cutting-edge advancements. Recognized as a Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) for an impressive 9 consecutive years (2016–2024), he has consistently demonstrated excellence in delivering impactful solutions and inspiring learners.

Shailendra’s unique, hands-on training programs and bestselling books have empowered thousands of professionals to excel in their careers and crack tough interviews. A visionary leader, he continues to revolutionize technology education with his innovative approach.
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