Switch Statement in C#: A Complete Guide

Switch Statement in C#: A Complete Guide

26 Jan 2025
31 min read
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Switch Statement in C#

The switch statement in C# is a helpful way to simplify decision-making in your code. Instead of using several if-else conditions, you can use the switch statement to match a value against multiple cases. Each case corresponds to a different block of code, and if the value matches a case, the associated code runs.

This C# tutorial provides you with an easy way to understand what is the switch statement in C#?why do we use switch statements in C#the difference between if-else and switch statementscase patterns in switch statement in c#, and many more. So, let's first understand what a switch statement is in C#.

To gain a deeper understanding of switch statements and other C# concepts, be sure to enroll in our Free C Sharp Course for a comprehensive learning experience.

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What is the switch statement in C#?

In simple words, you may verify a value and make decisions depending on it by using a switch statement in C#. It's similar to selecting a particular course of action based on the option or number you receive.

Imagine you have a remote control with buttons:

  • If you press button "1," it plays music.
  • If you press button "2," it plays a movie.
  • If you press anything else, it says, "Invalid button."
What is the switch statement in C#?

'break' Keyword in the switch Statement

The break keyword in a switch statement stops the program from running the next cases after a match is found. Without a break, the program will keep running the following cases, even if they don't match.

'default' Keyword in the switch Statement

The default keyword in a switch statement is used when no other case matches the value. It acts like an "else" statement and runs when none of the specified cases are true. Including a default case is optional, but it's useful to handle unexpected values.


 switch (expression) {

case value1: // statement sequence

case value2: // statement sequence
case valueN: // statement sequence

default: // default statement sequence


 using System;

 int dayOfWeek = 3;
 switch (dayOfWeek)
 case 1:
 case 2:
 case 3:
 case 4:
 case 5:


In this example, we declare a variable named 'dayOfWeek' and assign a value of to it; when the switch statement executes, it matches with the 3rd case and prints the result in the console.



Important points to remember about using switch statements in C#

  • Switch statements in C# are used for efficient branching in code.
  • They evaluate an expression and compare it to case labels.
  • Each case label represents a specific value or range of values.
  • The default case is executed if no matches are found.
  • Cases can fall through without a break statement if desired.
  • Switches can handle different data types, including enums and strings.
  • Avoid nesting switch statements excessively for readability.
  • C# 8.0 introduced pattern matching in switch expressions for more powerful handling.
  • Use switch for multiple branching options and if-else for complex conditions.
  • Consider using switch expressions when returning values instead of statements for concise code.
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Why do we use Switch Statements instead of if-else statements?

  • Readability: When you have a number of criteria to compare to a single value or expression, the switch statements can help make the code easier to understand. Coding understanding and organization are enhanced by the representation of individual branches of logic in each situation.
  • Efficiency: Switch statements are often more efficient than long chains of if-else statements because they use a jump table or similar mechanisms, resulting in faster execution for large numbers of cases.
  • Intent: Using a switch statement conveys the intention that you are comparing a single value against multiple possible values, making your code more self-explanatory.
  • Maintenance: Switch statements are easier to maintain when you need to add or remove cases because you only need to modify the switch block, whereas if-else chains require changes throughout the code.
  • Enumerations: Switch statements work well with enumerated types, making code cleaner and less error-prone when dealing with predefined sets of values.
  • Code Quality: Code analyzers and compilers can better optimize switch statements, leading to potentially more efficient and error-free code.

However, if-else statements are still valuable for handling more complex conditions or when you need to evaluate expressions or conditions that cannot be easily represented by simple value comparisons. The choice between switch and if-else depends on the specific requirements of your code and readability considerations.

Using goto in the Switch Statement

Using goto in the Switch Statement

In C#, you may use goto inside a switch statement, but you should use it carefully. The goto statement is often avoided since it might make code harder to comprehend and maintain. On the other hand, it could be a sensible strategy to manage the program's flow under some uncommon circumstances.


 using System;

class Program
 static void Main()
 int option = 2;
 string result = "Undefined";

 switch (option)
 case 1:
 result = "Option 1 is selected.";
 case 2:
 goto case 1; // Jump to case 1
 case 3:
 result = "Option 3 is selected.";



In this program, We created two variables, 'option' and 'result, 'and assigned a '2' number. When the switch statement executes, it matches with the second case, where it jumps to the first case and prints the results.


  Option 1 is selected.

Some Other Examples of Switch Statements in C#

Here, we will provide you with some more examples to help you understand the switch statement in C#.

Example-1. Grading System

 using System;
class Program
    static void Main()
        char grade = 'B';
        switch (grade)
            case 'A':
            case 'B':
                Console.WriteLine("Good Job!");
            case 'C':
                Console.WriteLine("You passed");
            case 'D':
                Console.WriteLine("You need to work harder");
            case 'F':
                Console.WriteLine("Invalid grade");


  Good Job! 


In this example, we create a variable named grade and assign this value B. When the switch statement executes, it matches with the case and prints 'Good Job!' in the console

Example-2. Using the switch with Strings

 using System;

class Program
    static void Main()
        string fruit = "Apple";

        switch (fruit)
            case "Apple":
                Console.WriteLine("Apples are red or green");
            case "Banana":
                Console.WriteLine("Bananas are yellow");
            case "Orange":
                Console.WriteLine("Oranges are orange");
                Console.WriteLine("Unknown fruit");


 Apples are red or green


In this example, declare a string variable and store Apple in it. When the switch statement is executed, it matches the case and prints' Apples are red or green' in the console.

Example-3. Using Enums in Switch

 using System;

class Program
    enum Direction { North, South, East, West }

    static void Main()
        Direction dir = Direction.East;

        switch (dir)
            case Direction.North:
                Console.WriteLine("Heading North");
            case Direction.South:
                Console.WriteLine("Heading South");
            case Direction.East:
                Console.WriteLine("Heading East");
            case Direction.West:
                Console.WriteLine("Heading West");
                Console.WriteLine("Invalid Direction");


 Heading East


In this example, we declare an enum of 'direction' and declare a variable of enum 'dir' and store 'East.' when the switch statement executes, it matches with the case and prints 'Heading East' in the console.

Example-4. Using multiple case statements in one switch

 using System;

class Program
    static void Main()
        int day = 6;

        switch (day)
            case 1:
            case 2:
            case 3:
            case 4:
            case 5:
                Console.WriteLine("It's a weekday.");
            case 6:
            case 7:
                Console.WriteLine("It's the weekend.");
                Console.WriteLine("Invalid day.");


 It's the weekend.


In this example, we declare a variable 'day' and store the number 6 in it. When the switch statement executes, it matches with the cases where the condition for 6 and 7 numbers are the same, so it prints the It's the weekend result in the console.

Case Patterns in 'Switch' Statement

In C#, the Case pattern is introduced in the C# 7.0 version and is part of pattern matching in switch statements. This case pattern allows you to check the condition depending on the type of the variable, properties of the object, or conditions within the case itself.

1. Constant pattern

A constant pattern in C# means that a switch statement checks if a value is exactly equal to a specific constant value (like a number or string). If the value matches, the code inside that case runs.


 using System;

class Program
    static void Main()
        int number = 5;

        switch (number)
            case 1:
                Console.WriteLine("Number is one");
            case 5:
                Console.WriteLine("Number is five");
                Console.WriteLine("Number is unknown");


 Number is five


In this example, we have declared a variable named 'number' and stored 5 in it. When the switch statement executes, it matches the condition and prints the 'Number is five' result in the console.

2. Type Pattern

A type pattern in C# is used in a switch statement to check if a value is of a specific type (like int, string, etc.). If the value matches the type, the code for that case will run.


 using System;

class Program
    static void Main()
        object value = 42;

        switch (value)
            case int i:
                Console.WriteLine($"It's an integer: {i}");
            case string s:
                Console.WriteLine($"It's a string: {s}");
                Console.WriteLine("Unknown type");


 It's an integer: 42


In this example, we declare an object name value and store 42 in it. When the switch statement executes, it matches the particular case and its value type and prints the 'It's an integer: 42' result in the console.

Differences Between If-Else and Switch Statements

ParametersIf-else statementSwitch statement
Expression ComparisonThe if-else statement allows you to evaluate any Boolean expression as a condition. You can use relational operators, logical operators, and any valid expression to determine the flow of execution.The switch statement, on the other hand, evaluates a single expression and compares it against various cases. It only supports equality comparisons (==) and cannot handle more complex conditions like ranges or logical operators.
Multiple ConditionsWith if-else, you can have multiple conditions and use logical operators (e.g., &&, ||) to combine them.In switch, you can only compare a single expression against different cases. Each case represents a specific value, and the control flow transfers to the matching case. It doesn't support combining multiple conditions directly.
Execution FlowIn the if-else statement, the conditions are evaluated one by one from top to bottom until a true condition is found. Once a condition is true, the corresponding block of code executes, and the rest of the conditions are skipped.In the switch statement, the expression is evaluated once, and the control jumps directly to the matching case (or the default case if no matches are found). After executing the code block for the matching case, the switch statement is exited unless you explicitly use break statements to control the flow.
FlexibilityThe if-else statement provides more flexibility in terms of the conditions and actions you can perform. You can have nested if-else statements and handle more complex scenarios. It is suitable for conditions that involve ranges, multiple variables, or custom logic.The switch statement is more concise and readable when you have a single expression to compare against different cases. It's commonly used for scenarios where you have a fixed set of possible values or enumerations.
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In conclusion, the switch statement in C# is a versatile and powerful control structure that offers a cleaner and more efficient alternative to nested if-else statements in many scenarios. This switch statement also helps you to find the complex type of case patterns in C#. For mastering C# programming language, ScholarHat provides you with a Full-Stack .NET Developer Certification Training Course.


 In C#, you can use the following types in a switch statement: 
  • Primitive types like int, char, bool
  • Strings
  • Enums
  • Patterns (like type patterns and constant patterns)
  • Other types, like float, double, or decimal, cannot be directly used in a switch.

Yes, the break statement is necessary to stop the execution of the switch once a matching case is found. Without break, C# will continue to execute the next case(s) even if a match is found, which is called fall-through behavior. However, in C#, fall-through is not allowed between cases unless explicitly handled (e.g., grouping multiple cases together). 

The default case is optional in a switch statement. It runs when none of the case values match the variable. It’s like the else statement in an if-else block and handles any "unmatched" values. 

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About Author
Shailendra Chauhan (Microsoft MVP, Founder & CEO at ScholarHat)

Shailendra Chauhan, Founder and CEO of ScholarHat by DotNetTricks, is a renowned expert in System Design, Software Architecture, Azure Cloud, .NET, Angular, React, Node.js, Microservices, DevOps, and Cross-Platform Mobile App Development. His skill set extends into emerging fields like Data Science, Python, Azure AI/ML, and Generative AI, making him a well-rounded expert who bridges traditional development frameworks with cutting-edge advancements. Recognized as a Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) for an impressive 9 consecutive years (2016–2024), he has consistently demonstrated excellence in delivering impactful solutions and inspiring learners.

Shailendra’s unique, hands-on training programs and bestselling books have empowered thousands of professionals to excel in their careers and crack tough interviews. A visionary leader, he continues to revolutionize technology education with his innovative approach.
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