Linked List in Data Structures - Types of Linked Lists & Its Applications

Linked List in Data Structures - Types of Linked Lists & Its Applications

15 Jan 2025
29 min read
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Linked Lists in Data Structures: An Overview

Linked List in data structures is a non-primitive, linear, and dynamic data structure. It is a chain of nodes where each node is a different element. In this DSA tutorial, we will see the linked list data structure in detail i.e. its features, working, implementation, etc. To further enhance your understanding and application of linked list concepts, consider enrolling in the Dsa Course, where you can gain comprehensive insights into effective data structure utilization for improved problem-solving and time management.

What is a Linked List in Data Structures?

A Linked List is a linear data structure consisting of a series of connected nodes that are randomly stored in the memory. Here, each node consists of two parts, the first part is the data and the second part contains the pointer to the address of the next node.

The first node of a linked list is called the Head, and it acts as an access point. The head pointer points to the first element of the linked list. The last node is called the Tail, and it marks the end of a linked list by pointing to a NULL value. After arrays, linked lists are the second most used data structure.

Representation of Linked Lists in Data Structures

A linked list can be represented as the connection of nodes in which each node points to the next node of the list.

Representation of Linked Lists

Types of Linked Lists in Data Structures

  1. Singly-linked list: Here, each node has data and a pointer that contains a reference to the next node in the list. This means that we can traverse in only one direction, from the head to the tail. It is the most common linked list.
  2. Doubly linked list: In this type of linked list, each interconnected node contains three fields that contain references to both the next and previous nodes in the list along with the data. This allows traversal in both directions, making it easier to insert or delete nodes at any point in the list.
  3. Circular linked list: Here, the last node in the list contains a reference to the first node instead of NULL, creating a loop. This means that traversal can continue indefinitely, until the program crashes.

How to declare/create a Singly-Linked List in Data Structures?

We now very well know that a node in a linked list contains two parts, a data item and the address of another node. So, both parts are of different types, i.e., one is a simple variable, while another is the pointer variable. We can declare the linked list by using the user-defined data type structure.
struct node
  int data;
  struct node *next;

Here, we have created a structure named node that contains two variables, data of integer type, and a pointer, next that contains the address of the next node.

If you are still not thorough with pointers and user-defined data types like structures, refer to Data Types in C++ and Pointers in C++.

Standard Operations on Linked Lists in Data Structures

  1. Traversal

We can access each element of the linked list starting from the head node. Just keep moving a temp node to the next one and display its contents. When temp is NULL, it means we have reached the end of the linked list so we get out of the while loop.

  1. Insertion

We can insert elements to either the beginning, middle, or end of the linked list. Inserting a new node at any given position is done by manipulating at most two next pointers, the prevNode and the newNode.

Set newNode's next pointer to the prevNode's next pointer and set prevNode's next pointer to the newNode where prevNode denotes a pointer to the node after which newNode is to be inserted. However, to access any given position, we have to traverse starting from the head till the prevNode.

The order of execution matters in case of insertion. If we interchange the steps i.e. first set prevNode's next pointer to the newNode then we lose the reference to the remaining of the linked list previously occurring after the prevNode.

  1. Deletion

Same as insertion, you can delete either from the beginning, end, or a particular position. Deleting a node located at a specified index is done by manipulating at most two next pointers, the prevNode, and the targetNode.

Set prevNode's next pointer to the targetNode's next pointer and set targetNode's next pointer to NULL where prevNode denotes a pointer to the node after which targetNode is to be deleted.

Just like insertion, the order is important here also. It's important to realize that setting targetNode's next pointer to NULL as the first step would cost us the reference to the remaining of the linked list (if the targetNode wasn't the Tail).

  1. Search

It is performed to search for an element from the list using the given key.

The following are the steps to search for an element

  • Make head as the current node.
  • Run a loop until the current node is NULL because the last element points to NULL.
  • In each iteration, check if the key of the node is equal to the item. If the key matches the item, return true otherwise return false.

Read More - Data Structure Interview Questions for Freshers

Implementation of Linked Lists in Different Programming Languages

class Node:
    def __init__(self, data=0, next_node=None): = data = next_node

class LinkedList:
    def __init__(self):
        self.head = None

    def traversal(self):
        itr = self.head
        while itr:
            itr =

    def insertion(self, prev_node, new_node): = = new_node

    def deletion(self, prev_node, target_node): =

    def search(self, key):
        itr = self.head
        while itr:
            if == key:
                return True
            itr =
        return False  # key not found!

linked_list = LinkedList()
linked_list.head = Node(1)
second = Node(2)
third = Node(3) = second = third

# Print the initial linked list
print("Initial Linked List:")

# Insert a new node (4) after the second node
new_node = Node(4)
linked_list.insertion(second, new_node)

# Print the linked list after insertion
print("\nLinked List after Insertion:")

# Delete the second node
linked_list.deletion(linked_list.head, second)

# Print the linked list after deletion
print("\nLinked List after Deletion:")

# Search for a key (3) in the linked list
key = 3
print(f"\nKey {key} is {'found' if else 'not found'} in the linked list.")

class Node {
    int data;
    Node next;

    Node() { = 0; = null;

    Node(int x) { = x; = null;

    Node(int x, Node next) { = x; = next;

class LinkedList {
    Node head; // 'head' - pointer to the first node of the linked list

    // Constructor for creating a linked list
    LinkedList() {
        this.head = null;

    void traversal() {
        Node itr = head;
        while (itr != null) {
            itr =;

    // 'newNode' - pointer to the node to be inserted
    // 'prevNode' - pointer to the node after which insertion occurs
    void insertion(Node prevNode, Node newNode) { =; = newNode;

    // 'targetNode' - pointer to the node to be deleted
    // 'prevNode' - pointer to the node after which deletion occurs
    void deletion(Node prevNode, Node targetNode) { =;

    boolean search(int key) {
        Node itr = head;
        while (itr != null) {
            if ( == key)
                return true;
            itr =;
        return false; // key not found!

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        LinkedList list = new LinkedList();

        // Example usage:
        list.head = new Node(1);
        Node second = new Node(2);
        Node third = new Node(3); = second; = third;

        // Print the initial linked list
        System.out.println("Initial Linked List:");

        // Insert a new node (4) after the second node
        Node newNode = new Node(4);
        list.insertion(second, newNode);

        // Print the linked list after insertion
        System.out.println("\nLinked List after Insertion:");

        // Delete the second node
        list.deletion(list.head, second);

        // Print the linked list after deletion
        System.out.println("\nLinked List after Deletion:");

        // Search for a key (3) in the linked list
        int key = 3;
        System.out.println("\nKey " + key + " is " + ( ? "found" : "not found") + " in the linked list.");

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

struct Node {
    int data;
    Node* next;

    Node() : data(0), next(nullptr) {}
    Node(int x) : data(x), next(nullptr) {}
    Node(int x, Node* next) : data(x), next(next) {}

class LinkedList {
    Node* head; // pointer to the first node of the linked list

    // constructor for creating a linked list
    LinkedList() : head(nullptr) {}

    void traversal() {
        Node* itr = head;
        while (itr != nullptr) {
            cout << itr->data << endl;
            itr = itr->next;

    // 'newNode' - pointer to the node to be inserted
    // 'prevNode' - pointer to the node after which insertion occurs
    void insertion(Node* prevNode, Node* newNode) {
        newNode->next = prevNode->next;
        prevNode->next = newNode;

    // 'targetNode' - pointer to the node to be deleted
    // 'prevNode' - pointer to the node after which deletion occurs
    void deletion(Node* prevNode, Node* targetNode) {
        prevNode->next = targetNode->next;
        delete targetNode;

    bool search(int key) {
        Node* itr = head;
        while (itr != nullptr) {
            if (itr->data == key)
                return true;
            itr = itr->next;
        return false; // key not found!

int main() {
    LinkedList list;

    list.head = new Node(1);
    Node* second = new Node(2);
    Node* third = new Node(3);

    list.head->next = second;
    second->next = third;

    // Print the initial linked list
    cout << "Initial Linked List:" << endl;

    // Insert a new node (4) after the second node
    Node* newNode = new Node(4);
    list.insertion(second, newNode);

    // Print the linked list after insertion
    cout << "\nLinked List after Insertion:" << endl;

    // Delete the second node
    list.deletion(list.head, second);

    // Print the linked list after deletion
    cout << "\nLinked List after Deletion:" << endl;

    // Search for a key (3) in the linked list
    int key = 3;
    cout << "\nKey " << key << " is "
         << ( ? "found" : "not found") << " in the linked list." << endl;

    return 0;


Initial Linked List:

Linked List after Insertion:

Linked List after Deletion:

Key 3 is found in the linked list.   

Complexity Analysis of Linked List Operations

  • Time Complexity
    OperationsBest CaseAverage Case Worst case
















  • Space Complexity: The space complexity of the linked list for all operations is O(n).

Arrays vs Linked Lists in terms of Time Complexity

OperationsArrayLinked List
Random Access



Insertion and Deletion at the beginning



Insertion and Deletion at the end



Insertion and Deletion from any random location



Differences between Arrays and Linked Lists

ArrayLinked List
It is a collection of elements of a similar data type.It is a group of objects called nodes, which consists of two fields: data and address to the next node
An array stores elements in a contiguous memory location.Linked lists store elements randomly at any address in the memory.
In an array, memory size is fixed while declaration and cannot be altered at run time.Linked lists utilize dynamic memory, i.e. memory size can be altered at run time.
Elements in an array are not dependent on each other.Elements in a linked list are dependent on each other, as each node stores the address of its next node.
Operations like insertion, deletion, etc., take more time in an array.Operations like insertion, deletion, etc., take less time than arrays.
Memory is allocated at compile time.Memory is allocated at run time.
It is easier and faster to access the element in an array with the help of Indices.Accessing an element in a linked list is time-consuming as we have to start traversing from the first element.
Memory utilization is ineffective in arrays. E.g. if the array size is 5 and contains only 3 elements, the rest of the space will be wasted.In linked lists, memory utilization is effective, as it can be allocated or deallocated at the run time according to our requirements.
Arrays support multi-dimensional structures.Linked lists are typically used for one-dimensional structures.
Arrays are commonly used in low-level programming and for implementing data structures.Linked lists are often used for specific data management needs like task scheduling and memory allocation.

After seeing the above comparisons in general and in terms of time complexity, we observe that a linked list is not superior to an array or vice-versa. These data structures complement each other and sometimes become superior to the other in certain use cases.

Applications of Linked Lists

Linked lists are commonly used in computer programming for their ability to efficiently store and manipulate collections of data. Here are some common applications of linked lists:

  1. Implementing data structures: Linked lists are commonly used to implement data structures like stacks, queues, graphs, and hash tables.
  2. Dynamic Memory allocation:A linked list of free memory blocks is maintained, and new memory is allocated by removing blocks from the free list.
  3. File systems: Linked lists are used in file systems to represent directories and files.
  4. Music and video players: The list of songs in the music player is linked to the previous and next songs. Linked lists maintain playlists.
  5. Graphs:Adjacency list representation of graphs uses linked lists to store adjacent vertices.
  6. Games: Linked lists are used to represent game boards where each element in the list represents a cell on the board.

Advantages of Linked Lists

  1. Dynamic: Linked lists can be resized during runtime, which means that anyone can add or remove elements from the list without worrying about the size limitations of the underlying data structure.
  2. Efficient insertion and deletion: Adding or removing elements to and from a linked list is very easy because the user only needs to update the address of the pointer of the node as the nodes are stored in random locations.
  3. Flexibility: Linked lists can be used to implement a variety of advanced data structures, such as stacks, queues, and hash tables. This flexibility makes linked lists a versatile tool for many programming tasks.
  4. Memory efficiency:Memory consumption of a linked list is efficient as its size can grow or shrink dynamically according to our requirements, which means effective memory utilization hence, no memory wastage.
  5. Easy implementation: Implementing a linked list is relatively easy, as the developer only needs to define a node structure and a few functions to manipulate the links between nodes.

Disadvantages of Linked Lists

  1. Memory Consumption: The use of pointers is more in linked lists hence, complex and requires more memory.
  2. Traversal: Unlike arrays, linked lists do not allow direct access to individual nodes. Traversing a linked list requires iterating through all the nodes from the beginning of the list until the desired node is found. This can be inefficient and slow, especially for large linked lists. Traversing in reverse order is not possible in singly linked lists.
  3. No Random Access: Linked lists do not support random access, i.e., accessing a specific node directly without traversing the list. This can be a significant disadvantage for some applications that require fast access to individual elements.
  4. Cache Misses: Linked lists can suffer from cache misses, i.e., when the CPU needs to access data that is not in the cache. This can slow down the execution of programs that frequently access data from linked lists.
  5. Search: Linked lists are not efficient for searching large amounts of data, which can be better handled by other data structures such as trees or hash tables.

So, here we saw every aspect of a linked list in data structures. You might have got at least some idea regarding linked lists and their applications. I know it's quite difficult to understand the whole topic in a single go. Therefore, refer to it again and again till you get thorough with the linked list in data structures. To test your knowledge of linked lists, enroll in our Free Data Structures Certification Training.


A Linked List is a linear data structure consisting of a series of connected nodes that are randomly stored in the memory. Here, each node consists of two parts, the first part is the data and the second part contains the pointer to the address of the next node.

  1. Singly-linked list
  2. Doubly linked list
  3. Circular linked list

Linked lists are commonly used to implement data structures like stacks, queues, graphs, and hash tables.
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About Author
Amit Kumar Ghosh (SDE and Mentor at Scholarhat)

As a software developer with a wealth of experience, he brings a unique combination of technical acumen and a passion for mentorship to my role. With 6 years of experience, he has honed the skills in C/C++, Java, Python, SQL, C#, JavaScript, React, Java Spring etc. and has a proven track record of delivering high-quality, scalable software solutions and core Computer fundamental knowledge DSA, OOPs, CN, OS etc.

As a teacher, his approach revolves around interactive techniques, prioritizing hands-on learning and real-world projects. He explains concepts clearly, offer practical examples, and encourage questions to foster a supportive environment.
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