Transaction in DBMS: Ensuring Data Integrity and Consistency

Transaction in DBMS: Ensuring Data Integrity and Consistency

30 Sep 2024
21 min read

Transaction in DBMS

Transaction in DBMS is a fundamental concept in database management systems, ensuring that a sequence of operations is executed reliably and maintains data integrity. Transactions follow the ACID properties, which are Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability. These properties are essential for managing concurrent operations and system failures. Transactions play a critical role in preserving the consistency of a database.

In this DBMS tutorial, we will cover Transaction in DBMS, including what transactions are, the key properties of transactions, and how transactions work in databases, along with guides on transaction management and concurrency control.

What does a Transaction mean in DBMS?

  • A transaction in Database Management Systems (DBMS) is a group of operations that are related to each other.
  • It is the result of a request made by the user to access and perform actions on the database.
  • It includes several steps and goes through different stages before it is finished.
  • It also has specific rules that must be followed to make sure the database stays consistent.

Real-world analogy

A real-world analogy to help understand a transaction in DBMS is a bank transaction, like transferring money from one account to another. Just like a transaction in DBMS, this process has multiple steps and rules to ensure everything is done correctly.

Bank Transaction Example

  • Step 1: Withdraw money from Account A.
  • Step 2: Deposit money into Account B.
  • Step 3: Confirm the transaction is successful.

If any step fails (e.g., withdrawal doesn't happen), the entire transaction is canceled, and no money is moved, ensuring that the system remains consistent.


  • Step 1: It is when the transaction begins by withdrawing $200 from Account A.
  • Step 2: After the withdrawal, $200 is deposited into Account B.
  • Step 3: If all steps are successful, it is when the transaction is confirmed.

If any step fails, it is when the system will "roll back" to the original balances of $1000 in Account A and $500 in Account B. This keeps the database consistent. This analogy follows the ACID properties of a transaction in DBMS. It is important because it ensures that all or none of the operations are completed successfully.

Properties of a Transaction (ACID Properties)

When transactions access and change the database, it is important for them to have certain basic properties. These properties help keep the database consistent and safe before and after a transaction. There are four main properties called ACID properties: Atomicity, consistency, isolation, and durability. Here is a simple explanation of each property:

1. Atomicity

  • It is the property that ensures all operations of a transaction are completed or none are done at all.
  • It means a transaction cannot be partly finished.
  • Each transaction is treated as a single unit, like an atom.
  • Atomicity is achieved through commit and rollback operations. It is when changes are saved to the database only if all parts of the transaction are completed.
  • If something goes wrong, any changes made are rolled back to return the database to its last saved state.

2. Consistency

  • This transaction characteristic ensures that the database remains consistent both before and after the transaction is executed.
  • Any transaction must be executed so that the database is either in its previous stable state or in a new stable state.
  • In other words, a transaction should result in a database being transformed from one consistent state to another.
  • Consistency indicates that the changes made to the database are the result of solely the logical processes that the user requested to execute, with no ambiguity.

3. Isolation

  • It is the property that ensures two transactions do not interfere with each other.
  • If one transaction is using some data, no other transaction can access that data until the first one is finished.
  • This property helps maintain the integrity of the database and prevents any confusing values from appearing.
  • Isolation is enforced by the concurrency control part of the DBMS.

4. Durability

  • It is the property that ensures changes made to the database after a transaction is fully executed are permanent.
  • It means that once a transaction is successfully completed, the changes will stay even if there are system failures or crashes.
  • The recovery system of the DBMS is responsible for making sure this property is upheld.

These properties are important for managing transactions in a database and ensuring that data remains accurate and reliable.

Transaction States in DBMS

A transaction log is a file that records all the activities of a transaction, and it is managed by the recovery system. After a transaction is successfully completed, this log file is removed.

Different Transaction States in DBMS

1. Active State

  • This state occurs when the transaction is running.
  • If all the read and write operations finish without errors, the transaction moves to the "partially committed state."
  • If any operation fails, it goes to the "failed state."

2. Partially Committed State

  • In this state, all the read and write operations are complete, and the changes are stored in the main memory or local buffer.
  • If these changes become permanent in the database, the transaction moves to the "committed state."
  • If there is a failure, it returns to the "failed state."

3. Failed State

  • This state happens when any operation in the transaction fails or if there is an issue making the changes permanent in the database.

4. Aborted State

  • If a transaction fails, it moves from the "failed state" to the "aborted state."
  • In this state, any changes made in memory are deleted or rolled back.

5. Committed State

  • This state means that all changes are now permanent in the database.
  • The transaction is complete and then transitions to the "terminated state."

6. Terminated State

  • In this final state, there are no rollbacks, and the transaction is either successfully completed or has come from the "committed state."
  • The system is now consistent and ready for new transactions, while the old transaction is fully terminated.

Types of Transaction in DBMS

In a Database Management System (DBMS), transactions can be classified into different types based on their characteristics and behaviors. Understanding these types is important for managing how data is accessed and modified. Here are the main types of transactions:

1. Simple Transaction

It is the type of transaction that performs a single operation on the database. This could be an operation like inserting, updating, or deleting a single record. Simple transactions are straightforward and often used for basic data manipulations.

2. Compound Transaction

  • This type of transaction involves multiple operations that are grouped together.
  • It allows users to perform several actions in one go, ensuring that either all operations are successful or none are applied.
  • Compound transactions are useful for complex processes that require multiple changes to the database.

3. Nested Transaction

  • A nested transaction is a transaction that contains other transactions within it.
  • This structure allows for more complex workflows, where a main transaction can be called a smaller sub-transaction.
  • Each nested transaction can be committed or rolled back independently, providing flexibility in handling operations.

4. Distributed Transaction

  • It is the type of transaction that involves multiple databases or systems.
  • Distributed transactions ensure that changes are made consistently across different locations.
  • They are important in environments where data is spread out across various servers or databases.

5. Long-Running Transaction

  • This type of transaction is one that takes a significant amount of time to complete, often due to complex processing or large data changes.
  • Long-running transactions can pose challenges for database consistency, so it is important to manage them carefully to avoid locking resources for extended periods.

6. Immediate Transaction

  • It is a transaction that is executed right away without any delay.
  • Immediate transactions are important for real-time systems where quick data access and modifications are essential.
  • They help maintain responsiveness and ensure timely updates to the database.

These types of transactions are crucial for effective data management in a DBMS. They help in defining how data is manipulated and ensure that operations are carried out reliably and consistently.

Transaction Management in DBMS

Transaction management is an important part of a Database Management System (DBMS) that helps keep data safe and consistent during operations. It is about controlling how transactions are handled and making sure everything works smoothly. Here are the main elements of transaction management:

1. Transaction Control

  • It is the process of managing a transaction from the start until it is finished.
  • This includes starting the transaction, performing operations, and deciding whether to save (commit) or undo (rollback) the changes.
  • Transaction control ensures that everything within a transaction is done correctly.

2. Concurrency Control

  • It is about allowing multiple transactions to happen at the same time without causing problems.
  • It helps keep data accurate by letting different transactions access the same data safely.
  • Techniques like locking are used to manage access to data, preventing conflicts.

3. Recovery Management

  • It is the process of restoring the database to a safe state if something goes wrong, like a system crash.
  • Recovery management uses transaction logs to keep track of all changes made during transactions.
  • If a failure occurs, the system can use these logs to undo any incomplete transactions and bring the database back to its last good state.

4. Commit and Rollback

  • These are key operations in transaction management.
  • A commit is when all changes made during a transaction are saved and made permanent in the database.
  • A rollback is when changes are undone if something goes wrong.
  • This helps ensure the database stays accurate and reliable.

5. Atomicity and Consistency

  • These are essential principles in transaction management.
  • Atomicity means that all operations in a transaction must be completed or none at all.
  • Consistency means that the database must remain valid before and after a transaction.
  • Together, these principles help keep the database reliable.

Transaction management is vital for a DBMS. It helps ensure that data is consistent, accurate, and reliable, making it easier for users and applications to work with the database without issues.

Concurrency Control in Transactions

Concurrency control is an important part of managing transactions in a Database Management System (DBMS). It is about letting many transactions run at the same time without causing problems. Here are the key points:

What It Is

  • It is a way to ensure that when multiple transactions happen together, they do not interfere with each other.
  • This helps keep the data correct.

Why It Matters

  • It is important because, without concurrency control, two transactions might try to change the same data at the same time.
  • This can cause confusion and errors.

How It Works

  • It uses techniques like locking to manage who can access data.
  • For example, when one transaction is using certain data, it is locked.
  • Other transactions cannot change until the first one is finished. This keeps the data safe.

Types of Locks

  • There are different types of locks.
  • A shared lock lets multiple transactions read data but not change it.
  • An exclusive lock lets only one transaction read or change the data. This way, transactions can work safely.

Avoiding Deadlocks

  • It is also important to avoid deadlocks.
  • A deadlock happens when two transactions wait for each other to finish.
  • The DBMS can detect and fix deadlocks to keep things moving.

Concurrency control is essential for a DBMS. It helps keep data accurate and ensures that transactions can run smoothly together without problems.

Isolation Levels in Transactions

When transactions operate in a Database Management System (DBMS), it is important to define how they interact with each other. This is where isolation levels come into play. These levels help determine how much one transaction can see the work of another transaction while it is running.

There are four main isolation levels, each with its own rules, and they help balance performance and data accuracy. Here is a simple explanation of each isolation level:

1. Read Uncommitted

  • This is the lowest isolation level.
  • It allows one transaction to see changes made by another transaction, even if they are not finished.
  • This can lead to dirty reads, where one transaction reads data that might later change, resulting in inaccurate information.

2. Read Committed

  • This level prevents dirty reads.
  • A transaction can only see data that has been committed, meaning it is finalized.
  • However, it can still experience non-repeatable reads, where the data might change if it is read again during the transaction, leading to potential inconsistencies.

3. Repeatable Read

  • This level ensures that if a transaction reads data, it will see the same data if it reads it again.
  • It prevents dirty reads and non-repeatable reads.
  • However, it can still allow phantom reads, where new rows are added that match the transaction’s query after it has started, potentially affecting the results.

4. Serializable

  • This is the highest isolation level.
  • It treats transactions as if they are running one after the other, not at the same time.
  • This prevents dirty reads, non-repeatable reads, and phantom reads.
  • While it offers the most accuracy, it can significantly slow down performance due to increased locking and reduced concurrency.

These isolation levels are essential for managing transactions in a DBMS. They help define how transactions interact, ensuring a balance between data accuracy and system performance. Choosing the right isolation level is crucial for maintaining reliable database operations.

Recovery Techniques in Transaction Management

When transactions occur in a Database Management System (DBMS), it is essential to have methods in place to safeguard against failures. Recovery techniques ensure that the database can recover to a consistent state in the event of a failure. Here’s a look at some of the key recovery techniques used in transaction management:

1. Immediate Update

  • This technique applies changes to the database immediately.
  • Once a transaction is committed, changes are permanent.
  • However, if a failure occurs before the transaction is fully committed, data may be lost.
  • It is crucial to implement this technique without compromising performance.

2. Deferred Update

  • In this method, updates are stored in a log file proactively until a transaction is committed.
  • This approach helps prevent data corruption because if a failure occurs, only the completed changes are applied.
  • By ensuring that no incomplete data is saved, it enhances data integrity.

3. Logging

  • Logging is a fundamental technique that tracks all operations performed by transactions.
  • It involves maintaining an undo log and a redo log to facilitate transaction rollback and restore the database to a previous state if needed.
  • This process is done efficiently to ensure minimal impact on performance.

4. Checkpointing

  • Checkpointing creates a snapshot of the database at specific intervals.
  • This technique helps reduce recovery time because the system can revert to the last checkpoint if a failure occurs.
  • It strategically minimizes the amount of work required to restore the database, thus maintaining data integrity.

5. Shadow Paging

  • In shadow paging, two pages are utilized: the current page and a shadow page.
  • Changes are made to the current page, while the shadow page remains unchanged until the transaction is committed.
  • If a failure occurs, the system can gracefully revert to the shadow page, ensuring only completed transactions are saved.

These recovery techniques are vital for managing transactions in a DBMS. They help ensure transactional consistency and allow the database to reconcile any discrepancies while maintaining efficiency. Implementing the right recovery techniques is crucial for reliable database operations, especially despite system crashes.

Common Challenges in Transaction Management in DBMS

When it comes to managing multiple transactions in a Database Management System (DBMS), it is important to handle certain challenges efficiently and safely. These challenges can affect how well the database keeps data consistent and how fast the system works. Here are some common challenges and how they are handled:

1. Concurrency Issues

  • It is common for problems to arise when several transactions run at the same time.
  • These issues include things like lost updates or dirty reads.
  • To avoid these, it is important to use isolation levels and locking mechanisms.
  • Techniques like Two-Phase Locking help ensure transactions happen without conflicts, keeping the data consistent and reliable.

2. Deadlocks

  • It is possible for two or more transactions to get stuck, each waiting for the other to release a resource.
  • This is called a deadlock.
  • To fix this, the DBMS can either detect the deadlock and stop one of the transactions or roll back one to free up resources.
  • Preventing deadlocks helps the system run smoothly.

3. Maintaining Data Consistency

  • It is critical to keep data consistent during transaction processing.
  • Using serialization ensures that transactions do not cause issues like phantom reads or dirty reads.
  • However, using strict isolation levels can slow down performance, so it is important to find the right balance between speed and accuracy.

4. Rollback and Recovery

  • If the system crashes during a transaction, it is necessary to use rollback techniques to undo incomplete changes.
  • Recovery methods, like logging and write-ahead logging (WAL), help restore the database to a consistent state reliably and quickly after a failure.

5. Performance Optimization

  • It is essential to optimize the system so that performance does not suffer when many transactions run at the same time.
  • Locking and isolation need to be managed to keep things moving smoothly without causing delays.

Transaction in DBMS with Example

When you work with a Database Management System (DBMS), a transaction is a set of operations that are treated as a single unit. It is like asking the database to do several things together, and if one thing goes wrong, the whole process is canceled. This keeps your data safe and consistent.

Example: Transferring Money Between Two Bank Accounts

Let’s say you want to transfer ₹200 from your Account A to another Account B. This process involves multiple steps that must all succeed for the transaction to be complete.

Step 1: Withdraw ₹200 from Account A

  • It is like taking ₹200 out of your account. If your Account A has a balance of ₹1,000, after this step, it will have ₹800.

Step 2: Deposit ₹200 into Account B

  • Now, the system adds the ₹200 to Account B. If Account B originally had ₹500, after this step, it will have ₹700.

Step 3: Commit the transaction

  • Once both steps are completed successfully, the transaction is committed, meaning the changes are saved. Now, Account A has ₹800, and Account B has ₹700.

What happens if something goes wrong?

  • Let’s say the system crashes after Step 1 (after withdrawing ₹200 from Account A) but before Step 2 (depositing ₹200 into Account B).
  • In this case, the transaction will be rolled back.
  • It is like undoing everything that happened.
  • The ₹200 withdrawal from Account A will be reversed, so Account A will go back to its original balance of ₹1,000.
  • Nothing will be lost or only partly done.

This is how a transaction works in DBMS: it is a way to make sure that either everything happens as planned or nothing changes at all. This keeps your data safe and prevents errors, especially during critical operations like money transfers.


Transactions in DBMS provide reliable execution by following the ACID properties of Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability. They manage concurrent data access and system faults while maintaining data integrity. Different transaction types, statuses, and isolation levels help with efficient transaction management, while recovery strategies protect against failures. To implement your understanding, you can consider taking our SQL Server Course and MongoDB Course.


Q1. Why do we need transactions in a database?

Transactions in a database protect data integrity by combining a sequence of activities into a single unit that either fully completes or fully rolls back, preventing partial modifications. They contribute to consistency, isolation, and durability in concurrent contexts.

Q2. What are the ACID properties in transactions?

The acronym ACID stands for Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability, which ensures that database operations are processed reliably.

Q3. Why are transactions important in DBMS?

Transactions are important for maintaining data integrity, especially during several concurrent processes, because they ensure that all operations are completed successfully or none at all, hence preventing data corruption.

Q4. What is a commit and rollback in a transaction?

Commit completes the transaction by making all changes permanent, whereas Rollback reverses any changes made during the transaction in the event of an error or failure.
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Shailendra Chauhan (Microsoft MVP, Founder & CEO at Scholarhat by DotNetTricks)

Shailendra Chauhan is the Founder and CEO at ScholarHat by DotNetTricks which is a brand when it comes to e-Learning. He provides training and consultation over an array of technologies like Cloud, .NET, Angular, React, Node, Microservices, Containers and Mobile Apps development. He has been awarded Microsoft MVP 9th time in a row (2016-2024). He has changed many lives with his writings and unique training programs. He has a number of most sought-after books to his name which has helped job aspirants in cracking tough interviews with ease.
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