Top 50 Java Design Patterns Interview Questions and Answers

Top 50 Java Design Patterns Interview Questions and Answers

24 Aug 2024
61 min read
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Java Design Patterns

Java Design Patterns are useful in software development because they provide tested answers to common problems. They support developers in creating code that is easier to maintain, understand, and expand.

In this Java tutorial, I'll cover the top 50 Java Design Patterns interview questions and answers, including 20 for beginners, 15 for intermediate developers, and another 15 for experienced experts. This will help you completely prepare for any Java Design Patterns interviews you may face.

Java Design Patterns

Types of Design Patterns

Top 20 Java Design Patterns Interview Questions and Answers For Beginners

1. What is a design pattern in Java?

  • A design pattern is a reusable solution to common issues in software design.
  • It gives a proven framework for addressing specific issues and can assist developers in writing efficient and maintainable code.

2. Explain the Singleton Design Pattern.

  • The Singleton Design Pattern assures that a class only has one instance across the application while also providing a global access point to that instance.
  • This is important for managing shared resources such as configuration settings or logging systems and maintaining consistency and limited access throughout a program. Let's understand with a simple example.


public class Logger {
    // The single instance of the Logger
    private static Logger instance;

    // Private constructor to prevent instantiation
    private Logger() {}

    // Method to provide access to the single instance
    public static Logger getInstance() {
        if (instance == null) {
            instance = new Logger();
        return instance;

    // Example method to log messages
    public void log(String message) {
        System.out.println("Log: " + message);

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Get the single instance of Logger
        Logger logger = Logger.getInstance();

        // Use the logger to log messages
        logger.log("Singleton pattern example");


Log: Singleton pattern example


  • The program uses the Singleton design pattern. The Logger class ensures that only one logger instance is created throughout the program.
  • It exposes a static function getInstance() to access this single instance.
  • The log() method sends log messages to the console. The main method logs a message, demonstrating how the singleton logger can be used to capture data.

3. When would you use the Factory Design Pattern?

  • It is the most often used design pattern in Java.
  • These design patterns fall under the Creational Pattern, which provides one of the finest ways to construct an object.
  • In the Factory pattern, we do not expose the creation logic to the client. Instead, we refer to the generated object using a standard interface.
  • The Factory Pattern allows sub-classes to select the sort of object to produce.
  • The Factory Pattern is often referred to as Virtual Constructor.

4. What is the Observer Design Pattern?

The Observer pattern allows items to communicate with each other. It's similar to telling others about something and everyone knowing what's going on. It is used when multiple objects need to be notified when something occurs to one object.

To apply the Observer Pattern, we have to:

  • Define an interface for Observer objects that specifies which method(s) will be invoked when the monitored object's state changes.
  • Create an interface for the Subject (observed) object that allows Observer objects to register, remove, and be notified about changes.
  • Create concrete Observer classes that implement the Observer interface and have their implementation of the Update method.
  • Create a concrete Subject class that implements the Subject interface and stores a list of registered Observer objects.
  • This class also includes methods for changing the state of an object, which sends alerts to all registered Observers.

5. Can you describe the Decorator Design Pattern?

The Decorator pattern allows you to add new features to an object while keeping its appearance and functionality intact. You create a new class that wraps around the existing object and adds new functionality to it. To apply the Decorator Pattern, we have to:

  • Create an interface or abstract class that specifies the methods that both the original object and the decorator must implement.
  • Create a concrete class that implements the interface or abstract class while representing the actual item.
  • Create a decorator class that implements the same interface or abstract class and includes an instance of the original object.
  • Apply the interface or abstract class's methods in the decorator class by calling the right methods on the original object instance and adding new features.

6. Explain the Adapter Design Pattern.

The Adapter pattern allows diverse items to operate together, even if they were not designed to do so. It transforms one item into another, allowing them to collaborate. This is useful when two things are incompatible but must coexist.

To apply the adapter pattern, we have to:

  • Identify the interface that the client intends to utilize.
  • Identify the current interface that has to be modified to meet the goal interface.
  • Construct an Adapter class that defines the target interface and includes an instance of the current interface.
  • Create the target interface's methods in the Adapter class by calling the appropriate methods on the existing interface instance.

7. What is the Strategy Design Pattern?

The Strategy Design Pattern is a type of behavioral design that defines a set of algorithms, encapsulates them, and allows them to be used interchangeably. It enables a client to select an algorithm from a family of algorithms at runtime, increasing flexibility and allowing the algorithm to change independently of the client that utilizes it.

To apply the Strategy Pattern, we have to:

  • Define a strategy interface that specifies the method(s) for the algorithm.
  • Create concrete strategy classes that implement this interface with specific algorithm details.
  • Define a context class that holds a reference to a strategy object and invokes the algorithm through the strategy interface.
  • Allow the context class to change the strategy object at runtime, providing the flexibility to use different algorithms as needed.

8. What is the Template Method Pattern?

The Template Method pattern is a design pattern that allows you to create a list of steps to complete a task, but some of the stages can be completed in multiple ways. You begin by creating a basic list of steps, and then you create a primary step that instructs the other phases to execute. Each stage can be unique, yet they all work together to accomplish the desired result.

To apply the Template Pattern, we have to:

  • Create an abstract base class that includes a template function. The template method should invoke additional methods (abstract or concrete) to carry out specified algorithmic processes.
  • Define abstract methods in the base class to represent the steps that subclasses must complete.
  • Create concrete subclasses that implement the abstract methods to give step-specific implementations.
  • Client code can generate a concrete subclass instance and perform the algorithm using the template method.

9. How does the Prototype Design Pattern work?

The Prototype Design Pattern is a creational design pattern that allows objects to be duplicated or cloned rather than developed from the start, much like creating a replica of an existing item. It is used to efficiently construct duplicate objects while avoiding the overhead associated with initializing new instances.

To apply the Prototype Pattern, we have to:

  • Define a prototype interface that declares a method for cloning itself.
  • Create concrete prototype classes that implement the prototype interface and define how they should be cloned.
  • Define a client class that uses the prototype objects to create new instances by cloning existing ones.
  • Ensure that the cloning process is efficient and accurately replicates the original object's state.

10. Describe the Chain of Responsibility Pattern.

The Chain of Responsibility Pattern is a behavioral design pattern in which an object delegates a request along a chain of potential handlers. Here is a brief overview:


  • This pattern uncouples the sender of a request from its receivers by giving a chain of objects to process it.
  • Each handler in the chain decides either to process the request or to pass it down the chain.


  • When you want to allow multiple objects to handle a request and pass the request along a chain of handlers.
  • It is especially useful in cases where an exact handler is not known a priori and when different handlers need to be included based on either the type of request or conditions.


  • Think of a customer support service in which requests can be of different kinds, say a problem related to billing, technical issues, or just general information.
  • A request for support comes in and is passed along the chain of departments until the appropriate one is capable of processing it.

This design pattern makes the system more flexible and dynamic, where new handlers can be easily added without changing existing code.

11. What is the Command Design Pattern?

The Command pattern is a method for organizing and controlling requests in a computer program.Instead of delivering direct instructions, we express and execute our requests using objects known as commands.

This allows us to utilize various requests for different clients, maintain track of prior requests, and undo earlier operations.

We describe how commands should be executed using an interface or class, and then we design different classes to represent different types of commands.

To apply the Command Pattern, we're going to have to:

  • Create a Command interface or abstract class to define the execute method.
  • Create concrete classes that use the Command interface to represent various commands. These classes should contain a reference to the receiver object that will carry out the command.
  • Create an invoker class that will run the instructions by calling their execute function.
  • Client code should construct and pass concrete Command instances to the invoker class.

12. Explain the Flyweight Design Pattern.

The Flyweight Design Pattern is a structural design pattern that reduces memory usage by sharing common elements of things. It is especially beneficial when working with a large number of things that have many similarities but differ in a few ways. Sharing common data and creating lightweight objects helps reduce the overhead of memory consumption and improve performance.

To apply the Flyweight Pattern, we have to:

  • Define a Flyweight interface that declares methods for interacting with shared and intrinsic data.
  • Create concrete Flyweight classes that implement the Flyweight interface and manage the shared (extrinsic) data.
  • Define a Flyweight Factory that maintains a pool of existing Flyweight objects and provides a method to retrieve or create them.
  • Ensure that clients use the Flyweight Factory to get Flyweight instances, passing only the extrinsic data to manage the variations in state.

13. What is the Facade Design Pattern?

The Facade Design Pattern is a kind of Structural Design Pattern that provides a simplified interface to a complex subsystem, allowing it to be easily used. It mostly comprises the creation of a single class called the "facade," which provides an instance through which all the set of interfaces from the subsystems can be accessed. Then, the complex details of the subsystem are hidden from the client.

To apply the Facade Pattern, we have to:

  • Define a Facade class that presents a simple, unified interface to the subsystem.
  • Encapsulate the complexity of the subsystem by including references to the subsystem classes within the Facade.
  • Implement methods in the Facade class, which calls upon the corresponding subsystem classes to execute the client's requests.
  • The Facade class is meant to interact with the subsystem so that it simplifies the interaction of the client and decreases dependency on the behavior of the subsystem.

14. Describe the Bridge Design Pattern.

The Bridge Design Pattern lies within structural design patterns. It decouples the abstraction from the implementation and thus allows the two to vary independently. It is an abstraction layer through which you can vary the abstraction part and the implementation part independently.

To apply the Bridge Pattern, we have to:

  • Define an abstraction class that contains a reference to an implementation interface and provides methods for interacting with it.
  • Create an implementation interface that declares methods for the concrete implementations to define.
  • Create concrete implementations that implement the implementation interface and provide specific functionality.
  • Implement concrete abstractions that extend the abstraction class and delegate calls to the implementation interface, allowing the abstraction to use different implementations.

15. What is the Composite Design Pattern?

The Composite Design Pattern is a Structural Design Pattern that allows objects to be composed in tree-like structures to represent part-whole hierarchies. The client should be able to treat both individual objects and compositions of objects uniformly, which will make it easy for clients to use these complicated tree structures.

To apply the Composite Pattern, we have to:

  • Define a component interface that declares common methods for leaf and composite objects.
  • Create leaf classes that implement the component interface and represent the basic elements of the structure.
  • Create composite classes that implement the component interface and contain a collection of child components (both leaf and other composites).
  • Implement methods in the composite classes to manage child components, allowing clients to treat both individual objects and compositions uniformly.

16. How does the Mediator Design Pattern work?

The Mediator Design Pattern manages complex communications and controls interactions among objects in a system. It centralizes communication among objects, thereby not letting them tighten the coupling and reducing dependencies. Here's how it works:

  1. Central Mediator: It defines an interface for communication between objects. Objects do not communicate with each other directly; rather, they interact through the mediator.
  2. Colleagues: These are the objects that wish to communicate. They direct their requests to the mediator instead of addressing them directly to each other.
  3. Decoupling: The usage of the mediator helps to decouple objects from each other, which leads to less maintenance and a certain degree of flexibility.

17. How is the Bridge pattern different from the Adapter pattern?

  • The Adapter design aims to make interfaces of one or more classes look comparable.
  • The Bridge pattern is intended to separate a class's interface from its implementation, allowing us to alter or replace the way it is implemented without changing the client code.

18. Describe the uses of the Composite Design Pattern.

Use Cases

  • When we want to show a partial or complete hierarchy of items.
  • If we need to add responsibilities dynamically to a particular object without affecting other objects.

19. What are Some Design Patterns used in the JDK library?

The JDK library incorporates some of the following design patterns:
  • Wrapper classes employ the decorator pattern.
  • Calendar classes (runtime) employ the singleton pattern.
  • Wrapper classes, like Integer, use a factory pattern.valueOf.
  • Swing and Abstract Window Toolkit (AWT) are examples of event-handling frameworks that use the observer approach.

20. What are the essential points to keep in mind for the Flyweight Design Pattern?

  • This design pattern can be complex, requiring a lot of memory and time. As a result, it is critical to exercise caution when using it.
  • This Pattern is ineffective when the Object's intrinsic attributes are huge. It can increase the complexity of the process.

Top 15 Java Design Patterns Interview Questions and Answers For Intermediate

21. What are the drawbacks of using the Singleton pattern?

While it serves some purposes well, there are several drawbacks of the Singleton pattern:
  • Hidden Dependencies: This creates a global instance that all parts of the code must rely on, making dependencies less obvious and therefore managing the code becomes harder.
  • Testing Problems: Singletons can be hard to mock or isolate in unit tests; this often leads to less effective and more coupled test cases.
  • Concurrency Issues: The Singleton instance must be carefully synchronized in multi-threaded environments to make sure there is no multiple instantiation or bottleneck in performance.
  • Nonflexibility: It enforces a single instance, which can be problematic if the application needs to handle multiple instances or adapt to changed future requirements.

22. How does the Factory Design Pattern improve code flexibility?


public abstract class ScholarHatCourse {
    public abstract void deliver();

public class JavaCourse extends ScholarHatCourse {
    public void deliver() {
        System.out.println("Delivering Java Course");

public class PythonCourse extends ScholarHatCourse {
    public void deliver() {
        System.out.println("Delivering Python Course");

public class CourseFactory {
    public ScholarHatCourse getCourse(String courseType) {
        if (courseType.equals("Java")) {
            return new JavaCourse();
        } else if (courseType.equals("Python")) {
            return new PythonCourse();
        return null;


Delivering Java Course
Delivering Python Course


  • The program illustrates a simple manufacturing pattern. The ScholarHatCourse abstract class defines the function deliver(), which must be implemented by its subclasses.
  • JavaCourse and PythonCourse are concrete implementations that give specific behavior for the deliver() method.
  • The CourseFactory class includes a getCourse() function that returns a ScholarHatCourse object based on the course type specified.
  • This enables the construction of course objects without specifying a specific class.

23. How can the Observer Design Pattern be applied in a real-world scenario?


import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

public class ScholarHatSubject {
    private List observers = new ArrayList<>();
    private String state;

    public void addObserver(ScholarHatObserver observer) {

    public void setState(String state) {
        this.state = state;

    public void notifyAllObservers() {
        for (ScholarHatObserver observer : observers) {

    public String getState() {
        return state;

public abstract class ScholarHatObserver {
    protected ScholarHatSubject subject;
    public abstract void update();

public class ScholarHatStudent extends ScholarHatObserver {
    public ScholarHatStudent(ScholarHatSubject subject) {
        this.subject = subject;

    public void update() {
        System.out.println("Student received update: " + subject.getState());


Student received update: New Course Available
Student received update: New Course Available


This application employs the Observer pattern, with ScholarHatSubject maintaining a list of ScholarHatObserver objects and notifying them of state changes. The ScholarHatStudent class, a concrete observer, gets updates from the subject and publishes a message if the state changes. This allows for numerous observers to respond to changes in the subject's condition.

24. What is the role of the Template Method Design Pattern?


public abstract class ScholarHatCourseTemplate {
    public final void deliverCourse() {

    protected abstract void prepareMaterials();
    protected abstract void deliverLectures();
    protected abstract void conductAssessment();

public class JavaCourse extends ScholarHatCourseTemplate {
    protected void prepareMaterials() {
        System.out.println("Preparing Java course materials.");

    protected void deliverLectures() {
        System.out.println("Delivering Java lectures.");

    protected void conductAssessment() {
        System.out.println("Conducting Java assessment.");


Preparing Java course materials.
Delivering Java lectures.
Conducting Java assessment.


  • This code defines a course delivery sequence using the Template Method pattern.
  • The deliverCourse() method in ScholarHatCourseTemplate invokes three abstract methods: prepareMaterials(), deliverLectures(), and conductAssessment().
  • These methods are implemented specifically in the JavaCourse class. When deliverCourse() is called on a JavaCourse instance, it displays the steps required to prepare and deliver a Java course.

25. Explain the advantages of using the Adapter Design Pattern.

  • Adaptable: The Adapter Design Pattern overcomes the incompatibility between interfaces by taking an interface of one class and converting it into another interface, one expected by the client, that way making formerly incompatible systems work together seamlessly.
  • Reusability:The existing code can already be reused for a new system without any modification to the original code. That will help to reduce the duplication and rework of already existing codes and systems.
  • Flexibility: Adapters can be easily changed or replaced without changing the client code, thus enabling flexibility to attach different components or systems as per changing requirements.
  • Decoupling: Reduces the dependency of client code on the subsystem by abstracting the integration logic and helps in producing much cleaner and more maintainable code.

26. How is the Strategy Design Pattern used to change the behavior of an object


public interface PaymentStrategy {
    void pay(int amount);

public class CreditCardPayment implements PaymentStrategy {
    public void pay(int amount) {
        System.out.println("Paid " + amount + " using Credit Card.");

public class PayPalPayment implements PaymentStrategy {
    public void pay(int amount) {
        System.out.println("Paid " + amount + " using PayPal.");

public class ScholarHatShoppingCart {
    private PaymentStrategy paymentStrategy;

    public void setPaymentStrategy(PaymentStrategy paymentStrategy) {
        this.paymentStrategy = paymentStrategy;

    public void checkout(int amount) {;


Paid 100 using Credit Card.
Paid 200 using PayPal.


  • This code exhibits the Strategy pattern for payment methods. The PaymentStrategy interface includes a pay() function.
  • CreditCardPayment and PayPalPayment are tangible examples of this interface.
  • The ScholarHatShoppingCart class handles payments using a PaymentStrategy.
  • By configuring alternative payment techniques, the cart can process payments in a variety of ways, enabling flexibility and separating issues when handling payments.
27. What are the key components of the Builder Design Pattern?
  • The Builder pattern consists of a Director, a Builder interface, and Concrete Builders.
  • The Director oversees the building while the Builders assemble the parts one by one.

28. What is the proxy pattern, and what does it do?

  • It is sometimes referred to as placeholders or surrogates.
  • The term proxy refers to a thing that represents another object.
  • The proxy pattern serves as a substitute or placeholder for another purpose in order to control access to it.
  • According to Gangs of Four, a Proxy Pattern "provides control for accessing the original object."We can do a variety of security procedures, such as disguising the original object's information, loading on demand, and so on.

29. How is the bridge pattern different from the adapter pattern?

  • Bridge Pattern emphasizes splitting abstraction from application hierarchies so that they can change independently. It is used to handle differences between abstraction and implementation.
  • The Adapter Pattern emphasizes making two incompatible interfaces function together by creating a wrapper (adapter) that translates between them. It is used to make existing classes work together when their interfaces do not match.

30. Explain the Data Access Object (DAO) Design Pattern.

  • The Data Access Object (DAO) design pattern offers an abstract interface for retrieving and manipulating data from a database or other data storage system.
  • The major purpose of the DAO pattern is to keep the business logic distinct from the data access logic, resulting in a clean and maintainable design.
  • It accomplishes this by enclosing the data access code into a collection of data access objects, abstracting the specifics of how data is collected or stored.

31. How would you use the Prototype Design Pattern to clone objects?


public abstract class ScholarHatPrototype implements Cloneable {
    public ScholarHatPrototype clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException {
        return (ScholarHatPrototype) super.clone();

public class ScholarHatCourse extends ScholarHatPrototype {
    private String courseName;

    public ScholarHatCourse(String courseName) {
        this.courseName = courseName;

    public String toString() {
        return "Course: " + courseName;

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws CloneNotSupportedException {
        ScholarHatCourse course1 = new ScholarHatCourse("Java Programming");
        ScholarHatCourse course2 = course1.clone();



Course: Java Programming
Course: Java Programming


  • This programming uses the Prototype design pattern. The ScholarHatPrototype class implements Cloneable and has a clone() method that creates a copy of the object.
  • ScholarHatCourse extends ScholarHatPrototype and represents a course by its course name.
  • In the Main class, a ScholarHatCourse instance is cloned, and the original and cloned courses are printed.
  • This demonstrates how the Prototype pattern allows you to create replicas of items without actually creating new instances.

32. What are the benefits of using the Visitor Design Pattern?

The Visitor Design Pattern has various benefits:
  • Separation of Concerns: It distinguishes algorithms from the objects on which they work. This enables you to introduce new actions without altering current classes.
  • Improved Maintainability: By separating the actions from the object structure, the code is easier to maintain and extend. Changes to operations do not alter the object structure, and vice versa.
  • Versatility in Integrating Operations: Additional operations can be introduced without affecting existing object structures. This makes it easier to add new features or functionality.
  • Consistent Interface: It provides a consistent interface for conducting operations on various sorts of objects, hence improving the coherence of actions on distinct pieces in the object structure.

33. Explain the role of the Mediator Design Pattern.

  • The Mediator Design Pattern simplifies communication between items, reducing dependencies and encouraging loose coupling.
  • Rather than interacting directly, objects transmit requests to a mediator object, which manages communication and coordination.
  • This pattern reduces complex interactions, making the system more manageable and extensible.

34. Describe a scenario where the Facade Design Pattern can be applied.

  • The Facade Design Pattern can be used to simplify a complicated subsystem, such as a library with several classes for distinct functionalities so that it is easier to use.
  • A facade, for example, could provide a single, unified interface for tasks such as connecting to a database, conducting queries, and closing connections, therefore obscuring the underlying complexity from client code and simplifying interaction.

35. what is the difference between Value Object (VO) and Java Data Object (JDO)?

  • VOs are an abstract design pattern for expressing data as objects that cannot be changed without identity. They are used in conjunction with entity beans, JDBC, and JDO.
  • JDOs is a technique and specification for storing Java objects in a database, which competes with entity beans. It allows you to generate POJOs (plain old Java objects) and save them to a database.

Top 15 Java Design Patterns Interview Questions and Answers For Experienced

36. How would you implement a thread-safe Singleton in Java?


public class ScholarHatSingleton {
    private static ScholarHatSingleton instance;

    private ScholarHatSingleton() {}

    public static synchronized ScholarHatSingleton getInstance() {
        if (instance == null) {
            instance = new ScholarHatSingleton();
        return instance;




  • This code uses the Singleton design pattern. The ScholarHatSingleton class assures that just one instance of the class is generated.
  • The getInstance() method is synchronized to handle concurrent access and ensure that just one instance is created, even in a multi-threaded setting.
  • In the Main class, the equality checks singleton1 == singleton2 returns true, indicating that the two references relate to the same instance.

37. Explain the Data Access Object (DAO) pattern.

The Data Access Object Pattern is used to separate low-level data access APIs or activities from higher-level business services. The DAO Pattern has the following components.

1. Data Access Object Interface

  • The DAO interface describes the standard activities that can be done on a model object(s).

2. Data Access Object Concrete Class

  • This class implements the DAO interface. This class is responsible for retrieving data from a data source, which could be XML, a database, or any other storage method.

3. Model or Value Object

  • This object is a standard Java object with get/set methods for storing data retrieved using the DAO class.

38. Explain the use of the Observer pattern in a real-time monitoring system.


import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

public class ScholarHatMonitoringSystem {
    private List observers = new ArrayList<>();
    private String status;

    public void addObserver(ScholarHatObserver observer) {

    public void setStatus(String status) {
        this.status = status;

    private void notifyAllObservers() {
        for (ScholarHatObserver observer : observers) {

    public String getStatus() {
        return status;

public abstract class ScholarHatObserver {
    protected ScholarHatMonitoringSystem system;
    public abstract void update();

public class ScholarHatAlertSystem extends ScholarHatObserver {
    public ScholarHatAlertSystem(ScholarHatMonitoringSystem system) {
        this.system = system;

    public void update() {
        System.out.println("Alert! System status changed: " + system.getStatus());


Alert! System status changed: Critical Update Available


  • This code uses the Observer design pattern. ScholarHatMonitoringSystem keeps track of ScholarHatObserver instances and notifies them when their state changes.
  • ScholarHatAlertSystem is a concrete observer that responds to status changes by producing an alert message.
  • When the status is updated with setStatus(), the notifyAllObservers() method is called the update() method for all registered observers, displaying the alert message.

39. What are the MVC patterns?

  • That is one of the most popular designs in the J2EE Design Pattern category. It is very similar to Model-View-Controller. The abbreviation MVC is derived from the Model-View-Controller idea.
  • Models are objects that serve as blueprints for all of the objects that will appear in the program.
  • Views represent the presentational component of the data and information contained in the models.
  • Controllers manage both the model and the view since they connect the two items. The controller serves as an interface between the View and Model while also intercepting all incoming requests.

40. Explain some different types of proxies.

There are numerous instances where the proxy pattern is advantageous. Let's look at a few different proxies.

1. Protection proxy

  • It restricts access to the genuine subject based on certain conditions.

2. Virtual proxies

  • Virtual proxies are utilized to create the pricey object.
  • The proxy in the implementation manages the true subject's lifetime.
  • It determines the requirement for instance creation and when to reuse it.
  • Virtual proxies improve performance.

3. Caching Proxies

  • Caching proxies are used to save expensive calls to the actual subject.
  • There are numerous caching mechanisms that the proxy can employ.
  • Many of them are read-through, write-through, cache-aside, and time-dependent.
  • Caching proxies are used to improve performance.

4. Remote proxies

  • Remote proxies are utilized for distributed object communication. The remote proxy executes on the distant object by calling a local object method.

5. Smart Proxies

  • Smart proxies are utilized to carry out log calls and reference counting for an object.

41. How would you use the Command Design Pattern to implement an undo feature?


import java.util.Stack;

public interface Command {
    void execute();
    void undo();

public class ScholarHatLight {
    public void on() {
        System.out.println("Light is ON");

    public void off() {
        System.out.println("Light is OFF");

public class LightOnCommand implements Command {
    private ScholarHatLight light;

    public LightOnCommand(ScholarHatLight light) {
        this.light = light;

    public void execute() {

    public void undo() {;

public class RemoteControl {
    private Stack commandStack = new Stack<>();

    public void executeCommand(Command command) {

    public void undoCommand() {
        if (!commandStack.isEmpty()) {


Light is ON
Light is OFF


  • This programming uses the Command design pattern. A command is an interface that includes execute() and undo() methods.
  • ScholarHatLight denotes a light with on() and off() functions. LightOnCommand is a concrete command that turns on the light, which may be undone by turning it off.
  • RemoteControl employs a stack to keep track of commands, allowing it to execute and undo them. In the Main class, a light is switched on, and then the operation is reversed, causing the light to turn off.

42. What is the impact of the Flyweight pattern on system performance?

  • The main efficiency of the Flyweight pattern in a system is the reduction in memory usage, which improves efficiency in sharing and reusing common objects rather than creating new instances at all.
  • Thus, it reduces the overhead of creating objects and minimizes the memory footprint, especially when there are many of the same or similar objects at any one time, thereby enhancing the system's overall performance.

43. How can the Visitor pattern be used to implement operations on a file system?


import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

public interface FileElement {
    void accept(FileVisitor visitor);

public class ScholarHatFile implements FileElement {
    private String name;

    public ScholarHatFile(String name) { = name;

    public void accept(FileVisitor visitor) {

    public String getName() {
        return name;

public class ScholarHatDirectory implements FileElement {
    private String name;
    private List elements = new ArrayList<>();

    public ScholarHatDirectory(String name) { = name;

    public void addElement(FileElement element) {

    public void accept(FileVisitor visitor) {
        for (FileElement element : elements) {

public interface FileVisitor {
    void visit(ScholarHatFile file);
    void visit(ScholarHatDirectory directory);

public class FileSizeVisitor implements FileVisitor {
    private int totalSize = 0;

    public void visit(ScholarHatFile file) {
        totalSize += 1; // Assume each file has a size of 1 for simplicity.

    public void visit(ScholarHatDirectory directory) {
        // No size contribution for directories in this simple example.

    public int getTotalSize() {
        return totalSize;

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ScholarHatDirectory root = new ScholarHatDirectory("root");
        ScholarHatFile file1 = new ScholarHatFile("file1.txt");
        ScholarHatFile file2 = new ScholarHatFile("file2.txt");


        FileSizeVisitor sizeVisitor = new FileSizeVisitor();

        System.out.println("Total size: " + sizeVisitor.getTotalSize());


Total size: 2


  • This code exemplifies the Visitor design pattern, which is intended to isolate algorithms from the objects they work on.
  • ScholarHatDirectory and ScholarHatFile implement the FileElement interface. The FileVisitor interface defines methods for accessing these items.
  • FileSizeVisitor uses FileVisitor to calculate the overall size of files (in this example, each file has a size of 1).
  • The Main class creates a directory of files, uses the FileSizeVisitor, and prints the total size, which is the sum of the file sizes in the directory.

44. What is the purpose of the Memento Design Pattern?

  • The Memento Design Pattern serves to capture and restore an object's state while preserving its internal structure.
  • It saves and restores an object's state, allowing you to revert to a previous state if necessary.
  • This technique can be used to provide undo/redo functionality or to keep track of an object's previous state.

45. How can the Chain of Responsibility pattern be optimized in a large system?

In an extensive system, the following tactics can be used to optimize the Chain of Responsibility pattern:

  • Short-Circuiting: Implement a method that skips extraneous handlers when a request is known to be handled by a specific handler in the chain, hence minimizing the number of handlers processed.
  • Dynamic Chains: To increase flexibility and efficiency, use dynamic or adjustable chains that can be changed at runtime based on context or request type.
  • Caching Results: Handlers' decisions to avoid repetitive processing of comparable requests.
  • Priority-Based Handling: Assign priorities to handlers to guarantee that more critical ones are processed first, hence improving performance and relevancy.

46. How can the State pattern simplify state management in a complex application?

  • The State pattern streamlines state management by enclosing state-specific activity in separate state objects, avoiding huge conditional statements and complex state transitions inside a single class.
  • Each state object manages its own behavior and transitions, making it simpler to manage and extend states without changing the context class.
  • This modular approach increases code readability, maintainability, and scalability by separating concerns about distinct states.

47. What are the limitations of the Command Design Pattern?

The Command Design Pattern may create numerous limitations:

  • Complexity: Everything can increase the amount of classes and objects in the system, making it more complex and difficult to grasp, especially with a large number of commands.
  • Overhead: Taking care of a large number of command objects can significantly increase system overhead.
  • Limited Undo: Providing undo functionality for complex commands may necessitate additional design considerations and may not always be possible.
  • Performance: Depending upon the system design, the pattern may cause performance overhead owing to command object formation and stack management.

48. How does the Decorator Design Pattern promote code reusability?

  • The Decorator Design Pattern encourages code reuse by allowing objects to be dynamically extended with new behaviors or functions that do not need altering the existing code.
  • This is accomplished through composition, in which decorators wrap over underlying objects to improve or change their behavior.
  • Decorators allow developers to mix and match functionalities, resulting in flexible and reusable components that may be used in a variety of ways to satisfy diverse needs.
  • This method reduces code duplication and promotes the open/closed concept, which states that classes can be extended but not modified.

49. Explain how the Interpreter pattern can be used in a simple calculator application.


public interface Expression {
    int interpret();

public class Number implements Expression {
    private int number;

    public Number(int number) {
        this.number = number;

    public int interpret() {
        return number;

public class Addition implements Expression {
    private Expression left;
    private Expression right;

    public Addition(Expression left, Expression right) {
        this.left = left;
        this.right = right;

    public int interpret() {
        return left.interpret() + right.interpret();

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Expression expression = new Addition(new Number(5), new Number(10));
        System.out.println("Result: " + expression.interpret());


Result: 15


  • This code uses the Interpreter pattern. The Expression interface and its two implementations (Number and Addition) define and evaluate expressions.
  • The Main class generates an Addition expression from Number objects and publishes the result, demonstrating how to create and evaluate complex expressions from smaller ones.
50. What are the advantages of using the Bridge Design Pattern?
The Bridge Design Pattern provides various advantages:
  • Separation of Abstraction and Implementation: It isolates the abstraction from the implementation, allowing them to change independently. This is useful for managing complicated systems when changes in abstraction or implementation have no effect on each other.
  • Increased Flexibility: It allows for the construction of new abstractions and implementations without changing existing code, enhancing flexibility and scalability.
  • Enhanced Maintainability: By decoupling abstraction from implementation, code maintenance, and extension are simplified, making it easier to manage and update.
  • Improved Code Reusability: It enables distinct implementations to be reused across several abstractions, eliminating code duplication and increasing reusability.
This article provides a curated selection of the top 50 Java design pattern interview questions and answers for beginners, intermediate, and experienced developers. It covers a wide spectrum of design patterns, from the basics like Singleton and Factory to more complex ones like Flyweight and Proxy. Each component is intended to help developers, regardless of experience level, improve their comprehension and confidently respond to design pattern questions in interviews. To improve your skills, ScholarHat offers the Full-Stack Java Developer Certification Training Course.


Q1. Which design pattern is mostly used in Java?

The Singleton pattern is one of the most popular design patterns in Java. It ensures that a class has only one instance and gives a single point of access to that instance, which is frequently used to manage shared resources such as database connections or configuration settings.

Q2. What are the three categories of design patterns in Java?

There are three types of design patterns in Java: creational, structural, and behavioral. Creational patterns address object creation procedures, structural patterns address object composition, and behavioral patterns define object interaction and communication.

Q3. What is the principle of design pattern in Java?

The purpose of design patterns in Java is to provide reusable solutions to common software design problems while promoting code maintainability, flexibility, and scalability through best practices such as encapsulation, modularity, and separation of concerns.
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Shailendra Chauhan (Microsoft MVP, Founder & CEO at Scholarhat by DotNetTricks)

Shailendra Chauhan is the Founder and CEO at ScholarHat by DotNetTricks which is a brand when it comes to e-Learning. He provides training and consultation over an array of technologies like Cloud, .NET, Angular, React, Node, Microservices, Containers and Mobile Apps development. He has been awarded Microsoft MVP 8th time in a row (2016-2023). He has changed many lives with his writings and unique training programs. He has a number of most sought-after books to his name which has helped job aspirants in cracking tough interviews with ease.
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