MarSingleton Design Pattern: An Easy Learning
Singleton Design Pattern
The Singleton Design Pattern is a key notion in C# object-oriented programming. It assures that a class has just one instance and gives a global interface to that instance. This can be especially helpful in situations where only one item is required to coordinate operations throughout the system.
In this C# tutorial, we'll look at the Singleton Design Pattern. What is the singleton design pattern in C#? And when should I use it? We'll also look at the Singleton Design Pattern in C#, with examples. So, let us begin by addressing the question, "What is the Singleton Design Pattern?"
What is the Singleton Design Pattern?
- The Singleton Design Pattern guarantees that a class has only one instance and gives a global access point to it.
- It is widely used to manage shared resources, such as configuration settings and logging.
- Consider a corporation that requires a single point of communication for all personnel; the CEO serves as this single point.
- In a software system, a Singleton could be used to manage a configuration file, guaranteeing that all program components use the same settings consistently.
Singleton Pattern - UML Diagram
The UML class diagram for the implementation of the Singleton design pattern is given below:

When should you use the Singleton Design Pattern in C#?
Here's a brief overview of when to apply the Singleton Design Pattern in real-time applications:
- Configuration management: Process of ensuring that all configuration settings are consistent.
- Logging Services: To unify and organize logging throughout the application.
- Database Connections: You can manage and reuse a single database connection or connection pool.
- Cache management: Involves keeping a single cache instance to ensure consistent data retrieval.
- Thread Pool Management: Deals with the efficient management and reuse of threads.
There are various approaches to implementing the Singleton Pattern in C#.
- Basic Singleton Implementation
- Thread-Safe Singleton Implementation
- Lazy Initialization Singleton Implementation
- Eager Initialization Singleton Implementation
1. Basic Singleton Implementation
- In the Basic Singleton Implementation, a private static variable stores the class's sole instance.
- The private constructor restricts external instantiation.
- The public static Instance property allows access to a single instance, which is created if it does not already exist.
- This method ensures that just one instance of the class is produced and utilized throughout the application.
using System;
// LogManager class (Singleton implementation)
public class LogManager
private static LogManager _instance;
private static readonly object _lock = new object();
private LogManager() { }
public static LogManager Instance
if (_instance == null)
lock (_lock)
if (_instance == null)
_instance = new LogManager();
return _instance;
public void Log(string message)
Console.WriteLine($"Log: {message}");
// Main class
public class Program
public static void Main(string[] args)
LogManager logger = LogManager.Instance;
logger.Log("This is a log message!");
logger.Log("Singleton pattern in action.");
# Singleton pattern in Python
class LogManager:
_instance = None
def __new__(cls):
if cls._instance is None:
cls._instance = super(LogManager, cls).__new__(cls)
return cls._instance
def log(self, message):
print(f"Log: {message}")
# Main function
if __name__ == "__main__":
logger = LogManager()
logger.log("This is a log message!")
logger.log("Singleton pattern in action.")
public class LogManager {
private static LogManager instance;
private LogManager() {}
public static synchronized LogManager getInstance() {
if (instance == null) {
instance = new LogManager();
return instance;
public void log(String message) {
System.out.println("Log: " + message);
public static void main(String[] args) {
LogManager logger = LogManager.getInstance();
logger.log("This is a log message!");
logger.log("Singleton pattern in action.");
class LogManager {
constructor() {
if (LogManager.instance == null) {
LogManager.instance = this;
return LogManager.instance;
log(message) {
console.log(`Log: ${message}`);
// Main
const logger = new LogManager();
logger.log("This is a log message!");
logger.log("Singleton pattern in action.");
class LogManager {
private static instance: LogManager;
private constructor() {}
public static getInstance(): LogManager {
if (!LogManager.instance) {
LogManager.instance = new LogManager();
return LogManager.instance;
public log(message: string): void {
console.log(`Log: ${message}`);
// Main
const logger = LogManager.getInstance();
logger.log("This is a log message!");
logger.log("Singleton pattern in action.");
This code creates a LogManager class that follows the Singleton pattern to ensure that only one instance exists. This is accomplished by the use of a private static variable _instance and a private constructor, as well as a public static Instance property that provides access to the single instance. The Log method writes messages to the terminal.
Log: This is a log message!
Log: Singleton pattern in action.
2. Thread-Safe Singleton Implementation
- The Thread-Safe Singleton Implementation guarantees that just one instance of a class is produced, even in a multithreaded environment.
- It employs a lock statement to synchronize access to the instance generation process, preventing other threads from creating duplicate instances.
- This technique ensures that only one instance is initialized while allowing for secure concurrent access.
using System;
using System.Threading;
public class ConfigurationManager
private static ConfigurationManager _instance;
private static readonly object _lock = new object();
private ConfigurationManager()
Console.WriteLine("ConfigurationManager initialized.");
public static ConfigurationManager Instance
if (_instance == null)
lock (_lock)
if (_instance == null)
_instance = new ConfigurationManager();
return _instance;
public string GetSetting(string key)
return $"Value for {key}";
public class Program
public static void Main()
var thread1 = new Thread(() =>
var config1 = ConfigurationManager.Instance;
var thread2 = new Thread(() =>
var config2 = ConfigurationManager.Instance;
import threading
class ConfigurationManager:
_instance = None
_lock = threading.Lock()
# Private constructor to prevent instantiation from outside
def __init__(self):
if ConfigurationManager._instance is not None:
raise Exception("This class is a singleton!")
print("ConfigurationManager initialized.")
def get_instance(cls):
if cls._instance is None:
with cls._lock:
if cls._instance is None:
cls._instance = ConfigurationManager()
return cls._instance
def get_setting(self, key):
return f"Value for {key}"
def thread_function(key):
config = ConfigurationManager.get_instance()
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Create multiple threads to access ConfigurationManager
thread1 = threading.Thread(target=thread_function, args=("DatabaseConnection",))
thread2 = threading.Thread(target=thread_function, args=("ApiKey",))
public class ConfigurationManager {
private static ConfigurationManager instance;
private ConfigurationManager() {
System.out.println("ConfigurationManager initialized.");
public static ConfigurationManager getInstance() {
if (instance == null) {
synchronized (ConfigurationManager.class) {
if (instance == null) {
instance = new ConfigurationManager();
return instance;
public String getSetting(String key) {
return "Value for " + key;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Thread thread1 = new Thread(() -> {
ConfigurationManager config1 = ConfigurationManager.getInstance();
Thread thread2 = new Thread(() -> {
ConfigurationManager config2 = ConfigurationManager.getInstance();
// JavaScript equivalent of the Singleton pattern code goes here
// TypeScript equivalent of the Singleton pattern code goes here
ConfigurationManager initialized.
Value for DatabaseConnection
Value for ApiKey
3. Lazy Initialization Singleton Implementation
- In C#, the Lazy Initialization Singleton Pattern makes sure that the class instance is created only when necessary.
- This is accomplished by utilizing a static variable to store the instance and a static method to manage its creation.
- The Lazy<T> class creates a thread-safe instance only when accessed for the first time. This method reduces redundant startup and boosts speed.
using System;
public class Logger
// Private static instance of the Logger class, initialized lazily
private static readonly Lazy<Logger> _instance = new Lazy<Logger>(() => new Logger());
// Private constructor to prevent direct instantiation
private Logger()
// Initialize resources or setup if needed
// Public static property to access the single instance
public static Logger Instance => _instance.Value;
// Method to log messages
public void Log(string message)
Console.WriteLine($"Log entry: {message}");
class Program
static void Main()
// Access the Logger instance
Logger logger = Logger.Instance;
// Use the Logger to log a message
logger.Log("This is a singleton logger message.");
Log entry: This is a singleton logger message.
4. Eager Initialization Singleton Implementation
- In C#, eager initialization for the Singleton pattern creates a single instance of the class during class loading.
- This is accomplished by declaring a static, read-only instance of the class that is initialized instantly.
- This approach assures thread safety and simplicity, but it may result in increased memory usage if the instance is generated when it is not required.
using System;
public class ConfigurationManager
// Private static readonly instance of the ConfigurationManager class, eagerly initialized
private static readonly ConfigurationManager instance = new ConfigurationManager();
// Property to store configuration settings
public string Configuration { get; private set; }
// Private constructor ensures that the class cannot be instantiated from outside
private ConfigurationManager()
// Load configuration settings (e.g., from a file or database)
Configuration = LoadConfiguration();
// Public static property to access the single instance
public static ConfigurationManager Instance => instance;
// Private method to simulate loading configuration settings
private string LoadConfiguration()
// Simulate loading configuration data
return "Configuration data loaded.";
class Program
static void Main()
// Access the ConfigurationManager instance
ConfigurationManager configManager = ConfigurationManager.Instance;
// Display the loaded configuration
Configuration data loaded.
Advantages of Singleton Design Pattern
The Singleton Design Pattern offers the following advantages:
- Controlled Access to the Sole Instance: Ensures that only one instance of the class is generated, with a single point of access to it.
- Reduced Memory Footprint: Saves memory by not creating numerous instances of a class.
- Consistent Access to Shared Resources: Provides a centralized interface for accessing shared resources such as configuration settings or logging, guaranteeing consistency throughout the program.
- Lazy Initialization: The instance is created only when necessary, potentially improving startup time and resource utilization.
- Global State Management: Used to manage an application's global state, ensuring that all system components have synchronized access to shared data.
Disadvantages of Singleton Design Pattern
The Singleton Design Pattern has a few drawbacks:
- Global State Issues: Because a Singleton provides an international point of access, it might cause hidden dependencies between classes, making the system difficult to comprehend and manage.
- Testing Difficulties: Because singletons have a global state, it isn't easy to separate and test individual components separately.
- Concurrency Issues: In multithreaded systems, maintaining thread-safe access to the Singleton instance can complicate implementation and potentially cause performance problems.
- Tight Coupling: Classes that rely on the Singleton may become strongly tied to it, reducing flexibility and making it more difficult to replace or restructure.