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What is Full Stack? Skills to Become a Full Stack Developer

What is Full Stack? Skills to Become a Full Stack Developer

04 May 2024
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What is Full Stack? Skills to Become a Full Stack Developer

Full-stack development is a highly regarded professional ground within the field of web development over the period of time, but what is a full-stack developer? In general terms, they are the web developers who are capable to work with two major sides which are front and back end means they are usually skilled with aspects of computer programming, user interface, and user experience design (UI/UX), overall project management process, and in many cases, the client communication as needed. Full-stack development and developers have been demanded due to the facilitation in all the aspects of the software cycle.

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The Role of Full Stack Developers

Full-stack developers generally work on the front end and back end web development skills primarily, the handling of the wide varieties of the tasks of building and maintaining a digital playground such as the web pages. The position depends on the multiple factors such as versatility, adaptability, innovative thinking, and attention to technical programming knowledge, and high-level client communication.

Before getting started with the role as a full-stack developer, they need to be well versed with both the aspect front and back end engineering to have a command over both of them as an engineer.

There are two primary sides being full-stack are given below.

1.Front end development

Front end developers are responsible for the keen development of User Interfaces (UIs) that are the visible part to the end-user.

It may include multiple aspects of the web application’s user interface (UI), cross-browser compatibility across the devices, and the overall visual presentation across the application. In other words, we can say that the front-end developer creates everything which the user sees on the screen and experiences when navigating around the application. Front end development tends to utilize the multiple programming languages such as JavaScript, HTML5, and CSS3 to make the UI projects more engaging and interactive while sticking to the latest code standards and the mechanism.

2.Back end development

While the front end developers work on the UI layer, the back end developers work on the core part of the system which is data management. And the back end developers work closely with the front end developers to provide the data assistance, manage the database and its infrastructure, design back end application structure, manage security and accessibility concerns, and so on.

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Full-stack developers skill

The full stack developer role is responsible for the extensive knowledge of the various skills that required diverse knowledge of the multiple skills and apply it to the application in a way that the by-product is effective to put a value for an individual.

Being a full stack developer, you need to have some sort of skills which are explained below.

1.) Front end programming languages

The view layer is equally important while working as a full stack developer because it is a core part of the application which is used by the end-user, hence you need to have a knowledge of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JSON, XML, etc.

When we discuss about the full stack developer skills, we cannot forget the value of JavaScript nowadays. It is one of the most dynamic scripting languages used by developers for achieving the highly interactive and enhanced front-end development. However, because of its dynamic nature, it could be used for both the purpose i.e. the front end as well as the back end application development.

Besides this, many front-end emerging frameworks are also there for the front-end development such as Angular, React, React Native, and VueJs which is amongst the primary choice for designing the view layer of the application.

2.)  Back end programming languages

Apart from the front end developer, the back end later is also a crucial part of the software development lifecycle and for that, the full stack developer should have the knowledge of technical programming knowledge of any language.

Developer can opt for any of the back end programming platforms such as Python, Java, NodeJs, PHP, Go-Lang, Ruby on Rails (ROR) to design and architect the back end application that communicates with the front layer of the application through the concept of Application Programming Interface (API) that connects back end app to the front end for the data manipulation.

3.) Version control systems

While working as a full stack developer, one should have the knowledge of code management tools such as Git, Gitlab, AWS code commit, and related version control tools so that the developers across the application can maintain the codebase in a way that anyone can work with the same project structure.

The code tracking is useful to maintain every single sort of code change, document, config file, and for that the developer should have a knowledge of various Git commands to work with version controls system.

4.) Web architectures

Architect of the application is the primary concern when it comes to the enterprise application design because of the way we define the software architecture, it will be quite easy to get the better maintainability, accessibility, code re-usability, and certain computational tasks.

5.) Database management platforms

All web and mobile-based applications need a database platform where all the data of the application can be stored. This is to ensure that developers can access the data whenever needed by accessing it through the APIs.

Database storage is a skill that the developer should know that includes relational databases and database storage mechanisms throughout. The full-stack developers must be able to adept certain skills while working with the database management such as they should be able to design a database schema, understand, and manipulate database queries according to the data requirements. They must also know how to work with XML and JSON format which is a widely used data format while sending data from the back end systems.

6.) Communication skills

Apart from all the technical aspects, communication skill is a place where the collaboration with the product owner happens periodically to get feedback about the system being developed, and it also includes the effectiveness of communication with the team members, team leads, project manager, account managers and the team of the client.

7.) Task management tools

While working in the collaborative or with the team across the world, the software development can be traced by the tasks for the each functionality, hence it can be managed by certain task management tools such as Jira, Trello, hub spot, flow, etc.

Effective task management practices help individuals or groups achieve their desired goals, and it also takes into consideration task planning, priorities of the given tasks, task automation, as well as the dependencies and the application budgeting eventually.

Read More - Full Stack Developer Roadmap

Full-stack Developer Salary

The demand of the full stack developer has been increasing and to cater to the demands of the market, companies are making a huge offer to the developers, and as per the report of Payscale, the avg salary of the full stack developer in the USA is 75K$ which is an attractive and a huge number.

Whereas in India, the average salary in India of the full stack developer is INR 6.5 LPA Full stack developer salary in India but again it depends on the multiple factors such as the choice of technical stack, location, company size, global exposure, and many more. It has exceptionally high job satisfaction, so many Full Stack Developers stay on to eventually reach six figures of the compensation. There are also freelance Full Stack Developers who have a little bit of freedom with their pay in that way.

Full stack developer salary in the USA

Full stack developer salary in the USA

                                                                                          (Source: Full stack developer salary in the USA)

Full stack developer salary in India

Full stack developer salary in India

                                                                                            (Source: Full stack developer salary in India)

Full-stack Developer Jobs

For the last few years, the full-stack developer Jobs have been increased unlike the other job roles such as front end or the back end developers as it provides an extensive responsibility for the both front and the data layer and adds additional value to the organization.

Full-stack developers as a career path are the most demanding and required position nowadays. It involves the combination of work of both of the layers the front end and the back end to build website applications completely and single-handled job duty.

It’s a crucial and responsible role in any tech-savvy and enterprise organization. Due to the online-driven businesses and the competition of online platforms, the demand for full-stack developers has been at its peak in recent years. Thus, the job opportunities across the world for the full stack developer will keep growing by 2030.

Full-stack Developer Roles and Responsibilities

By now, we all are familiar with the brief about a full stack developer is one who manages the comprehensive product development that includes the duties of the front end, back end, and all other responsibilities such as code versioning, communication skills, etc. Below are some of the roles that a full stack developer may perform during his tenure in the organization or as an independent consultant.

• Work with the group of development teams and the product managers to define the robust software solutions

• Write effective APIs using the various back end framework and languages

• Build the front end of applications through the user-centric design approach and visual experience

• Design client-side and server-side architecture for getting better accessibility and scalabilities

• Test the newly designed software to ensure the highest level of responsiveness and the efficiency

• Develop and manage database systems and applications

• Troubleshoot, debug and upgrade the existing software

• Apply a robust security environment and the user data protection settings

• Continuously working with data scientists and business analysts to improve software periodically through the feedback

• Build features and applications with a mobile responsive design that works across the group of devices and resolutions

• Client communications

• Attending scrum or related meetings for the task measurements across the teams

• Write technical documentation

And the primary role of the full stack developer may include the end to end development, architect front end & back end application, managing database systems, performing the certain operation in the cloud such as container management, server configuration, apart from that the logical thinking and effective communication drives full stack developer a way forward.


You can become a full stack developer if you strive to learn and to be passionate about two different things which are self-learning and the logic building. You need to learn how to create a backend application using PHP or JavaScript or Java and other such relevant technologies. One must know how to create a frontend application using HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript for the view layer, and should how to write some SQL stuff as well periodically. And once you master these on the bot of the side, you should learn how to create a database, design architecture and how work with that database via those back and front-end platforms.

Now you know anything and everything in and out about the information of the full stack Developer, you will have everything in mind before you take a step towards the desired career opportunities that this field offers extensively, Keep learning!

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About Author
Manav Pandya (Technical Author and Front-end Engineer)

Manav is Blogger, Technical Author, Freelancer, and working as a front-end engineer since last 2 year with the different technologies like Angular 2+, Node.js, React, ExpressJs, In a free time he likes to learn and contribute technical content to the community to share and spread the knowledge.
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