MarIntroduction to HTML
HTML is the structural part of any web page. CSS and JavaScript can be used only after creating a complete HTML program. HTML markup language is humanly readable and easy to learn through a HTML beginner course and it uses tags to make changes or to edit the structure and content of the page. Tags are part of the HTML language basics. We will learn a lot about HTML language in this blog.
History of HTML
HTML was first introduced by Tim Berners-Lee in 1990 while working at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) in Geneva. Berners-Lee created HTML as a way for researchers to share and access documents over the internet, providing a standardized format for displaying text and images.
The first version of HTML was closely modelled on SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language), a markup language used for electronic documents. Over time, HTML has evolved through various versions, with each version introducing new tags, attributes, and features.
HTML 2.0 was released in 1995 and included support for tables, image maps, and form elements.
HTML 3.2, released in 1997, introduced more advanced formatting options such as frames, style sheets, and applets.
HTML 4.0, released in 1997, added support for dynamic content and improved accessibility features.
HTML 5, the latest version of HTML, was released in 2014 and includes new elements for audio and video, as well as support for web applications and mobile devices.
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Advantages of HTML
- Let us look into some benefits of HTML language
- HTML is very easy to understand and program, it is not case-sensitive.
- HTML is free to use, this is one of the major benefits of HTML language that you do not need to install any software to run HTML.
- HTML is supported By every browser, so you can run your program in any browser such as Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Opera, etc.
- HTML is very simple to integrate with other languages such as CSS and JavaScript.
- Any text editor can be an HTML text editor because it does not require any special platform. It can be written on a plain Notepad and can thus be easily modified by any text editor such as VScode, Notepad++, etc.
- HTML can easily combine with other languages and it does not cause any problems. For example, in Javascript, PHP, node.js, CSS, and many more languages, we can write the code of these languages inside the HTML program, and it will combine with these languages.
- A programmer must know HTML To be a frontend or backend developer because it is the basic language and all other languages, such as JavaScript, JSP, and PHP, etc., combine with HTML while coding.
Web Designing
What is Web Designing?
Web designing can be defined as a specifically made design for a website for a better user experience. User experience is the center of all websites. It takes deep knowledge of programming and good implementation as well to create a web design. In the era of the internet and digitalization everything you can do while sitting in your chair and while using your mobile / laptop.
There are websites for shopping, Food, Groceries, and learning too. Designing such websites so that a huge number of people can use them is such an art. As we start to think about web design for beginners it needs knowledge of some programming language such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, Node.js etc. but more than that we need a clear vision of what we are going to design. Before designing such websites the web designing basics should be cleared.
HTML is the first thing to program to make any web page we can say that HTML comes under the web designing basics but it is just a part of the whole story. Every HTML program will ultimately lead us to a website after adding a few more languages and frameworks which we will learn further.
If we talk about the basics of HTML then HTML Elements come as the first thing to learn.
HTML Elements
In the HTML language basics understanding the HTML elements is very important. It consists of three parts which are:
Opening tag: opening tag indicates that the content is about to start.
Closing tag: The closing tag indicates that the content ends here
Content: It is the main content that is filled between the opening and closing tags by the programmer
When an HTML element is used inside another HTML element it is called a Nested HTML element.
Let us understand this with the help of an example:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>HTML Elements</title>
<h2>Welcome To ScholarHat</h2>
<p>Hi Scholars!</p>
In this example,
opening tags :
<html>, <head>, <title>, <body>, <p>
Closing tags :
</html>, </head>, </title>, </body>, </p>
HTML Elements
Welcome to ScholarHat
Hi Scholars
Nested Elements:
<title>HTML Elements</title>
<h2>Welcome To ScholarHat </h2>
<p> Hi Scholars</p>
We will be going to learn about the tags in upcoming topics
Before learning anything, it is very important to understand what we are going to learn, what the history of HTML, what are the HTML basics and how it will help us to achieve our goals. Getting started with HTML training will be very beneficial for your IT career. After getting introduced to HTML that how it works, the uses of HTML, and some terms in HTML Basics such as HTML text editor, Elements, Nested Elements, etc. you will going to learn many more amazing things which grow your interest in coding. As we talked about web design for beginners needs imagination and knowledge, and it goes with our studies too. Let’s start to gain knowledge and improve our imagination as well.
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