MarHTML Multiple Choice Questions and Answers: Test Your Skills!
HTML is the backbone of web development, and mastering it is essential for building amazing websites. Our HTML MCQ questions are designed to test your knowledge and help you sharpen your skills, whether you're a beginner or an experienced developer. These HTML MCQ questions cover a wide range of topics, from basic tags to advanced concepts, ensuring thorough preparation. Dive into this exciting collection of HTML MCQ questions to boost your confidence and excel in your web development journey!
In this Interview Tutorial, we will learn the exciting and important HTML MCQ questions with correct answers.
Top 100+ HTML MCQ Questions with Answers
Q1: Who is known as the father of HTML?
Q2: What does HTML stand for?
Read More: Introduction to HTML
Q3: Which tag is used to create a hyperlink in HTML?
Read More: Links in HTML
Q4: What is the purpose of the <head> tag in HTML?
Q5: Which attribute is used to uniquely identify an HTML element?
Q6: Which HTML tag is used to define an internal style sheet?
Q7: What is the correct HTML element for inserting a line break?
Read More: Semantic HTML5 Elements with Examples
Q8: Which attribute specifies an alternate text for an image if the image cannot be displayed?
Read More: HTML Images
Q9: Which HTML element is used to display a scalar measurement within a range?
Q10: How can you make a numbered list in HTML?
Q11: Which HTML tag is used to define an unordered list?
Q12: Which tag is used to display a table in HTML?
Q13: Which HTML element is used for a definition list?
Q14: Which HTML tag is used to define a table header?
Q15: What is the default value of the position property in CSS?
Q16: How can you include a CSS file in an HTML document?
Q17: What is the correct HTML element for inserting an image?
Q18: Which attribute is used to define the destination of a link in HTML?
Q19: How do you make a hyperlink open in a new tab in HTML?
Q20: What tag is used to define a footer in HTML5?
Q21: Which HTML tag is used to define an input field?
Read More: A Guide to HTML Input Types with Examples
Q22: Which tag is used to define a text area in HTML?
Q23: Which attribute is used to specify alternative text for an image in HTML?
Q24: Which HTML tag is used to define a hyperlink?
Q25: Which tag is used to define a row in an HTML table?
Q26: Which tag is used to define a table cell in HTML?
Q27: Which tag is used to create a line break in HTML?
Q28: Which HTML tag is used to define the header of a table?
Q29: Which tag is used to define a description list in HTML?
Q30: Which tag is used to create a division or section in an HTML document?
Q31: Which tag is used to define an unordered list in HTML?
Q32: Which tag is used to display an image in HTML?
Q33: Which tag is used to define a table header in HTML?
Q34: What is the correct HTML tag for inserting a line break?
Q35: Which tag is used to define a hyperlink in HTML?
Q36: Which HTML attribute is used to specify the URL of an image?
Q37: Which tag is used to create a dropdown list in HTML?
Q38: Which HTML tag is used to define the body of a document?
Q39: What does the <meta> tag do in HTML?
Q40: Which tag is used to define a footer in HTML?
Q41: What does the <link> tag define in an HTML document?
Q42: What is the purpose of the <iframe> tag in HTML?
Read More: iframes in HTML
Q43: What does the <meta> tag define in an HTML document?
Q44: Which tag is used to define a form in HTML?
Read More: HTML Forms
Q45: Which tag is used to define a clickable button in HTML?
Q46: Which attribute is used to define the width of an image in HTML?
Q47: What is the correct way to add a background color in HTML?
Q48: Which attribute is used to define the type of an <input> element in an HTML form?
Q49: How do you create an ordered list in HTML?
Q50: Which tag is used to define a table in HTML?
Q51: Which tag is used to define an HTML paragraph?
Q52: What is the purpose of the <title> tag in HTML?
Q53: Which attribute is used to specify the image source in HTML?
Q54: Which of the following tags is used to display a table heading?
Q55: Which HTML element is used to define a division or section?
Q56: What is the default value of the <li> tag's list-style-type?
Q57: Which tag is used to add a comment in an HTML document?
Q58: Which tag is used to define an input field in an HTML form?
Q59: Which HTML tag is used to define a checkbox?
Q60: Which of the following tags is used to create an unordered list?
Q61: What tag is used to render an image on a webpage?
Q62: What is the specialty of the <small> and <big> tags in HTML?
Q63: Which attribute is used to provide a unique name to an HTML element?
Q64: Which HTML element is used to define description data?
Q65: Which HTML tag is used to set up a JavaScript-like client-side scripting language?
Q66: Which of the following is the correct syntax for using the HTML style attribute?
Q67: Which HTML5 element is used to define navigation links?
Q68: What is the purpose of the <meta> tag in HTML?
Q69: Which attribute is used to open a hyperlink in a new tab?
Q70: Which HTML element is used to embed a video in a webpage?
Q71: Which HTML tag is used to define a footer for a document or section?
Q72: What is the correct way to make text italic in HTML?
Q73: Which HTML5 tag is used to define an independent piece of content?
Q74: What is the purpose of the <details> tag in HTML5?
Q75: Which tag is used to represent the progress of a task in HTML5?
Q76: Which HTML tag is used to define a section that contains contact information?
Q77: Which HTML5 tag is used to define a container for external content like advertisements?
Q78: What is the purpose of the <mark> tag in HTML5?
Q79: Which HTML5 tag is used to define a user-input control in a form?
Q80: What is the function of the <wbr> tag in HTML?
Q81: Which tag is used to group related options in a <select> dropdown?
Q82: What does the <noscript> tag do?
Q83: Which HTML tag is used to define a time and date?
Q84: Which HTML tag is used to define the structure of a document outline?
Q85: Which tag represents a self-contained piece of content that can be independently distributed or reused?
Q86: What is the purpose of the <template> tag in HTML?
Q87: Which tag is used to define an interactive area within an image map?
Q88: What does the <track> tag do in HTML?
Q89: Which HTML tag is used to define important text?
Q90: What is the purpose of the <details> and <summary> tags in HTML?
Q91: Which HTML tag is used to define navigation links?
Q92: Which HTML tag is used to represent the result of a calculation?
Q93: What is the purpose of the <mark> tag in HTML?
Q94: Which HTML tag is used to group multiple options in a dropdown list?
Q95: Which HTML tag is used for adding contact information about a document?
Q96: What is the purpose of the <datalist> tag in HTML?
Q97: Which HTML tag is used to specify a term that should be defined within the content?
Q98: Which HTML element is used to specify text that should be displayed as a progress indicator?
Q99: Which HTML tag is used to represent a self-contained piece of content, such as a blog post?
Q100: Which HTML tag is used to embed a video file on a webpage?
In conclusion, HTML MCQ questions are an excellent way to test and enhance your understanding of HTML fundamentals. Whether you're preparing for exams or interviews, practicing these HTML MCQ questions helps build a strong foundation in web development. By mastering key concepts through HTML MCQ questions, you can confidently tackle challenges in creating well-structured, semantic, and interactive web pages.
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Test your skills by following MCQs
Dear learners, follow these MCQs questions and enhance your HTML knowledge.