MarHigh-Priority 50+ Infosys Interview Q&A for Freshers & Experienced 2025
Infosys interview questions are designed to assess a candidate's problem-solving abilities and coding efficiency. You should be ready to handle a variety of coding challenges, from basic concepts like loops and arrays to more complex topics involving algorithms and data structures.
In this interview tutorial, I will explain crucial questions, provide guidance on how to approach each one, and explain why mastering these topics is essential for excelling in the interview and establishing a solid foundation for your tech career.
What to Expect in Infosys Interviews?
When preparing for an Infosys interview, it’s essential to understand the interview process and the kinds of questions you’ll face. Depending on your role, you might encounter technical, behavioral, or managerial questions. So, having a clear idea of the interview process can help you ace it.
Understanding the Infosys Interview Process
Section | Description |
Eligibility Criteria |
Online Application |
Recruitment Process |
Interview Rounds |
Technical Interview Questions (Freshers) |
Technical Interview Questions (Experienced) |
HR Interview Questions |
What is InfyTQ Certification?
InfyTQ Certification is a test by Infosys. It checks how good you are at coding and problem-solving. If you pass, Infosys may give you a job or a chance for a special interview. The test has coding and MCQs. You need to know programming, databases, and a little about software. If you do well, you get a certificate and a job chance. It is for students who want to work at Infosys.
Technical Infosys Interview Questions for Freshers and Experienced
If you’re applying for a technical role, be prepared to demonstrate your knowledge through coding, problem-solving, and technical discussions. Below are some common technical roles and questions for each.
Infosys Interview Questions For Java Developer
Q1. What is the difference between "==" and ".equals()" in Java?
- Focus: Object comparison and memory handling.
- What to Expect:
- Explain the distinction between comparing references (==) and comparing object contents (.equals()).
- Describe how this works with strings and other objects.
Sample Answer: "== checks if two references point to the same memory location, while.equals() checks if the contents of two objects are the same."
public class StringComparison {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String str1 = new String("Java");
String str2 = new String("Java");
System.out.println(str1 == str2); // false, because they refer to different objects
System.out.println(str1.equals(str2)); // true, because the content is the same
Q2. Explain the difference between ArrayList and LinkedList in Java.
- Focus: Java collections framework.
- What to Expect:
- Explain the differences between these two List implementations.
- Discuss when to use each type of list based on performance.
Sample Answer: "ArrayList provides fast access by index, while LinkedList offers faster insertions and deletions."
import java.util.*;
public class ListExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
List arrayList = new ArrayList<>(); // Specify type as String
List linkedList = new LinkedList<>(); // Specify type as String
System.out.println("ArrayList: " + arrayList.get(0)); // Constant time access (O(1))
System.out.println("LinkedList: " + linkedList.get(0)); // Linear time access (O(n) in worst case)
ArrayList: Java
LinkedList: Java
Q3. How does exception handling work in Java?
- Focus: Java exception handling.
- What to Expect:
- Explain how try-catch blocks work.
- Discuss the use of the finally block.
Sample Answer: "Java handles exceptions using try-catch blocks, and the finally block ensures cleanup code runs."
public class ExceptionExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
int result = 10 / 0; // This will throw ArithmeticException
} catch (ArithmeticException e) {
System.out.println("Exception: " + e.getMessage());
} finally {
System.out.println("This block is always executed.");
Exception: / by zero
This block is always executed.
Q4. What is the purpose of the static keyword in Java?
- Focus: Static members in Java.
- What to Expect:
- Explain how static variables and methods are shared across instances.
Sample Answer: "The static keyword makes a variable or method belong to the class itself rather than to instances of the class."
public class StaticExample {
static int count = 0; // Static variable
public StaticExample() {
count++; // Increment static variable when an object is created
public static void main(String[] args) {
StaticExample obj1 = new StaticExample();
StaticExample obj2 = new StaticExample();
System.out.println("Object count: " + StaticExample.count); // Output: 2
Object count: 2
Q5. What is the difference between ArrayList and Vector in Java?
- Focus: Java collection framework.
- What to Expect:
- Explain how ArrayList and Vector differ in terms of synchronization and performance.
Sample Answer: "ArrayList is not synchronized, making it faster but not thread-safe. Vector is synchronized but slower."
import java.util.*;
public class ArrayListVsVector {
public static void main(String[] args) {
List<String> arrayList = new ArrayList<>(); // Specify type as String
List<String> vector = new Vector<>(); // Specify type as String
System.out.println("ArrayList: " + arrayList.get(0)); // Prints first element
System.out.println("Vector: " + vector.get(0)); // Prints first element
ArrayList: Java
Vector: Java
Q6. What is the difference between final, finally, and finalize in Java?
- Focus: Java keywords.
- What to Expect:
- Explain the distinct purposes of final (for constants and inheritance), finally (for exception handling), and finalize (for garbage collection).
Sample Answer: "final is used for constants and inheritance, finally for handling cleanup in exception handling, and finalize is a method used by the garbage collector."
public class FinalExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
final int x = 10; // final variable, cannot be modified
try {
int result = 10 / 0; // This will cause an ArithmeticException
} catch (ArithmeticException e) {
System.out.println("Cannot divide by zero!");
} finally {
System.out.println("This block is always executed.");
FinalizeExample finalizeExample = new FinalizeExample();
finalizeExample = null;
System.gc(); // Requests garbage collection
class FinalizeExample {
protected void finalize() throws Throwable {
super.finalize(); // Call parent class finalize (optional)
System.out.println("Finalize called");
Cannot divide by zero!
This block is always executed.
Finalize called
Q7. What is the difference between method overloading and method overriding in Java?
- Focus: Polymorphism in Java.
- What to Expect:
- Explain how method overloading allows multiple methods with the same name but different parameters, while overriding allows a subclass to provide a specific implementation of a method already defined in its superclass.
Sample Answer: "Method overloading means multiple methods with the same name but different signatures, while method overriding means redefining a method in a subclass."
class Parent {
void display() {
System.out.println("Parent method");
class Child extends Parent {
void display() {
System.out.println("Child method");
public class OverloadingOverridingExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Parent parent = new Child();
parent.display(); // Calls overridden method in Child class
OverloadingOverridingExample example = new OverloadingOverridingExample();
example.display(10); // Calls overloaded method
example.display("Java"); // Calls overloaded method
void display(int num) {
System.out.println("Overloaded method with int: " + num);
void display(String str) {
System.out.println("Overloaded method with String: " + str);
Child method
Overloaded method with int: 10
Overloaded method with String: Java
Read More: Top 50+ Java Interview Questions & Answers |
Infosys Automation Testing Interview Questions
Q8. What is Selenium, and how is it used in automation testing?
Ans: Selenium is an open-source tool for automating web browsers. It supports multiple programming languages and allows you to create scripts to test web applications.
Q9. What are the different types of locators in Selenium?
Ans: The commonly used locators in Selenium include ID, Name, XPath, CSS Selector, Class Name, Tag Name, and Link Text.
Q10. How does Selenium WebDriver interact with web elements?
Ans: Selenium WebDriver interacts with web elements through its methods like findElement, sendKeys, click, getText, and getAttribute.
Infosys Python Developer Interview Questions
Q11. How would you reverse a string in Python?
- Focus: String manipulation in Python.
- What to Expect:
- You will be asked to write code to reverse a string.
Sample Answer: "In Python, you can reverse a string using slicing. Here's how you can do it:"
def reverse_string(s):
if not isinstance(s, str): # Check if input is a string
raise ValueError("Input must be a string")
return s[::-1]
# Test the function
input_str = "Python"
Q12. How would you find the factorial of a number in Python?
- Focus: Understanding recursion and iteration.
- What to Expect:
- You might be asked to solve a problem using either recursion or iteration.
Sample Answer: "To find the factorial of a number, we can use recursion or a loop. Here's a recursive solution."
def factorial(n):
if n == 0 or n == 1:
return 1
return n * factorial(n - 1)
# Test the function
print(factorial(5)) # Output: 120
Q13. How do you check if a number is prime in Python?
- Focus: Algorithm to check prime numbers.
- What to Expect:
- You will be expected to write a function to check whether a number is prime.
Sample Answer: "To check if a number is prime, we need to test if it is divisible by any number other than 1 and itself."
def is_prime(n):
if n <= 1:
return False
for i in range(2, int(n ** 0.5) + 1):
if n % i == 0:
return False
return True
# Test the function
print(is_prime(7)) # Output: True
print(is_prime(10)) # Output: False
Q14. How do you remove duplicates from a list in Python?
- Focus: Working with lists and sets in Python.
- What to Expect:
- You will need to find a way to remove duplicates from a list.
Sample Answer: "To remove duplicates from a list, we can convert it to a set (since sets do not allow duplicates) and then convert it back to a list."
def remove_duplicates(lst):
return list(set(lst))
# Test the function
input_list = [1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5]
print(remove_duplicates(input_list)) # Output: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
Q15. How do you merge two dictionaries in Python?
- Focus: Working with dictionaries.
- What to Expect:
- You will be expected to merge two dictionaries, handling possible key conflicts.
Sample Answer: "To merge two dictionaries, you can use the update() method or the new merge operator (|) in Python 3.9 and above."
dict1 = {'a': 1, 'b': 2}
dict2 = {'b': 3, 'c': 4}
# Using update()
print(dict1) # Output: {'a': 1, 'b': 3, 'c': 4}
# Using merge operator (Python 3.9+)
dict3 = dict1 | dict2
print(dict3) # Output: {'a': 1, 'b': 3, 'c': 4}
{'a': 1, 'b': 3, 'c': 4}
{'a': 1, 'b': 3, 'c': 4}
Q16. How would you sort a list of tuples based on the second element in each tuple?
- Focus: Sorting and lambda functions in Python.
- What to Expect:
- You will be asked to sort tuples in a list by the second element.
Sample Answer: "You can use the sorted() function with a custom sorting key. Here’s how you can do it using a lambda function."
tuples = [(1, 2), (3, 1), (5, 4), (2, 3)]
sorted_tuples = sorted(tuples, key=lambda x: x[1])
print(sorted_tuples) # Output: [(3, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3), (5, 4)]
[(3, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3), (5, 4)]
Q17. How do you find the largest element in a list?
- Focus: Basic list operations in Python.
- What to Expect:
- You will be expected to find the largest element in a list.
Sample Answer: "You can use the built-in max() function to find the largest element in a list."
def find_largest(lst):
return max(lst)
# Test the function
input_list = [10, 20, 4, 45, 99]
print(find_largest(input_list)) # Output: 99
Read More: Top 50+ Python Interview Questions & Answers |
Infosys Angular Developer Interview Questions
Q 18. What are Angular Directives?
Directives in Angular are special markers on a DOM element that tell Angular to perform a specific action or behavior. Examples include ngFor
, ngIf
, and custom directives created by developers.
Q 19. What is two-way data binding in Angular?
Two-way data binding in Angular allows data to be synchronized between the model and the view. In Angular, it is achieved using the [(ngModel)]
Q20. What is the purpose of Angular’s dependency injection?
Dependency injection in Angular provides a way to supply dependencies, like services, into components or other services. This reduces coupling and increases modularity.
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Infosys React Developer Interview Questions
Q21. What is the purpose of using a key prop in React?
Keys help React identify which items have changed, been added, or been removed. They should be unique to ensure efficient updating of the UI.
Q22. Explain the concept of state in React.
A state is an object in React that holds dynamic values for a component. When the state changes, React automatically updates the component.
Q23. What are React Hooks, and why are they used?
React Hooks are functions that let you use state and other React features without writing a class. They simplify component logic and increase code reusability.
Read More: Top 50+ React Interview Questions & Answers |
Infosys Mainframe Developer Interview Questions
Q 24. What is COBOL, and what is its basic structure?
COBOL (Common Business-Oriented Language) is a high-level programming language used for business and finance applications. Its basic structure includes divisions like Identification, Environment, Data, and Procedure.
Q 25. What is JCL in a mainframe?
JCL (Job Control Language) is used to communicate with the mainframe operating system to execute batch jobs.
Q 26. Explain the purpose of VSAM in a mainframe environment.
VSAM (Virtual Storage Access Method) is used to organize and access files on the mainframe. It supports key-sequenced, entry-sequenced, and relative record datasets.
Infosys Manager Round Interview Questions
During the managerial round, interviewers often focus on your leadership skills, decision-making abilities, and how well you handle challenges. Here, you’ll need to demonstrate your experience and strategic thinking.
Q 27. How do you prioritize tasks when working under pressure?
When under pressure, it's essential to evaluate the urgency and importance of each task. You can create a priority list and focus on tasks that have the most significant impact on project deadlines.
Q 28. Describe a situation where you resolved a team conflict.
When faced with a conflict, I first listen to both sides to understand the issue. Then, I look for common ground and facilitate a solution that works for everyone.
Q 29. How do you ensure that your team meets deadlines?
When managing a team, I set clear goals and timelines. I regularly check in on progress and provide support where needed, ensuring that everyone is on track to meet their deadlines.
Infosys HR Round Interview Questions
The HR round typically focuses on your fit within the company culture, your career goals, and how well you align with Infosys's values. Here are some common HR questions you may encounter:
Q 30. Why do you want to work for Infosys?
I am impressed by Infosys's commitment to innovation and its strong emphasis on employee development. I believe this aligns with my career aspirations and values.
Q 31. Where do you see yourself in five years?
In five years, I see myself growing within Infosys, taking on more responsibilities, and potentially leading projects that contribute to the company’s success.
Q 32. How do you handle failure?
I view failure as a learning opportunity. When I encounter setbacks, I analyze what went wrong, adjust my approach, and apply the lessons learned to future projects.
If you want to be confident about the HR round, you can go through these Most Commonly Asked HR Interview Questions and Answers. Now, let’s get into the specific interview questions for different roles and experiences at Infosys.
Role-Specific Interview Questions
Q 33. What is SAP Basis, and what are its main responsibilities?
SAP Basis serves as the foundation for the SAP landscape. It covers user administration, system monitoring, troubleshooting, and performance tuning. The primary responsibilities include system management, installation, and maintenance of SAP environments.
Q 34. How does client administration work in SAP Basis?
Client administration in SAP allows for user data management and separation of business data. It helps create different clients within the same SAP system, supporting separate environments for development, testing, and production.
Q 35. What is Transport Management in SAP Basis?
The Transport Management System (TMS) in SAP Basis is used to transfer development objects from one SAP environment to another. It enables the seamless movement of configurations, enhancements, and customizations across the SAP landscape.
Infosys BPM Interview Questions
Q 36. What is Business Process Management (BPM), and why is it crucial for organizations?
Business Process Management (BPM) focuses on designing, analyzing, and optimizing an organization's processes. It aims to increase efficiency, reduce costs, and improve customer satisfaction by managing end-to-end workflows.
Q 37. Can you explain the BPM lifecycle?
The BPM lifecycle includes modeling, execution, monitoring, and optimization. These stages help streamline business processes from conception to continuous improvement, enabling organizations to achieve scalability and flexibility in operations.
Q 38. How does BPM software benefit organizations?
BPM software helps organizations automate their processes, provide better visibility into workflows, enhance collaboration among teams, and support continuous improvement initiatives.
Additional Technical Areas Interview Questions
Q 39. What is the .NET Framework, and what are its main components?
The .NET Framework is a software development platform developed by Microsoft. It provides a large class library called the Framework Class Library (FCL) and supports multiple programming languages, primarily C# and VB.NET.
Q 40. Explain the concept of the Common Language Runtime (CLR).
The Common Language Runtime (CLR) is the virtual machine component of the .NET Framework. It manages the execution of .NET programs, providing services such as memory management, exception handling, and security.
Q 41. What are the differences between a Class and a Struct in C#?
In C#, a Class is a reference type, whereas a Struct is a value type. Classes support inheritance, while structs do not. Additionally, classes can be null, whereas structs cannot.
Read More: Top 50 .NET Interview Questions and Answers |
Q 42. What is the Android Activity Lifecycle?
The Android Activity Lifecycle consists of several states, including Created, Started, Resumed, Paused, Stopped, and Destroyed. Understanding this lifecycle is crucial for managing resources and handling user interactions effectively.
Q 43. Explain the difference between an implicit intent and an explicit intent.
An explicit intent is used to start a specific component (e.g., an activity) by name, while an implicit intent is used to request an action from any app component that can handle it based on the action, data, or category-specified.
Q 44. What are Content Providers in Android?
Content Providers are a component of Android that manage access to a structured set of data. They allow data sharing between applications and provide a standard interface for querying and manipulating data.
Q 45. What is the role of a Power Programmer in a project?
A Power Programmer is responsible for handling complex coding tasks, optimizing existing code, and ensuring best practices in software development. They also mentor junior developers and assist in architectural decisions.
Q 46. How do you ensure code quality and maintainability?
Code quality and maintainability can be ensured through practices like code reviews, writing unit tests, adhering to coding standards, and utilizing design patterns effectively.
Q 47. Explain the significance of version control in software development.
Version control is essential for managing changes to code over time. It allows multiple developers to collaborate efficiently, track changes, and revert to previous versions if necessary, ensuring better code integrity and project management.
Q 48. Describe the basic principle in OOPs.
In Infosys interview questions, Object-Oriented Programming (OOPs) is based on four main principles: Encapsulation, Abstraction, Inheritance, and Polymorphism. These principles help in writing modular, reusable, and maintainable code in software development.
- Encapsulation: It means wrapping data and methods together to protect the data from outside interference.
- Abstraction: It hides complex implementation details and only shows the essential features of an object.
- Inheritance: It allows a new class to inherit properties and methods from an existing class, promoting code reusability.
- Polymorphism: It allows a single function or method to behave differently based on the object calling it.
- Class and Object: A class is a blueprint for creating objects, and an object is an instance of a class that holds data and methods.
Q 49. What are the limitations of OOPs?
In Infosys interview questions, Object-Oriented Programming (OOPs) is widely used, but it has some limitations that can affect its efficiency and usability in certain scenarios.
- Increased Complexity: OOP can make programs more complex due to multiple classes, objects, and relationships, which may be harder to understand for beginners.
- Higher Memory Usage: Creating multiple objects and maintaining their states requires more memory compared to procedural programming.
- Slower Execution: Since OOP relies on dynamic method dispatch and object creation, it may be slower than procedural programming in performance-critical applications.
- Not Suitable for All Problems: OOP works well for large-scale applications but may not be the best choice for small or simple programs where procedural programming is more efficient.
- Difficult to Modify Existing Code: If a program is not designed properly, making changes can be complex because of dependencies between classes and objects.
Q 50. Explain some significant differences between C, C++, and Java.
Some significant differences between C, C++, and Java are:
Factor | C | C++ | Java |
Programming Paradigm | Procedural Language | Object-Oriented & Procedural | Fully Object-Oriented (except primitive types) |
Memory Management | Manual (malloc, free) | Manual (new, delete) + Smart Pointers | Automatic (Garbage Collection) |
Inheritance | Not supported | Supported (Single & Multiple) | Supported (Single, Multiple via Interfaces) |
Platform Dependency | Platform Dependent | Platform Dependent | Platform Independent (JVM) |
Exception Handling | No built-in support | Supports (try-catch) | Strong exception handling (try-catch-finally) |
Q 51. Difference between class and struct.
In Infosys interview questions, the difference between class and struct is vital in object-oriented programming. Below is a comparison:
Factors | class | struct |
Type | Reference Type (Stored in Heap) | Value Type (Stored in Stack) |
Access Modifier | Members are private by default | Members are public by default |
Inheritance | Supports inheritance | Does not support inheritance |
Memory Allocation | Allocated on the heap (reference) | Allocated on the stack (value) |
Performance | Slower due to heap allocation | Faster due to stack allocation |
Used For | Complex data structures with behavior | Simple data structures with only data |
Tips for Acing the Infosys Interview
- Research: Understand Infosys’s values, culture, and recent developments in the industry.
- Practice: Conduct mock interviews and practice common interview questions.
- Dress Professionally: Your appearance matters, so dress appropriately for the interview.
- Be Confident: Maintain eye contact, speak clearly, and show enthusiasm about the opportunity.
- Follow-up: After the interview, send a thank-you email to express your appreciation for the opportunity.
Getting ready for an interview with Infosys means understanding the specific requirements of the position you’re applying for, whether it’s technical, project management, or any other role. Practicing common interview questions, showing strong problem-solving skills, and highlighting your ability to work well in teams can significantly boost your chances of success. With careful preparation and confidence, you can present yourself as a strong candidate to Infosys’s hiring team.
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