What is Polymorphism in Java? Types of Polymorphism (Compile time & Run Time)

What is Polymorphism in Java? Types of Polymorphism (Compile time & Run Time)

10 Dec 2024
29 min read
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Polymorphism in Java

Polymorphism is an important feature in Java that allows methods to do various tasks depending on the object that invokes them. In the word Polymorphism, "Poly" stands for many, and "Morph" stands for forms, thus, it means many forms. Polymorphism is divided into two subtypes compile-time polymorphism and run-time polymorphism. Compile-time polymorphism is performed through method overloading, and runtime polymorphism in Java is implemented through method overriding.

In this Java Tutorialwe will explore polymorphism in Java, including the different types of polymorphism and the difference between method overriding and method overloading. Let's see first what is polymorphism in Java.

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What is Polymorphism in Java?

Polymorphism in Java Example

Example 1:

This example shows how different shapes (Circle and Rectangle) can share a common interface (`Shape`) and override the `draw` method to exhibit their own behavior.

// Base class
class Shape {
    void draw() {
        System.out.println("Drawing a Shape");

// Derived class 1
class Circle extends Shape {
    void draw() {
        System.out.println("Drawing a Circle");

// Derived class 2
class Rectangle extends Shape {
    void draw() {
        System.out.println("Drawing a Rectangle");

// Main class
public class PolymorphismExample1 {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Shape shape1 = new Circle();
        Shape shape2 = new Rectangle();

        shape1.draw(); // Calls Circle's draw() method
        shape2.draw(); // Calls Rectangle's draw() method


Drawing a Circle
Drawing a Rectangle

Example 2:

In this example, the `Calculator` class demonstrates polymorphism through method overloading to calculate the area of different shapes.

// Class with overloaded methods
class Calculator {
    // Calculate area of a rectangle
    double calculateArea(double length, double width) {
        return length * width;

    // Calculate area of a circle
    double calculateArea(double radius) {
        return Math.PI * radius * radius;

// Main class
public class PolymorphismExample2 {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Calculator calc = new Calculator();

        double rectangleArea = calc.calculateArea(5.0, 3.0);
        double circleArea = calc.calculateArea(4.0);

        System.out.println("Area of Rectangle: " + rectangleArea);
        System.out.println("Area of Circle: " + circleArea);


Area of Rectangle: 15.0
Area of Circle: 50.26548245743669

Different Types of Polymorphism in Java

There are two types of Polymorphism in Java, which are:

  1. Compile time Polymorphism in Java
  2. Run time Polymorphism in Java

Different Types of Polymorphism in Java

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1. Compile time Polymorphism in Java

Compile time polymorphism in Java resolves the problem regarding compile time with the help of "Method overloading" and "Constructor overloading".

1. Method Overloading in Java

Method overloading in Java works for two or more methods or functions stored in the same class with the same name but different parameters and arguments.

Example of Method Overloading in Java
Let's look at the demonstration in our Java Playground.

class Method_Overloading
 //Method Overloading by changing the number of arguments (or parameters)

//Method 1
 double figure(double l, double b) //two arguments or parameters
 return (l*b);
 double figure(double s) //one argument or parameter
 return (s*s);

//Method 2
 public static void main(String[] args)
 Method_Overloading obj = new Method_Overloading();
 System.out.println("Area of Rectangle: " +obj.figure(5.55, 6.78));
 System.out.println("Area of Square: " +obj.figure(3.45));
Area of Rectangle: 37.629
Area of Square: 11.90250000000002

2. Constructor Overloading in Java

Constructor overloading in Java when more than one constructor is declared inside a class but with different parameters. If an object in a class is created by using a new keyword, it generates a constructor in that class. In this Guide to Java, we'll explore how constructor overloading works through illustration in Java Online Editor and its significance in object-oriented programming.

Example of Constructor Overloading in Java

public class ScholarHat {
    // function for adding two integers
    void add(int a, int b) {
        int sum = a + b;
        System.out.println("Addition of two integers: " + sum);

    // function for concatenating two strings
    void add(String s1, String s2) {
        String con_str = s1 + s2;
        System.out.println("Concatenated strings: " + con_str);

    public static void main(String args[]) {
        ScholarHat obj = new ScholarHat();
        // addition of two numbers
        obj.add(10, 10);
        // concatenation of two strings
        obj.add("Operator ", "overloading ");
Addition of two integer :20
Concatenated strings :Operator overloading

For learning more, refer to Constructor Overloading in Java

Subtypes of Compile-time Polymorphism

1. Function overloading
It is a feature of C++ that allows numerous functions to have the same name but different argument lists. The compiler will determine which function to call based on the amount and type of arguments supplied to it.
2. Operator Overloading
It is a C++ feature that allows operators like +, -, and * to have additional meanings when applied to user-defined data types.
3. Template.
It is a powerful feature of C++ that enables us to create generic functions and classes. A template is a blueprint for building a group of functions or classes.

2. Runtime Polymorphism in Java

Runtime Polymorphism specifies the depiction of run time by using overriding.

1. Method Overriding in Java

This particular Java method redefines a superclass method by generating the same name, parameters, and data types in a subclass.

Example of Method Overriding in Java

//A Simple made up Instance to show method overriding in Java
class Waka_Waka_Song
 System.out.println("Song--Initializing Waka Waka by Shakira...");
 public void play()
 System.out.println("Song-- Playing...");

//Spotify wants Waka Waka song on their Platform
class Spotify extends Waka_Waka_Song
 public void play()
 System.out.println("Spotify-- Playing.. ");

//Amazon_Music wants Waka Waka song on their Platform
class Amazon_Music extends Waka_Waka_Song
 System.out.println("Amazon Music...");
 public void play()
 System.out.println("Amazon Prime-- Playing...");

//A User Playing songs on Spotify and then Amazon Music
class User
 public static void main(String[] args)
 System.out.println("Playing Waka Waka on Spotify... ");
 Spotify s = new Spotify();
 System.out.println("\nPlaying Waka Waka on Amazon Music");
 Amazon_Music p = new Amazon_Music();
Playing Waka Waka on Spotify…
Song - - Initializing Waka Waka by Shakira…
Spotify- - Playing . .
Playing Waka Waka on Amazon Music
Song - - Initializing Waka Waka by Shakira…
Amazon Music …
Amazon Prime- - Playing … 

Read More - Difference Between Method Overloading And Overriding In Java

2. Java Operator Overloading

  • Depending on the operands, operators like + in Java behave differently.
  • Java's operator overloading permits polymorphism, in which operators behave differently depending on the kinds of operands, improving the readability of the code.
  • Contrary to languages like C++, Java does not provide user-defined operator overloading.
  • In Java, operators are predefined and have fixed behaviors based on the types of inputs. For user-defined classes or types, specific operator overloads are not permitted.

3. Subtype of Run-time Polymorphism

Virtual functions.
It enables an object of a derived class to act like an object of the base class. The derived class can override the base class's virtual method and supply its own implementation. The function call is resolved at runtime, based on the object's actual type.

What are Polymorphism Variables?

  • If a variable can refer to different values under different conditions, it is said to be polymorphic.
  • The behavior of polymorphic variables in Java is represented by object variables (also known as instance variables).
  • It's because a class's object variables can refer to both objects from that class and objects from its subclasses.


class ProgrammingLanguage {
  public void display() {
    System.out.println("Welcome to ScholarHat.");

class Java extends ProgrammingLanguage {
  public void display() {
    System.out.println("This is our Polymorphism tutorial");

class Main {
  public static void main(String[] args) {

    // declare an object variable
    ProgrammingLanguage pl;

    // create object of ProgrammingLanguage
    pl = new ProgrammingLanguage();

    // create object of Java class
    pl = new Java();


Welcome to ScholarHat.
This is our Polymorphism tutorial

Why use Polymorphism in Java?

Java's polymorphism makes it easy to create methods that can correctly handle a wide variety of functions with the same name. We can use polymorphism to improve the consistency of our code.

Advantages of Polymorphism in Java

  • Reusable classes can be created, tested, and implemented.
  • Reusing old code helps programmers save time.
  • Changes can be made without having an impact on the original code.
  • Enables the storage of numerous data values in a single variable.
  • Independent changes can be made to values that a subclass inherits from a superclass.
  • The superclass and other subclasses are unaffected by changes to the subclass variable.
  • Debugging is made simpler by fewer lines of code.
  • Makes it easier for programmers to find and fix problems.

Characteristics of Polymorphism

Other than Method Overloading and Method Overriding, polymorphism exhibits a wide range of other characteristics. They consist of:

1. Coercion

  • Coercion involves the implicit conversion of one object type into another, automatically avoiding type mistakes.
  • The conversion of data types between various types is supported by programming languages like C, Java, etc.
  • Conversions between data types can be implicit or explicit.
  • The program does implicit type conversion, commonly referred to as coercion.
  • When an integer operand is combined with a float operand, the compiler implicitly transforms the integer to a float to avoid type problems.

Example of Coercion in Polymorphism in Java

class Shape {
    public void draw() {
        System.out.println("Drawing a shape");

class Circle extends Shape {
    public void draw() {
        System.out.println("Drawing a circle");

class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Shape shape = new Circle(); // Coercion of Circle to Shape
        shape.draw(); // Calls the overridden draw() method in Circle


Drawing a circle

2. Internal Operator Overloading

  • Making an operator or symbol do several operations depending on the situation or the types of operands it works on is known as operator overloading.
  • The same operator or symbol might behave in a variety of ways based on the operands in static polymorphism, which is related to this phenomenon.
  • Java does not provide user-defined operator overloading, a feature that allows users to specify unique actions for operators with various operand types.
  • Java internally overloads some operators, enabling them to function differently in some circumstances.
  • To address certain programming requirements, operator overloading enables programmers to utilize operators or method names as if they were user-defined types.
  • As an example, the Java '+' operator can be used for both addition (with operands of the same data type in Java) and string concatenation (with operands of the string type).
  • The expressiveness and functionality of the code are improved by the flexibility of the operator usage.

Example of Internal Operator Overloading in Java

public class Vector {
    private double x;
    private double y;

    // Constructor
    public Vector(double x, double y) {
        this.x = x;
        this.y = y;

    // Method to add vectors
    public Vector add(Vector other) {
        double newX = this.x + other.x;
        double newY = this.y + other.y;
        return new Vector(newX, newY);

    // Method to multiply vector by a scalar
    public Vector multiply(double scalar) {
        double newX = this.x * scalar;
        double newY = this.y * scalar;
        return new Vector(newX, newY);

    // Method to display vector
    public void display() {
        System.out.println("(" + this.x + ", " + this.y + ")");

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Vector v1 = new Vector(2, 3);
        Vector v2 = new Vector(1, 1);

        // Add vectors
        Vector sum = v1.add(v2);
        System.out.print("Sum: ");

        // Multiply vector by scalar
        Vector scaled = v1.multiply(2);
        System.out.print("Scaled: ");

In the above code in the Java Compiler, the Vector class represents a 2D vector with x and y components. The class defines methods for vector addition (add) and scalar multiplication (multiply). These methods simulate the behavior of operators + and * respectively.


Sum: (3.0, 4.0)
Scaled: (4.0, 6.0)

3. Polymorphic Variables or Parameters

  • Polymorphic variables are represented in Java by object or instance variables.
  • A class's object variables may display an IS– A polymorphic relationship with both their class and its subclasses.
  • A variable that can store several types of values while a program is running is said to be polymorphic.
  • When a class is declared in Java, parametric polymorphism enables field names to be associated with various types.
  • Additionally, it makes it possible for method names to be linked to various argument and return types, improving the flexibility and reusability of code design.

Differences Between Compile-time and Run-time Polymorphism in Java

Aspect Compile-time Polymorphism                                                                                          Run-time Polymorphism
DefinitionCompile-time Polymorphism or Method overloading is where multiple methods have the same name but different parameters. Run-time Polymorphism or Method overriding is where a subclass provides a specific implementation of a method.
Binding  Binding occurs at compile time.  Binding occurs at run time (dynamic binding).
Decision Making The method to invoke is decided during compilation.   The method to invoke is decided during execution.
Inheritance Does not require inheritance; it works within the same class.  Requires inheritance and method overriding in a subclass.
Flexibility Less flexible as the behavior is fixed at compile time.  It is more flexible as the behavior can change dynamically.
Performance Faster due to compile-time decision-making.  Slower due to run-time decision-making.
Parameters  Methods differ by the number or type of parameters.  Methods have the same signature but different behavior in subclasses.
Example Method overloading  Method overriding
Applicability Used for methods with different parameter lists.  Used when behavior depends on the object type at runtime.

In this comprehensive Java tutorial, the definition of polymorphism in Java including its type has been discussed vastly. How can you achieve runtime polymorphism has also been highlighted in this article. The definition of Runtime and Compile time Polymorphism with examples has been evaluated in this article, providing a comprehensive understanding of these concepts for the Full Stack Java Course.

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Java objects can have various forms thanks to polymorphism. Compile-time (method overloading) and run-time (method overriding) polymorphism are two of its kinds.

While overriding polymorphism takes place when a subclass offers a specific for a method inherited from its superclass, overloading polymorphism entails declaring numerous methods with the same name in a class that differ in their parameter lists.

Compile-time (static) and run-time (dynamic) polymorphism are the two primary types of polymorphism.

Inheritance is concerned with the relationship between classes, whereas polymorphism is concerned with the behavior of objects. One of the mechanisms that permits polymorphism is inheritance.

The two types of overloading are operator overloading, which Java does not enable for user-defined operators, and method overloading, in which methods in a class have the same name but distinct parameter lists.

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Shailendra Chauhan (Microsoft MVP, Founder & CEO at ScholarHat)

Shailendra Chauhan, Founder and CEO of ScholarHat by DotNetTricks, is a renowned expert in System Design, Software Architecture, Azure Cloud, .NET, Angular, React, Node.js, Microservices, DevOps, and Cross-Platform Mobile App Development. His skill set extends into emerging fields like Data Science, Python, Azure AI/ML, and Generative AI, making him a well-rounded expert who bridges traditional development frameworks with cutting-edge advancements. Recognized as a Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) for an impressive 9 consecutive years (2016–2024), he has consistently demonstrated excellence in delivering impactful solutions and inspiring learners.

Shailendra’s unique, hands-on training programs and bestselling books have empowered thousands of professionals to excel in their careers and crack tough interviews. A visionary leader, he continues to revolutionize technology education with his innovative approach.
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