Calculation of Armstrong Number in Python

Calculation of Armstrong Number in Python

12 Mar 2025
32 min read
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Armstrong Numbers in Python is an interesting concept for developers who want to explore number manipulation and mathematical operations. Imagine having the ability to check if a number equals the sum of its digits each raised to the power of the number of digits, demonstrating the use of loops, conditionals, and mathematical expressions effectively. Armstrong Numbers provides a practical way to understand number properties and validate conditions dynamically, enhancing your problem-solving skills.

In this Python tutorial, I’ll explain how to identify Armstrong Numbers, how they can be used to practice basic programming patterns, and why understanding them is key to mastering numeric operations in Python.

What is an Armstrong Number?

  • An Armstrong Number is a type of number in which the sum of its digits, each raised to the power of the number of digits, equals the number itself.
  • It is also known as a Narcissistic number.
  • Armstrong Numbers allows you to verify if a number meets this specific criterion, enabling interesting mathematical explorations and coding exercises.
  • You can check if a number is an Armstrong Number by summing up its digits raised to the appropriate power and comparing it to the original number.
  • For example, 153 is an Armstrong Number because 13 + 53 + 33 = 153.
  • Understanding and identifying Armstrong Numbers provides a practical way to work with loops, conditionals, and mathematical operations, making your code more dynamic and enhancing your problem-solving skills.

    Read More: Top 50 Python Interview Questions and Answers

    Mathematical Representation of Armstrong Number

    An Armstrong Number of n digits is when the sum of its digits, each raised to the power of the total number of digits, equals the number itself:

    abcd… = an + bn + cn + dn + …

    • Here, you take each digit (a, b, c, d, …) of the number and raise it to the power of the total number of digits (n).
    • For example, if you have a 3-digit number like 370:
    • 370 = 33 + 73 + 03 = 27 + 343 + 0 = 370

    This shows that 370 is an Armstrong Number.

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    Python Program to check Armstrong Number

    def is_armstrong(num):
        num_str = str(num)
        num_digits = len(num_str)
        total = 0
        for digit in num_str:
            total += int(digit) ** num_digits
        return total == num
    num1 = 407
    if is_armstrong(num1):
        print(num1, "is an Armstrong number.")
        print(num1, "is not an Armstrong number.")
    num2 = 372
    if is_armstrong(num2):
        print(num2, "is an Armstrong number.")
        print(num2, "is not an Armstrong number.")


    407 is an Armstrong number.
    372 is not an Armstrong number.

    Approaches to Check Armstrong Number in Python

    1. Digit by Digit Sum Approach to Check for Armstrong Number

    import math
    def isArmstrong(num):
    	n = num
    	numDigits = 0
    	sum = 0
    	# Find number of digits in num
    	while n > 0:
    		n //= 10
    		numDigits += 1
    	n = num
    	# Calculate sum of digits raised to the power of numDigits
    	while n > 0:
    		digit = n % 10
    		sum += math.pow(digit, numDigits)
    		n //= 10
    	# Check if num is Armstrong number or not
    	if sum == num:
    		return True
    	return False
    num1 = 407
    if isArmstrong(num1):
    	print(num1, "is an Armstrong number.")
    	print(num1, "is not an Armstrong number.")
    num2 = 372
    if isArmstrong(num2):
    	print(num2, "is an Armstrong number.")
    	print(num2, "is not an Armstrong number.")


    • In the above code, first of all, in the isArmstrong() function, we have found the number of digits in the given number and stored it in the numDigits variable.
    • Then, we extracted each digit from the given numbers num1 and num2, raised it to the power of the number of digits, and added it to the sum variable.
    • If the sum is evaluated to the given number, then it isanArmstrongnumber;otherwise, it is not.


    407 is an Armstrong number.
    372 is not an Armstrong number.

    2. Python program to check if a number is an Armstrong number in return statement

    def is_armstrong_number(number):
    	return sum(int(digit)**len(str(number)) for digit in str(number)) == number
    number = 1634
    if is_armstrong_number(number):
    	print(f"{number} is an Armstrong number")
    	print(f"{number} is not an Armstrong number")


    • In the above code, the function is_armstrong_number calculates the sum of each digit raised to the power of the number of digits in the number using a generator expression and the sum() function.
    • It then compares this sum to the original number to determine if it's an Armstrong number.


    1634 is an Armstrong number

    3. Check Armstrong number of n digits using a while loop

    number = 54748
    # Changing num variable to string
    order = len(str(number))
    sum = 0
    temp = number
    while temp > 0:
       digit = temp % 10
       sum += digit ** order
       temp //= 10
    if number == sum:
       print(number,"is an Armstrong number")
       print(number,"is not an Armstrong number")


    • The code checks if the number (54748) is an Armstrong Number.
    • It calculates the sum of each digit raised to the power of the number of digits (order).
    • If this sum matches the original number, it prints that it is an Armstrong Number; otherwise, it indicates that it is not.


    54748 is an Armstrong number
    Read More: while loop in Python

    4. Check Armstrong number of n digits using functions

    # Function to calculate x raised to the power y
    def power(a, b):
    	if b == 0:
    		return 1
    	if b % 2 == 0:
    		return power(a, b // 2) * power(a, b // 2)
    	return a * power(a, b // 2) * power(a, b // 2)
    # Function to calculate the order of the number
    def order(a):
    	# Variable to store the number
    	n = 0
    	while (a != 0):
    		n = n + 1
    		a = a // 10
    	return n
    # Function to check whether the given number is an Armstrong number or not
    def isArmstrong(a):
    	n = order(a)
    	temp = a
    	sum1 = 0
    	while (temp != 0):
    		r = temp % 10
    		sum1 = sum1 + power(r, n)
    		temp = temp // 10
    	# If condition satisfies
    	return (sum1 == a)
    # Driver code
    a = 370
    a = 1253


    • In the above code, power(a, b) is a recursive function that calculates the power of a number a raised to the exponent b.
    • The order(a) function calculates the order of a number, i.e., the number of digits in it, whereas the Armstrong (a) function checks if the number a is an Armstrong number by summing the powers of its digits and comparing it to the original number.


    Read More: Python Functions

    5. Check Armstrong number of n digits using Recursion

    def getSum(num):
        if num == 0:
            return num
            return pow((num % 10), order) + getSum(num // 10)  
    num = 371
    # Order of the input
    order = len(str(num))
    # Call the function
    sum_val = getSum(num) 
    if sum_val == num:
        print('It is an Armstrong number')
        print('It is not an Armstrong number')


    • The code uses a recursive function (getSum) to check if a number is an Armstrong Number.
    • It calculates the sum of each digit raised to the power of the total number of digits (order).
    • If this sum matches the original number, it prints that it is an Armstrong Number; otherwise, it indicates that it is not.


    It is an Armstrong number

    6. Check Armstrong Number Using List Comprehension

    # Function to check if a number is an Armstrong number using list comprehension
    def is_armstrong(num):
        Function to check whether a given number is an Armstrong number.
        :param num: Integer number to check
        :return: True if the number is Armstrong, False otherwise
        power = len(str(num))  # Get the number of digits
        return num == sum(int(digit) ** power for digit in str(num))  # List comprehension
    # Driver code
    if __name__ == "__main__":
        # Test cases
        numbers = [153, 9474, 370, 1253]
        for num in numbers:
            print(f"{num} is Armstrong: {is_armstrong(num)}") 


    • Function Definition: Compares the original number with the sum of its digits raised to the power of its length.
    • List Comprehension: Efficiently computes the required sum in one line.
    • Driver Code: Ensures code runs only when executed directly.
    • Output Logic: Iterates through the list and prints Armstrong status.


    153 is Armstrong: True
    9474 is Armstrong: True
    370 is Armstrong: True
    1253 is Armstrong: False
    Read More: List Comprehension in Python

    7. Check Armstrong Number Using map() and lambda

    # Function to check if a number is an Armstrong number using map() and lambda
    is_armstrong = lambda num: num == sum(map(lambda x: int(x) ** len(str(num)), str(num)))
    # Driver code
    if __name__ == "__main__":
        # Test cases
        numbers = [407, 9475]
        for num in numbers:
            print(f"{num} is Armstrong: {is_armstrong(num)}") 


    • Lambda Function:The inline function checks the Armstrong number.
    • map() Usage: Raises each digit to the power of digit count.
    • sum() Function: Adds the powered digits.
    • Conditional Check: Compares the sum with the original number.


    407 is Armstrong: True
    9475 is Armstrong: False
    Read More:
    Armstrong Number Checker

    8. Python program to check if a number is an Armstrong number without using the power function

    An Armstrong number (or narcissistic number) is a number where the sum of its digits raised to the power of the number of digits equals the original number. We can determine this without using the power() function by manually multiplying the digit n times in a loop.
    • Manual Exponentiation: Instead of using pow(), we use a loop to multiply the digit by itself n times.
    • Efficient Calculation: The function iterates through the digits and computes the sum using basic arithmetic, avoiding recursion.
    def isArmstrong(num):
    	n = num
    	numDigits = 0
    	sum = 0
    	# Find number of digits in num
    	while n > 0:
    		n //= 10
    		numDigits += 1
    	n = num
    	# Calculate sum of digits raised to the power of numDigits without using pow()
    	while n > 0:
    		digit = n % 10
    		power = 1
    		# Compute digit^numDigits manually
    		for _ in range(numDigits):
    			power *= digit
    		sum += power
    		n //= 10
    	# Check if num is Armstrong number or not
    	if sum == num:
    		return True
    	return False
    num1 = 407
    if isArmstrong(num1):
    	print(num1, "is an Armstrong number.")
    	print(num1, "is not an Armstrong number.")
    num2 = 372
    if isArmstrong(num2):
    	print(num2, "is an Armstrong number.")
    	print(num2, "is not an Armstrong number.")


    407 is an Armstrong number.
    372 is not an Armstrong number.

    9. Python program to check if a number is an Armstrong number Using string manipulation

    You can check if a number is an Armstrong number using string manipulation by converting the number into a string to extract its digits. Then, we raise each digit to the power of the total number of digits and sum the results.
    • String Conversion: Convert the number to a string to easily extract each digit.
    • List Comprehension for Calculation: Use a compact one-liner to compute the sum of each digit raised to the required power.
    def isArmstrong(num):
        num_str = str(num)  # Convert number to string
        numDigits = len(num_str)  # Count the number of digits
        # Compute sum of digits raised to the power of numDigits
        total = sum(int(digit) ** numDigits for digit in num_str)
        # Check if num is an Armstrong number
        return total == num
    num1 = 153
    if isArmstrong(num1):
        print(num1, "is an Armstrong number.")
        print(num1, "is not an Armstrong number.")
    num2 = 123
    if isArmstrong(num2):
        print(num2, "is an Armstrong number.")
        print(num2, "is not an Armstrong number.")


    153 is an Armstrong number.
    123 is not an Armstrong number.

    Practical Examples and Use Cases of Armstrong Number

    • Error Detection: Armstrong numbers can be used in error detection techniques, especially in data transmission and storage systems, where ensuring data integrity is crucial.
    • Security: Armstrong numbers can serve as part of encryption keys or hash functions, enhancing security measures by introducing complexity and randomness into cryptographic systems.
    • Data Analysis: Armstrong numbers can be used as keys in databases or as markers in datasets to categorize or filter data based on specific criteria.
    • Testing Algorithms: Armstrong numbers provide a useful benchmark for testing and evaluating algorithms, especially those related to number theory and mathematical operations.
    • Performance Testing: Armstrong numbers can be utilized in performance testing scenarios to evaluate the computational efficiency of algorithms or systems.
    • Puzzle and Game Design: Armstrong numbers can be incorporated into puzzle and game design to create challenges or quests that require players to identify or generate Armstrong numbers.
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    Armstrong Numbers in Different Number Systems

    Checking Armstrong Numbers in Binary, Octal, or Hexadecimal

    Armstrong Numbers in Binary

    • Convert the number to binary format.
    • Extract each binary digit and count the total digits.
    • Calculate the sum of each digit raised to the power of the total digits.
    • If the sum matches the original number, it is an Armstrong number in binary.

    Armstrong Numbers in Octal

    • Convert the number to octal format.
    • Extract the octal digits and count them.
    • Compute the sum of each digit raised to the power of the total number of digits.
    • If the sum equals the original number, it is an Armstrong number in octal.

    Armstrong Numbers in Hexadecimal

    • Convert the number to hexadecimal format.
    • Extract each hexadecimal digit and determine the total number of digits.
    • Calculate the sum of each digit raised to the power of the total digits.
    • If the computed sum matches the original number, it is an Armstrong number in hexadecimal.


    Armstrong Numbers in Python are numbers that equal the sum of their digits, each raised to the power of the total number of digits. This concept is useful for practicing number manipulation using loops, conditionals, and mathematical operations. The tutorial covers different methods, such as digit-by-digit sum, recursion, and functions, to identify Armstrong Numbers and find them within specified ranges, demonstrating various programming patterns and techniques.To learn more about Python concepts and by using Python, you start your career as a data scientist. Think about joining ScholarHat's Data Science with Python Certification Course.

    Armstrong Number Quiz

    Let the quiz begin! Pick the right answers and climb to the top!

    Q 1: What is an Armstrong number?

    • A number whose sum of digits equals the number itself
    • A number divisible by 3
    • A prime number
    • A number with an even number of digits


    A positive number where the sum of its digits each raised to the power of the number of digits equals the number itself is known as an Armstrong number.

    Yes, 371 is an Armstrong number.

    153 = 1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3

    To find Armstrong numbers between 1-500 in Python, you can use a loop to iterate through each number in the range and check if it satisfies the Armstrong number condition.
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    About Author
    Sakshi Dhameja (Author and Mentor)

    She is passionate about different technologies like JavaScript, React, HTML, CSS, Node.js etc. and likes to share knowledge with the developer community. She holds strong learning skills in keeping herself updated with the changing technologies in her area as well as other technologies like Core Java, Python and Cloud.

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