How Many Keyword in Python (With Examples)

How Many Keyword in Python (With Examples)

02 Dec 2024
25 min read
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List of Python Keywords

Python Keywords are one of the very beginner concepts of the Python language that you need to know for basic Python programs. Keywords are reserved words that convey a special meaning and purpose within the context of the language.

In this Python Tutorial, you will get to know What are Keywords in Python with examplesandtypesof Keywords in PythonandHow to identify Python Keywords and their usage. To delve deeper into various concepts of Python, enroll in our Python Certification Training right now!

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What are Python Keywords?

Keywords in Python are predefined words, that are not to be used as any other kind of identifiers like for example,variable names or function names. These keywords are a part of the syntax in the language with a special meaning associated with them. They play a major role in Python code by defining its structure and logic.

Rules for Keywords in Python

1. Reserved Words

 Keywords in Python are reserved and cannot be used as identifiers such as variable names, function names, or any other custom identifiers.
def for():
Invalid Function Name!

This will throw a SyntaxError.

2. Case Sensitivity

 Python keywords are case-sensitive. For example, if is a keyword, but IF or If is not.
if = 10  # Invalid, raises SyntaxError
If = 10  # Valid, as "If" is not a keyword

3. Cannot Be Re-Defined

 Keywords cannot be redefined or assigned values.
True = False  # Invalid, raises SyntaxError

4. Only Lowercase and Camel Case: 

 Except for True, False, and None, all Python keywords are in lowercase.
global = "variable"  # Invalid
TRUE = "value"       # Valid, as TRUE is not a keyword

5. No Additions or Deletions

The set of Python keywords is predefined and cannot be altered by the user. They are determined by the Python interpreter and vary with Python versions.
Contextual Use: Keywords are context-sensitive and are meant for specific tasks such as defining conditions (if, else), loops (for, while), and more.
for i in range(5):  # 'for' is used in loop statements

6. Avoid Confusion with Identifiers:

Keywords should not be used in a way that might confuse the interpreter, even indirectly.
def class_():
    pass  # Valid, but confusing and discouraged

List of keywords in Python

Here is a list of keywords in Python:
Keyword Description
FalseRepresents the boolean value false.
NoneRepresents a null value or no value at all.
TrueRepresents the boolean value true.
andLogical operators are used to combine conditional statements.
asUsed to create an alias while importing a module.
assertUsed for debugging by testing a condition. If the condition is False, it raises an exception.
asyncUsed to define asynchronous functions (introduced in Python 3.5).
awaitUsed to wait for the result of an asynchronous call (introduced in Python 3.5).
breakTerminates the loop prematurely.
classUsed to define a class.
continueSkips the rest of the code inside a loop for the current iteration and proceeds to the next iteration.
defUsed to define a function.
delDeletes objects like variables, lists, or dictionary elements.
elifUsed for conditional branching (else if).
elseSpecifies a block of code to execute if the condition in if or elif is false.
exceptUsed to catch exceptions in a try block.
finallyA block of code that will be executed regardless of an exception occurring or not.
forUsed for looping over an iterable.
fromSpecifies the module to import specific parts from.
globalDeclares a variable as global, allowing it to be modified outside the current scope.
ifUsed for conditional branching.
importUsed to import modules.
inCheck if an element is present in a sequence.
isTests for object identity.
lambdaUsed to create small anonymous functions.
nonlocalDeclares a variable that is not local or global but exists in an enclosing scope.
notLogical operator to invert the truth value of an expression.
orLogical operator to combine conditional statements.
passA null operation, is used as a placeholder.
raiseUsed to raise an exception.
returnExits a function and optionally passes back a value.
tryStarts a block of code to test for exceptions.
whileUsed to create loops that continue while a condition is true.
withUsed to simplify exception handling and resource management.
yieldPauses the function execution and returns a value, allowing it to be resumed later.

Python keywords might be different depending on the version you're using, as in, some new ones might get introduced or some existing ones might not be there. So it is better to always check what keywords are there. You can do that with the help of the 'keyword' module like this:

import keyword

When you run this code in Python Compiler you will get a list of Python keywords printed as in the below output:


['False', 'None', 'True', 'and', 'as', 'assert', 'async', 'await', 'break', 'class', 'continue', 'def', 'del', 'elif', 'else', 'except', 'finally', 'for', 'from', 'global', 'if', 'import', 'in', 'is', 'lambda', 'nonlocal', 'not', 'or', 'pass', 'raise', 'return', 'try', 'while', 'with', 'yield']

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How to Identify Python Keywords

As we already discussed, those keywords might change depending on what version you're using. So, it's important to check whether the keywords you're using are correct or not. There are a few methods with the help of which you can identify if a word you have used is a keyword or not. These methods are as follows:

  • Use an IDE With Syntax Highlighting

Several IDEs provide features like syntax highlighting. When you write code in Python using these IDEs, the keywords are highlighted. Keywords appear in different colors or styles, which helps programmers easily identify them while writing the code or reviewing it.

  • Use Code in a REPL to Check Keywords

You can also use a REPL (Read-Eval-Print Loop) environment like we have Python's interactive interpreter or Jupyter Notebook. They have features that help developers test small snippets of code with potential keywords. This will help them verify if the keywords they are using are recognized as a keywords by Python or not so they can make required changes then and there.

  • Look for a SyntaxError

Another method is looking for SyntaxError in your Python code. If you notice that a SyntaxError has occurred, you will know that you have used a keyword incorrectly because keywords can not be used as identifiers in Python like a variable name or a function name.

Classification of Python Keywords

ReservedThe reserved keywords are the ones that are reserved for specific purposes.if, else, for, while, return, etc.
Control FlowThe control flow keywords control the execution flow in Python programs.if, else, elif, for, while, break, continue, return, etc.
DeclarationThe declaration keywords are used for declaring variables, functions, classes, and other entities.def, class, lambda, global, nonlocal, etc.
Exception HandlingThe exception-handling keywords are used for exception-handling purposes.try, except, finally, raise, assert, etc.
MiscellaneousThe miscellaneous keywords have their own unique purposes in Python.True, False, None, and, or, not, etc.

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Python Keywords and Their Usage

Now, let's take a look at the usage of different types of keywords in Python:

1. Value Keywords

Value keywords are used to represent specific values in Python.
  • True, False- They both are used in logical expressions and represent the boolean values 'True' and ' False'.
  • None- It is used to represent that there is no value or it is null.

Example of Value keywords




2. Operator Keywords

The operator keywords are used to perform logical and comparison operations in a Python program.
  • and-It will return 'True' when both the operands are 'True'.
  • or-It will return 'True' when at least one of the operand is 'True'.
  • not-It will return the opposite of the operand.
  • in-It checks that whether a specified value is present in the given sequence.
  • is-It compares the identity of objects.

Example of Operator keywords

a = True
b = False
print(a and b)
print(a or b)
print(not a)
print(5 in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
print(5 is 5)



3. Control Flow Keywords

The control flow keywords are used to execute code blocks with conditional statements.
  • if-It will execute a code block if the condition is 'True'.
  • elif-It is the short form of 'else if'. It will put another alternative condition for checking if the 'if' condition is 'False'.
  • else-It will execute a code block if none of the conditions are 'True'.

Example of Control Flow keywords

x = 10
if x > 5:
    print("x is greater than 5")
elif x == 5:
    print("x is equal to 5")
    print("x is less than 5")


x is greater than 5

4. Iteration Keywords

The iteration keywords are used to control loop execution.
  • for-It iterates over the elements of a specified sequence.
  • while-It will execute a code block as long as the condition is 'True'.
  • break-It is used for terminating the loop before completion.
  • continue-It is used for skipping the current iteration and continue with the next one.
  • else-It will execute a code block when the has completed without a 'break' statement.

Example of Iteration keywords

for i in range(5):
    if i == 3:
    print("Loop completed successfully")



5. Structure Keywords

The structure keywords are used for defining structure of a program.
  • def-It defines a function.
  • class-It defines a class.
  • with-It uses context managers to simplify resource management.
  • as-It renames or aliases imported modules or objects.
  • pass-It indicates that no action needs to be taken.
  • lambda- It creates an anonymous function.

Example of Structure keywords

def example_function():

class ExampleClass:

with open('example.txt', 'r') as file:
    data =

lambda_func = lambda x: x * x



6. Returning Keywords

The returning keywords are used for returning values from functions and generators.
  • return-It will exit a function and may also return a value.
  • yield-It will stop the execution of a function and will return a value to the caller while the state of the function remains constant.

Read More: Functions in Python

Example of Returning keywords

def example_function():
    return 42

def generator_function():
    yield 1
    yield 2
    yield 3



[1, 2, 3]

7. Import Keywords

The import keywords are used for importing symbols and modules in Python.
  • import-It will import a whole module.
  • from-It will import specific symbols from a module.
  • as-It will alias the imported symbols or modules.

Example of Import keywords

import math
from datetime import datetime as dt



<current date and time>

8. Exception-Handling Keywords

The exception handling keywords in Python are used for handling exceptions in a python program.
  • try-It will start and check a code block that may have an exception but not execute it.
  • except-It is used for checking and handling exceptions.
  • raise- It will raise an exception.
  • finally-It will execute a code no matter if any exceptions occur or not.
  • else-It will execute the code if there is no exception occurring in the 'try' block.
  • assert-When the condition is 'False', an 'AssertionError' is raised to assert a condition.

Example of Exception-Handling keywords

    x = 1 / 0
except ZeroDivisionError:
    print("Error: Division by zero")
    print("No error occurred")
    print("Cleanup code")

assert 2 + 2 == 4, "Math is broken"


Error: Division by zero
Cleanup code

9. Asynchronous Programming Keywords

The asynchronous programming keywords are used for asynchronous programming in Python.
  • async-It is used for defining a coroutine function.
  • await-It will pause the execution of a coroutine function until its own coroutine function completes.

Example of Asynchronous Programming keywords

import asyncio

async def example_coroutine():
    await asyncio.sleep(1)
    print("Async function executed")

async def main():
    await example_coroutine()


Async function executed

10. Variable Handling Keywords

The variable handling keywords are used for manipulating and scoping variables in Python.
  • del-It will delete a variable from a collection.
  • global-It is used for declaring a variable with a global scope.
  • nonlocal-It is used for declaring a variable with a scope of the nearest function just outside the current one.

Example of Variable Handling keywords

x = 10
del x
print(x)  # Raises NameError because x is deleted


NameError: name 'x' is not defined

Through this article, we introduced different types of keywords used in Python with their usage and proper examples. It is important to understand them well and utilize all these keywords in the correct manner to write efficient Python code that is also free from errors. To learn more about other core concepts of Python Programming, consider enrolling in our Python Certification Course.


Keywords in Python include: False, True, None, and, as, assert, async, await, def, del, elif, else, break, class, continue, except, finally, for, from, global, if, import, in, is, lambda, nonlocal, not, or, pass, raise, return, try, while, with and yield.

Python keywords are specific reserved words whose meanings are predefined in the language and they can not be used as identifiers like variable names or function names.

'type' is not a keyword that is reserved like others but actually a built in function in Python which is used for finding the type of an object or for creating new types dynamically.

Yes, 'is' is used as a keyword in python for identity testing. It is used for checking if two variables are referring to the same object.

There are a total of 35 keywords in Python as of Python 3.11. Keywords change with versions as new ones might be introduced and existing ones might get removed.
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Sakshi Dhameja (Author and Mentor)

She is passionate about different technologies like JavaScript, React, HTML, CSS, Node.js etc. and likes to share knowledge with the developer community. She holds strong learning skills in keeping herself updated with the changing technologies in her area as well as other technologies like Core Java, Python and Cloud.

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