Understanding  Natural Join in SQL

Understanding Natural Join in SQL

28 Oct 2024
16 min read
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Natural Join in SQL

Natural Joins in SQL are important for developers who want to merge data from multiple tables based on columns with the same name and data type. Imagine being able to combine related records automatically without specifying each column, resulting in a simplified and streamlined query. Natural Joins allow you to quickly retrieve relevant information by matching shared columns, making them a powerful tool for efficient database development.

In this SQL tutorial, I’ll explain the fundamentals of Natural Joins, how they simplify data retrieval by automatically matching columns, and why mastering them is crucial for building effective database applications.
Read More: Different Types of SQL Joins

What is a Natural Join in SQL?

 Natural Join in SQL
  • A Natural Join in SQL merges tables automatically based on columns that share the same name and data type.
  • It matches and returns rows with equal values in these common columns, streamlining your query without needing to specify the columns explicitly.
  • This approach provides a quick way to combine related data efficiently.

For example, if you have an Orders table with CustomerID, OrderDate, and a Customers table with CustomerID, CustomerName, a Natural Join will match and merge these tables based on CustomerID, showing orders along with customer names automatically.

Steps to Implement SQL Natural Join

Here, we will discuss the steps to implement SQL Natural Join using an example of a university database:

Step 1: Creating the Database

  • First, you need to create a database. Let's name it.university.


Step 2: Using the Database

  • Now, use the newly created database by running the following command:

USE university;

Step 3: Creating Reference Tables in the Database

  • Next, you will create two tables: Courses and Students in your database.
  • Here is how you can define these tables:

Table-1: Courses

   CourseID VARCHAR(10),
   CourseName VARCHAR(50),
   Instructor VARCHAR(50)

Table-2: Students

   StudentID INT,
   StudentName VARCHAR(50),
   CourseID VARCHAR(10)

Step 4: Inserting Values into the Tables

  • Now, it is time to insert some data into these tables.
  • You will populate the Courses and Students tables with relevant information.

Inserting Data into the Courses Table

INSERT INTO Courses (CourseID, CourseName, Instructor) VALUES ("CS101", "Computer Science", "Dr. Aditi");
INSERT INTO Courses (CourseID, CourseName, Instructor) VALUES ("ENG102", "English Literature", "Prof. Vikram");
INSERT INTO Courses (CourseID, CourseName, Instructor) VALUES ("MATH103", "Calculus", "Dr. Meena");
INSERT INTO Courses (CourseID, CourseName, Instructor) VALUES ("PHY104", "Physics", "Dr. Prakash");
INSERT INTO Courses (CourseID, CourseName, Instructor) VALUES ("CHE105", "Chemistry", "Dr. Pooja");

Inserting Data into the Student's Table

INSERT INTO Students (StudentID, StudentName, CourseID) VALUES (1, "Amit", "CS101");
INSERT INTO Students (StudentID, StudentName, CourseID) VALUES (2, "Priya", "ENG102");
INSERT INTO Students (StudentID, StudentName, CourseID) VALUES (3, "Rajesh", "MATH103");
INSERT INTO Students (StudentID, StudentName, CourseID) VALUES (4, "Sneha", "PHY104");
INSERT INTO Students (StudentID, StudentName, CourseID) VALUES (5, "Rohan", "CS101");

Step 5: Verifying the Inserted Data

  • It's a good idea to verify the data you've inserted into the tables.
  • You can do this with the following queries:

Query to Check Student's Table

SELECT * FROM Students;



Query to Check Courses Table

SELECT * FROM Courses;


CS101Computer ScienceDr. Aditi
ENG102English LiteratureProf. Vikram
MATH103CalculusDr. Meena
PHY104PhysicsDr. Prakash
CHE105ChemistryDr. Pooja

Step 6: Implementing the SQL Natural Join

  • Finally, you will perform a Natural Join to combine the Students and Courses tables based on the common CourseID column.

FROM Students

Output of the Natural Join

1AmitCS101Computer ScienceDr. Aditi
2PriyaENG102English LiteratureProf. Vikram
3RajeshMATH103CalculusDr. Meena
4SnehaPHY104PhysicsDr. Prakash
5RohanCS101Computer ScienceDr. Aditi

Pictorial Presentation of the Above SQL Natural Join

Pictorial Presentation of the Above SQL Natural Join

Natural Join: Guidelines

The guidelines of natural join are as follows
  • Ensure that the tables have columns with the same name and datatype before using a Natural Join.
  • Use Natural Joins when you are certain of the column names and consistency to avoid incorrect results.
  • Avoid using Natural Joins with tables that lack proper naming conventions, as this can lead to unintended matches.

Advantages and Disadvantages

  • Advantages:
    • Automatically matches columns with the same name, simplifying query writing.
    • Reduces the need for explicitly specifying join conditions, leading to cleaner queries.
  • Disadvantages:
    • Risk of unintended matches if columns have the same name but represent different data.
    • Less control over the join condition compared to other types like Inner Join or Equi Join.

Practical Examples of Natural Join

Let’s imagine you are managing a database for a university. In this database, there are two tables: Students and Enrollments. You want to retrieve information about students and the courses they are enrolled in.

Students Table


Enrollments Table


Using Natural Join

  • Now, let’s say you want to find out the names of students along with their course grades.
  • You can achieve this using a Natural Join, which will automatically match the StudentID column in both tables.

SQL Query

SELECT Students.Name, Enrollments.CourseID, Enrollments.Grade
FROM Students
NATURAL JOIN Enrollments;


  • When you run the above query, the result will be as follows:


  • In this example, the Natural Join simplifies the process of retrieving relevant data.
  • Instead of explicitly defining the join condition, you let SQL automatically match the StudentID in both tables.
  • This not only reduces the complexity of your query but also makes it easier to read and maintain.

Key Takeaways

  • Efficiency: Natural Joins reduce the need to specify join conditions, making the SQL queries cleaner.
  • Automatic Matching: It automatically matches columns with the same name and data type, which can save time when writing complex queries.
  • Practical Use Cases: This type of join is particularly useful in scenarios where you have well-structured databases with clearly defined relationships, like educational systems, inventory management, and more.

By using Natural Joins, you can focus more on what data you need rather than how to combine it, leading to faster and more effective database management.

Common Pitfalls and Solutions

1. Common Pitfall: Misleading Results due to Unexpected Column Matches

  • Solution: Always verify that the column names you intend to match are identical in both name and data type across tables.

2. Common Pitfall: Unintended Cartesian Product When No Matching Columns Are Found

  • Solution: Avoid using Natural Joins on tables without shared column names to prevent data explosion.

Natural Join vs. Inner Join

Let's discuss the key differences betweenanaturalJoin and Inner Join.
Natural JoinInner Join
Merges tables automatically based on common column names and data types.Combines tables based on a condition you specify.
You don’t need to specify the common columns manually.You must specify the exact columns to join on.
Removes duplicate columns in the result.Retains all columns unless you exclude them.
Quick and simple for tables with matching columns.Requires more control for complex join conditions.
Use it when tables share common column names and types.Use it when you need more control over the join logic.

Equi Join and Natural Join in SQL

Let's discuss the key differences between Equi Join and Natural Join in SQL.
Equi JoinNatural Join
Combines tables based on a specified condition where the values in specific columns are equal.Merges tables automatically based on columns with the same name and data type.
You must explicitly specify the columns you want to join.You don’t need to specify the columns manually; it automatically matches common columns.
Retains all columns from both tables, including duplicates.Removes duplicate columns in the result set.
Useful when you want to join specific columns that may not have the same name.Ideal for situations where tables share common column names and types.
Allows flexibility in defining join conditions beyond equality.Simplifies the query when dealing with matching columns.
Read More: Top SQL Queries Interview Questions & Answers


Natural Joins in SQL allow you to combine tables based on matching column names and datatypes, simplifying data retrieval without requiring explicit join conditions. UnderstandingNatural Joins can help you write cleaner, more efficient queries, making your database interactions smoother and more effective. Understanding the differences between Natural Joins and other join types will enhance your SQL skills and improve your ability to work with complex data.

For more understanding of SQL concepts like Natural Joins, consider enrolling in the ScholarHat SQL Server Course. This course will elevate your SQL knowledge, helping you build robust database queries for real-world applications.


    A natural join combines records from two tables based on common columns with the same names and compatible data types. You need to ensure that both tables have at least one column with the same name for the join to work, and any duplicate columns will appear only once in the result. 

    No, a natural join does not allow duplicates in the result set. It automatically eliminates duplicate columns that share the same name from the joined tables, ensuring that each column appears only once in the output. However, if there are duplicate rows resulting from the join, those will still appear unless you use SELECT DISTINCT to remove them.

    No, a natural join is not the same as a full join. A natural join returns only the rows with matching values in the common columns of both tables, while a full join (or full outer join) includes all records from both tables, filling in gaps with NULLs where there is no match. In essence, a natural join focuses on matched records, whereas a full join provides a complete view of both tables.

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    Shailendra Chauhan (Microsoft MVP, Founder & CEO at ScholarHat)

    Shailendra Chauhan, Founder and CEO of ScholarHat by DotNetTricks, is a renowned expert in System Design, Software Architecture, Azure Cloud, .NET, Angular, React, Node.js, Microservices, DevOps, and Cross-Platform Mobile App Development. His skill set extends into emerging fields like Data Science, Python, Azure AI/ML, and Generative AI, making him a well-rounded expert who bridges traditional development frameworks with cutting-edge advancements. Recognized as a Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) for an impressive 9 consecutive years (2016–2024), he has consistently demonstrated excellence in delivering impactful solutions and inspiring learners.

    Shailendra’s unique, hands-on training programs and bestselling books have empowered thousands of professionals to excel in their careers and crack tough interviews. A visionary leader, he continues to revolutionize technology education with his innovative approach.
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