Understanding  Outer Join in SQL

Understanding Outer Join in SQL

02 Dec 2024
12 min read
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Outer Join in SQL

Outer Joins in SQL are important to understand for developers who want to retrieve specific data from multiple tables, even when there are no matches in some of them. Imagine having the ability to access all records from one table and the matching records from another, while providing a broader view of your data. Outer Joins in SQL allows you to maintain relationships while still retrieving valuable information, even when some relationships are missing.

In this SQL tutorial, I’ll explain the fundamentals of Outer Join in SQL, how they enhance data retrieval by allowing you to work with incomplete data, and why mastering them is crucial for developing effective database applications.

What is an Outer Join in SQL?

  • An Outer Join combines rows from two or more tables and includes all rows from one table and matched rows from the other table(s).
  • The result includes rows with matches as well as those without matches from the specified table.
  • If a row from one table doesn’t have a corresponding row in another, it’s still included, with null values for the unmatched columns.
  • Useful for showing data even when relationships aren’t fully established, like customers with or without orders.

Read More: Different Types of SQL Joins

    Types of Outer Joins

      1. Left Outer Join in SQL: You will see all the rows from the left table and any matching rows from the right table. If there are no matches, the left table's rows will still show up, but the right table's values will be empty. This way, you keep all the data from the left side while getting related info from the right.

      2. Right Outer Join in SQL: You will get all the rows from the right table, along with any matching rows from the left table. If there are no matches, the values on the left table will be empty. This join helps you keep all the data from the right side while also including related data from the left.

      3. Full Outer Join in SQL: You will have all the rows from both tables, showing matched rows when available. If a row from one table doesn’t match any row in the other, it will still appear, with the missing side left empty. This join gives you a complete view of all data, so you won’t miss anything from either side.

    Outer Join Syntax

    SELECT column_name(s)
    FROM table1
    ON table1.common_column = table2.common_column;
    • SELECT: It specifies the columns you want to retrieve.
    • FROM:It indicates the primary table.
    • LEFT/RIGHT/FULL OUTER JOIN:It combines rows where the common column matches and includes unmatched rows.
    • ON: Defines the condition between the tables using a common column.

    Example Data

    To demonstrate the various types of Outer Joins, let's use the following example data:

    Customers Table


    Orders Table


    1. Left Outer Join Example

    Left Outer Join Example

    This query returns all customers' orders. If a customer has not placed an order, it will show with null values for order details.

    SELECT Customers.CustomerName, Orders.Product
    FROM Customers
    ON Customers.CustomerID = Orders.CustomerID;

    Left Outer Join Result


    2. Right Outer Join Example

    Right Outer Join Example

    This query returns all orders and the customers who placed them. If an order has no associated customer, it will show with null values for customer details.

    SELECT Customers.CustomerName, Orders.Product
    FROM Customers
    ON Customers.CustomerID = Orders.CustomerID;

    Right Outer Join Result


    3. Full Outer Join Example

    Full Outer Join Example

    This query returns all customers and all orders, including unmatched rows from both tables. If there are no matches, null values will fill the missing data.

    SELECT Customers.CustomerName, Orders.Product
    FROM Customers
    ON Customers.CustomerID = Orders.CustomerID;

    Full Outer Join Result


    With Outer Joins, you can create meaningful reports and analyses, even when dealing with incomplete data. Mastering them will enable you to craft more comprehensive queries, keeping all your data relationships visible.

    Outer Joins vs. Inner Joins

    Join TypeDescription
    Inner JoinInner Join in SQL is used when one wants to retrieve only rows that possess matching values in both tables. If a row in one table does not have a matching row in the other table, that row will not appear in the result. Inner joins are helpful when you are interested only in data related to one another between two tables.
    Left JoinIn the Left Join, all records return from the left table, and matching records, if any, return from the right table. In case of no match, the result set will contain the left table's row with NULLs for columns coming from the right table.
    Right JoinThe opposite happens with a Right Join: it returns all the rows in the right table, placing NULLs when no match in the left table has been found.
    Full Outer JoinA Full Outer Join returns every row for both tables, with NULLs where no match exists.
    Key DifferenceInner joins give you just matched data, while outer joins ensure you don't miss data from either of the tables if there's no match.

      Example Explained

      Let's use the same tables: Products and Orders.

      • If we want to retrieve only the products that have been ordered, we would use an Inner Join:
      SELECT Products.ProductName, Orders.OrderID
      FROM Products
      INNER JOIN Orders
      ON Products.ProductID = Orders.ProductID;
      Inner Join Output
      Product Name Order ID
      Product A1
      Product B2
      • Outer join in SQL with examples we have applied here. If we want to see all products regardless of whether they have been ordered, we will use a Left Outer Join:
      SELECT Products.ProductName, Orders.OrderID
      FROM Products
      LEFT OUTER JOIN Orders
      ON Products.ProductID = Orders.ProductID;
      Left Outer Join Output
      Product Name Order ID
      Product A1
      Product B2
      Product CNULL

      In this case, the result of the Left Outer Join would include all products, and for those without any corresponding orders, the OrderID would be NULL.


      A CROSS JOIN in SQL returns the Cartesian product of the two tables, combining all rows from the first table with all rows from the second. Unlike Outer Joins, it doesn’t require a common column.

      SELECT Customers.CustomerName, Orders.Product
      FROM Customers
      CROSS JOIN Orders;

      Practical Applications of Outer Joins

      • E-Commerce Applications: Display all customers and their orders, even if some customers haven’t made any purchases.
      • Inventory Management: Combine product tables with supplier information, showing all products and their suppliers.

      Best Practices for Using Outer Joins

      • Understand Data Relationships: Knowing how your tables relate helps in constructing effective Outer Joins.
      • Limit Result Sets: Use WHERE clauses to filter results when necessary to improve performance.
      • Test Queries: Validate your joins with small datasets before applying them to larger datasets.

      Advanced Outer Join Techniques

      • Using Outer Joins with Aggregate Functions: Leverage functions like SUM() or COUNT() with Outer Joins.
        SELECT Customers.CustomerName, COUNT(Orders.OrderID) AS TotalOrders
        FROM Customers
        LEFT OUTER JOIN Orders
        ON Customers.CustomerID = Orders.CustomerID
        GROUP BY Customers.CustomerName;

      Common Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them

      • Ignoring NULL Values: Remember that unmatched rows result in NULL values; handle them in your application logic.
      • Excessive Data Retrieval: Be cautious with Full Outer Joins, as they can produce large datasets; filter as needed.
      Outer Joins in SQL are used to combine rows from two or more tables, guaranteeing that all records from the primary table are included, even if no matching records exist in the secondary table. This technique allows you to obtain large datasets, making it easier to examine relationships and generate insights from your information. Mastering Outer Joins in SQl will increase your database querying skills and capacity to work with complex data. Enroll in the ScholarHat SQL Server Course to advance your career and learn how to handle databases with our SQL Server Certification.


      You use a FULL OUTER JOIN when you want to retrieve all records from both tables, even if there is no match between them. It combines the results of both LEFT JOIN and RIGHT JOIN, filling in NULL where there's no match.

      You need OUTER JOINS when you want to include all records from one or both tables, regardless of whether there's a matching row in the other table. It helps retrieve complete data, including unmatched rows, ensuring you don't miss any information.

      No, a FULL OUTER JOIN does not create duplicates; it combines all unique rows from both tables. However, if there are matching rows in both tables, those rows will appear only once in the result set. Duplicates only appear if they already exist in the source tables. 

      Yes, you can have multiple OUTER JOINS in a single SQL query. You can combine multiple tables using LEFT OUTER JOIN, RIGHT OUTER JOIN, or FULL OUTER JOIN as needed. Just ensure each join condition is correctly defined to avoid incorrect results or performance issues. 

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      About Author
      Shailendra Chauhan (Microsoft MVP, Founder & CEO at ScholarHat)

      Shailendra Chauhan, Founder and CEO of ScholarHat by DotNetTricks, is a renowned expert in System Design, Software Architecture, Azure Cloud, .NET, Angular, React, Node.js, Microservices, DevOps, and Cross-Platform Mobile App Development. His skill set extends into emerging fields like Data Science, Python, Azure AI/ML, and Generative AI, making him a well-rounded expert who bridges traditional development frameworks with cutting-edge advancements. Recognized as a Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) for an impressive 9 consecutive years (2016–2024), he has consistently demonstrated excellence in delivering impactful solutions and inspiring learners.

      Shailendra’s unique, hands-on training programs and bestselling books have empowered thousands of professionals to excel in their careers and crack tough interviews. A visionary leader, he continues to revolutionize technology education with his innovative approach.
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