AWS Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)
- Introduction to EC2
- Types of EC2
- Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) Concepts
- Pay as you go model ( Different pricing models of EC2)
- Amazon Machine Images (AMI)
- Creating custom AMI
- Concept of snapshots
- EBS vs Instance store
- How to create and manage Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)
- Tagging EC2 resources and its importance
- Customising security groups for inbound and outbound traffic to EC2 instances
- Launch and connect to an EC2 Linux instance
- Launch and connect to an EC2 Windows instance
- Designing highly available and fault tolerant compute cloud
- Upgrading and downgrading EC2 instances in terms of compute or storage capacity
- Bootstrapping
- Launching a webserver within minutes
- Scheduled events of AWS
- Retiring EC2 instances
- Common EC2 instance scenarios and related troubleshooting
Load Balancing
- Introduction to Scaling
- Components and types of load balancing
- Load balancers and health check
- Elastic load balancer
- Application Load Balancer
Auto Scaling
- Introduction to Auto scaling
- Components of Auto Scaling
- Advantages of Auto scaling
- Policies of auto scaling
- Autoscaling EC2 instances fleet.
Compute Services
- Introduction to Compute Services
- Going serverless
- AWS Compute Services: Lambda and Elastic Beanstalk
- Compute Services Best Practices
- Lambda-concepts
- How to use it to make your cloud infrastructure cost efficient
- Lambda function to start-stop AWS EC2/RDS resources